
.0009 Tc .0139 Tw W)-6.1(h)14.9(y)53.1(? S 1 0 0 1 540 0 cm 0 0 m Active listening is at the heart of client-centered counseling and, once mastered, offers a powerful tool, valuable in our professional work, relationships, and personal lives (Miller & Rollnick, 2013). He adds that when kids are engaged with characters and a story, they dont need a lot of action and movement to be sucked in. T* 10 0 0 10 78.0999 450.5 Tm Reviewed by:Jennifer Litner, LMFT, CSTTimothy J. Legg, Ph.D., Psy.D., CRNP, ACRN, CPH. -.0096 Tc Motivational interviewing is generally short-term counseling that requires just one or two sessions, though it can also be included as an intervention along with other, longer-term therapies. [(S)-6.8(o)8.6(l)13.3(u)11.6(t)-17.6(i)8.6(o)9.2(n)11.2(-)24.8(f)14.6(o)-5.4(c)-11.8(u)-17.6(s)-5(e)-6.3(d).4( t)-19.5(h)10.3(e)6.2(r)-9.3(a)6.8(p)8.7(i)-15.6(s)-4.4(t)-17.5(s).4( u)-17.6(s)-5(e a si)-16.6(m)-21(i)-23.9(l)-4.9(a)-21.5(r t)-19.5(h)-19.5(r)8.8(e)-6.8(e)2.5(-c)-9.8(a)15.4(t)-3(eg)13.7(o)8.7(r)-35.6(y s)-15.6(y)-8.9(stem to)16.5( )]TJ Therapists should earn at least a master's degree. /F1 1 Tf 0 Tw -.013 Tw Open-ended questions encourage patients to think deeply or differently about a given problem. [(l)7.5(e)6.1(ng)-20.2(i)-18.2(n)-1.6(g to est)-16.7(a).8(b)8(l)-19.2(i)-16.2(s)3.7(h a)-21.6(n)9.7(d m)-7.4(a)-22.6(i)-18.2(n)13.1(t)-16.7(a)-22.6(i)-18.2(n)-.2( a t)-20.1(h)9.7(e)5.6(r)-9.9(a)6.2(p)-5.5(eu)10.9(t)-18.2(i)8(c r)8.1(e)4.2(l)-5.5(a)14.8(t)-18.2(i)8(o)8.6(n)-17.7(sh)-20.6(i)9.6(p)15.8(. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (M.D. Psychologists possess the highest level of education and only see specific cases in their field of expertise. T* -.001 Tw 0 -15 l WebMuch of a social workers time is spent talking and listening to clients and colleagues. /Cs8 cs 1 scn .0076 Tc [(ab)-7(o)6.1(u)10(t sp)-6.5(e)-8.4(c)-7(i)-25.1()]TJ /F2 1 Tf In most cases, psychologists, counselors, and therapists cannot prescribe medication. Automate intake forms. -.0012 Tc -.0028 Tc T)94.6(o)1.1( be)-6.1(co)10.8(m)10(e)1.1( m)15.3(u)-25.3(l)11.4(t)-16.9(i)9.3(c)-11.1(u)-25.3(l)11.4(t)-20.3(u)-19.4(r)-8.7(a)-26.6(l)-23.2(l)1.2(y se)7.4(n)-16.4(s)4.1(i)11.9(t)-16.9(iv)13.3(e a)-20.3(n)11(d co)10.8(m)8.3(p)-4.3(ete)7.4(n)14.4(t)-14.5(,)1( y)13.2(o)8.4(u)20.6()-40.1(l)-23.2(l)1.1( a)-26.6(l)-15.4(so )]TJ )73.5( W)143.8(e)73.5( r)81.9(e)66.3(c)63.3(a)45.8(l)49.2(l)73.5( a)52.1(n)73.5( i)55.5(n)86.8(t)70.1(e)79.3(r)63.8(a)84.5(c)56(t)55.5(i)81.7(o)82.3(n)73.5( t)53.6(h)68.2(a)88.5(t)73.5( o)67.7(c)73.5(c)61.3(u)53.1(r)62.3(r)81.9(e)66.8(d)73.5( a)88.5(t)73.5( a)88.2( )]TJ WebfSteps in Counselling Interview In order to make the interview meaningful and effective, the following steps arefollowed : 1. 15 0 l This will give you a better feel for the culture of the program itself. 8 0 0 8 499.685 669 Tm Figuring out where to apply? )34.1(\))]TJ q 1 0 0 1 18 702 cm 0 0 m 0 -15 l T* /F7 1 Tf .0083 Tc -15 0 l Finding that healthy and appropriate balance is something that I have found to be a day-to-day challenge. -.0048 Tw .011 Tc [(M)-5.5(a)-20.6(n)13.1(y).8( r)9.2(e)-3.9(s)-4.6(e)-2.5(a)-21.1(r)9.2(ch)10.7(e)6.6(r)-.1(s a)-20.6(n)10.7(d cl)-18.2(i)-17.2(n)-19.6(i)9(c)-5(ia)-20.6(n)-16.7(s).8( h)-4.5(a)12.6(v)13(e).8( w)-21.1(r)-12.3(i)11.6(t)-24.5(te)7.1(n ab)-5(o)8.1(u)12(t sub)8.5(t)-23(l)8.5(e).7( w)-10.4(a)14(y)-8.5(s).8( t)-19.1(h)10.6(e)6.6(r)-8.9(a)12.7(-)]TJ .0004 Tc First, social media has inevitably affected the practice of psychology. Prioritize information privacy. 0 -1.3333 TD -15 0 l 19.4355 0 TD [(F)5.7(o)-5.7(r t)-13.6(h)-3.9(i)-5.2(s)-.1( ac)-22.5(t)-11.3(i)-6.6(v)-7.6(i)-5.2(t)-24.9(y)29.9(, y)5.3(o)-6.4(u s)-7(h)-5.4(o)-6.4(u)-6.5(l)-7.1(d)-.1( wo)-5.7(rk w)-8.1(i)-5.2(t)-13.6(h)-.1( a p)-7.6(a)-4(r)-23.4(t)-12.8(n)-5.4(e)-10.4(r)45.4(. -.5551 -1.3333 TD 6.8061 0 TD -8.9849 -1.3333 TD 1.25 w 10 M ).6( U)21.9(n)10.5(d)7.4(e)6.4(rst)-15.9(a)-20.8(n)10.5(d)-19.8(i)-17.4(n)-.8(g t)-19.3(h)10.5(es)-4.8(e )]TJ 0 Tw [( c )9.5(d)-20.9(i)-1.4(v)11.7(e)5.3(rsi)10.3(t)-39(y)24.7(-)]TJ Do more than just read their online material. 1.25 w 10 M WebBasic Counselling Skills Overview Attending Challenge Empathy Focusing Immediacy Pacing Questioning Rapport Reflecting and Paraphrasing Relational Depth Silence Summarising Therapeutic Relationship Unconditional Positive Regard TheoryMenu Toggle Person-CentredMenu Toggle 7 Stages of Process 19 Propositions Carl Rogers Quotes [(e)8.1(n)15.1(t)-16.1(s)1.8( i)-14.2(s)1.8( o)9.5(f)-33.3(te)8.1(n es)-4.7(s)-3.6(e)8.1(n)15.1(t)-16.2(ia)-25.9(l \()11(R)-21.6(. This degree also requires supervised clinical work and most states require around two years of clinical supervision before the individual would be eligible for licensure. 60 665.5 24 45.5 re [(T)167.8(o)74.2( h)84.2(e)78.7(l)84.1(p)74.2( w)50.5(i)85.1(t)54.4(h)74.3( y)86.5(o)81.6(u)53.8(r)74.2( a)85.3(c)74.3(c)62.1(u)55.2(m)88.5(u)47.9(l)69(a)89.3(t)56.3(i)82.5(o)83(n)74.3( o)82(f)74.3( m)88.5(u)47.9(l)84.6(t)56.3(i)82.5(c)62.1(u)47.9(l)84.6(t)52.9(u)53.8(r)64.5(a)46.6(l)74.3( k)48.5(n)84.2(o)87.5(w)71.8(l)82(e)67.6(d)76.8(g)87.5(e)73.7(,)74.2( w)87.1(e)75.1()99.5(v)86.4(e)89.1( )]TJ The therapist guides the patient in spotting this discrepancy and solutions to reduce it. Motivational interviewing evolved from Carl Rogers person-centered, or client-centered, approach to counseling and therapy, as a method to help people commit to the difficult process of change. .0031 Tc 15 0 l [(t)7.9(o)1( y)7(o)-2.8(ur under)-8.3(s)-8.4(t)-7.4(a)1.7(nding of thi)7.3(s)37.7(? )]TJ 15 0 l -.0021 Tc When the client processes your observation, he might do one of the following: Accept your words, replying: Youre right. S )3.2( Wha)7.3(t)3.2( w)7.3(e)-.4(r)4.4(e)3.2( y)9.2(o)-.6(ur t)4.9(hough)8.7(t)-8(s)3.2( a)3.9(n)-1.1(d )]TJ -.0101 Tw -15 0 l %JlaW_X@I\1%uTl%uxd)FzZd-Oxu?# 0 J 0 j .5 w 4 M []0 d They usually ask questions, (. Counselors work with individuals or groups, ()Tj -.0131 Tw 0 15 l [(I)-19.1(f)-.1( y)12.1(o)7.2(u)19.4()58.4(r)8.3(e)-.1( a m)-21.5(i)-18.1(n)9.8(o)8.2(r)-13.2(i)10.7(t)-38.6(y)-.1( g)-19.6(r)8.3(o)7.2(u)7.6(p m)8.8(e)4.4(mb)-5.9(e)5.7(r)52(, b)-5.9(e)-.1( o)8.5(p)-5.4(e)6.2(n)-.1( to d)-20.5(i)-16.1(s)-5.5(c).9(o)8.7(v)12.1(e)5.7(r)-13.2(i)-18.1(n)-1.5(g w)-11.3(a)13.1(y)-9.4(s)-.1( to h)-5.4(a)11.7(v)12.1(e)-2.5( )]TJ She earned her MS in marriage and family therapy from Northwestern University and her master of education in human sexuality studies at Widener University. /F4 1 Tf 0 Tw 1.25 w 10 M -.012 Tc -.0161 Tc -.0107 Tw -8.9284 -1.3333 TD Jennifer Litner is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist working in private practice in Chicago. /F5 1 Tf [(Cu)-18.6(s)-5.6(t)-14.4(om)-4.8(e)-11.2(r)-8.4(s)-4.3( f)-3.6(o)-.4(r)-4.2( c)-10.7(h)-14.3(a)-2.4(n)-.5(ge)-15(:)]TJ ET .0121 Tw Typical behavioral interviews focus on items like time management and conflict [(co)8(u)-19.2(n)-16.8(s)-4.7(e)5.1(l)-18.3(i)-17.3(ng. )94.2(1)82.1( )]TJ )-1.6( Su)7.8(e & Su)7.7(e, 2)-16.9(0)33(1)40.2(6)18.8(\))20.4(. .0132 Tw 0 0 0 0 k )-7.9( )]TJ 15 0 l [(i)-18(n)9.9(cl)12.9(u)9.4(d)6.8(e)-6.7(d)0( m)14.3(u)-26.3(l)10.3(t)-18(i)8.2(c)-12.2(u)-26.3(l)10.3(t)-21.4(u)-20.4(r)-9.7(a)-27.7(l h)-20.4(i)0(g)-21.9(h)-25.8(l)-19(i)0(g)-21.9(h)13.3(t b)-5.8(o)18.6(x)9.8(e)-4.7(s a)-21.4(n)9.9(d co)8.8(v)12.2(e)5.8(r)-9.7(a)-.5(g)13.3(e)0( o)7.7(f)0( sp)-5.3(e)-7.2(c)-5.8(i)-23.9()]TJ /F2 1 Tf S Men have long been silent and stoic about their inner lives, but theres every reason for them to open up emotionallyand their partners are helping. Industrial-organizational psychologists work with management, interview focus groups, and analyze research. [( )-26.8(x t)-21.7(h)8.1(e)3.6(i)-20.3(r o)11.4(w)-23.7(n p)7(r)6.6(ob)6.4(l)5.9(e)2.7(m )]TJ She was also actively involved in an internship training program. -16.9802 -1.8421 TD /GS3 gs Your first experience with a career counselor was likely in high school, from your schools student counselor. .01 Tw .0205 Tw .0011 Tc [(c)-11.5(a)-22.7(n r)6.9(e)-4.6(a)9.5(d).7( ab)-7.2(o)5.8(u)9.7(t p)-6.7(o)11.7(w)22.1(-)21.8(w)12.7(o)11.7(w)-8.6(s).7( a)-22.7(n)8.3(d I)-16.4(n)8.3(d)-21.7(i)-6.2(a)-22.7(n).7( f)-22.7(r)-37.2(y b)6.7(r)6.9(e)-4.6(a)9.5(d, b)5.8(u)9.6(t i)-23.1(f).7( y)10.7(o)5.8(u r)6.9(e)-4.6(a)-28.9(l)-25.5(ly w)-12.5(a)-22.7(n)11.8(t)-1.7( )]TJ -.0549 Tw )72.2(,)68.4( 2)53.1(0)103(1)123.4(4)95(\))90.4(. /F7 1 Tf .5551 0 TD (. -.0312 Tc 0 J 0 j .5 w 4 M []0 d -.0024 Tc Not all types of counselors need degrees, though required education ranges from a high school diploma to a master's degree. If they are providing psychotherapy services members of the organization, then they must be licensed. [(n)-4.7(e)2.3(w a)10.5(w)-3.3(aren)-4.7(ess y)6.7(o)-3.1(u ha)14.4(v)8.6(e).7( ab)-11.7(out y)6.7(o)-3.1(ur cultur)-4.8(al iden)6.2(tit)-28.3(y)41.1(. 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 60 665.5 cm 0 0 m -.0013 Tc T* e#PpF2i2q. .0091 Tc -.0018 Tc But this focus needs to be balanced with questions that bring out client strengths, supports in the family or friendship group, and past and present accomplishments. [(we)-6.1(re har)-8(a)1.1(ss)-8(e)-13.3(d)-2.5( o)-6.8(r)-2.5( p)-7.3(r)-1.3(eve)-6.1(n)3(te)-13.3(d f)-12.3(r)-.9(o)-6.8(m)-2.5( d)-6.3(o)-4.8(in)-6.3(g s)-7.5(o)-6.8(m)-9.3(e)-8(th)]TJ .0174 Tw Place of Employment. Some substance abuse counselors only have a high school diploma. The therapist supports the patients belief in themselves that they can change. programs are purely clinical and that Ph.D. programs are solely research. .0284 Tc This guide Explores the differences between counselors, therapists, and psychologists. )11.7( U)23.4(s)11.8(u)6.4(a)-16(l)-12.6(l)11.8(y)69.1(,)11.7( f)25.9(o)20(r)10.1( )]TJ ).7( Sue)6.3(,).7( Ar)-4.8(re)-10.1(dondo)10.3(,).7( and)18.1( )]TJ 0 0 0 .6 k -.0014 Tw .0083 Tc -.0028 Tc Reflections involve listening to the patient and reflecting back a response, which can demonstrate empathy as well as point out discrepancies between their current behaviors and goals. 0 Tw )-4.4( )]TJ 0 Tw -.0005 Tw /Cs9 CS 0 SCN In addition to her practice, Dr. Zuckerman offers seminars and support groups for the Epilepsy Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania and frequently presents at their conferences. Motivational interviewing is also appropriate for people who are angry or hostile. While there is overlap between psychologists and counselors, there are also key differences that are useful to Focus on the purpose. )]TJ [(I)-14(n)1.1( co)9.9(n)14.4(t)-17.4(r)-8.6(a)-18.4(st)-14.5(, s)-4.3(o)10.8(m)10(e)-1.3(t)-16.9(i)-15.9(m)10(e)-3.6(s cl)-17.9(i)9.3(e)7.4(n)14.4(t)-16.8(s e)7.4(n)11(d u)8.8(p)1.1( i)-16.9(n)1.1( t)-18.8(h)11(e)6.9(r)-8.6(a)7.5(p)6.5(y w)-22.7(i)11.9(t)-18.8(h)1.1( l)-17.9(i)11.9(t)-24.2(t)-22.7(l)8.8(e)1.1( m)9.9(o)8.8(t)-16.9(i).2(v)-10.5(a)16.1(t)-16.9(i)9.3(o)9.9(n)-9.6(. S 1 0 0 1 540 0 cm 0 0 m 1.3302 0 TD )]TJ [(b)5.6(e)17.6(h)6.1(a)23.2(v)-14.4(i)19.6(o)19.7(r)10.5(s,)11.4( a)-10(n)21.3(d)11.4( wa)24.6(ys)11.4( o)19.1(f)11.4( b)5.6(e)16.8(i)-6.6(n)10(g)9(. Most states require licensure for practitioners to use the title "psychologist." -.0432 Tw Can y)6.2(o)-3.6(u think of e)-11.6(x)10.1(c)9.1(e)-3.4(ption)6.7(s)-1.9( )]TJ This intervention helps people become motivated to change the behaviors that are preventing them from making healthier choices. WebIn interviewing, therapists attempt to help individuals feel comfortable so that candid and relevant information is revealed. Many therapists use a specific theoretical orientation to guide their practice, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, which allows clients to take their negative thoughts and replace them with positivity. /GS3 gs 1.7143 0 TD ()Tj T* [(A)-24.3(m)9.5(e)6.4(r)-12.5(i)8.8(c)-9.6(a)-20.8(n)-16.9(s)-5.4(. Counselors and therapists share many similarities, and some professionals use the terms interchangeably. 0 -1.6667 TD -14.9606 -1.4737 TD -.0135 Tc [(t)4.9(h)3.3(a)7.3(t)3.2( y)9.2(o)-.6(u p)-9.2(o)4.4(s)6.3(s)-2.3(es)6.3(s)39.9(? WebDifferences Between a Life Coach and a Counselor. 0 15 l -.0087 Tc Place of Employment. 0 -15 l .0007 Tw W)91.7(. 0 -15 l [(y)-8.1(o)-17.9(u)-14.1( co)-18.4(m)-20.9(e)-14.1( t)-7.2(o)-14.1( k)-30.2(n)-17.9(o)-8.6(w)-14.1( y)-8.1(o)-17.9(u)-14.3(r)-14.1( h)-19.5(e)-17.7(r)-17.7(i)-15.8(t)-22.5(a)-17.8(g)-18.9(e)20.2(? /Cs9 CS 0 SCN -.0115 Tw -1.8947 -1.8421 TD These are: Empathy is a key component of motivational interviewing. -2.2491 -1.3333 TD )-11.2( )]TJ -.0133 Tc S 1 0 0 1 -522 684 cm 0 0 m Choosing between a career as a counselor, therapist, or psychologist may depend on your intended level of education, ideal professional role, and salary goals. 4.5893 0 TD .0428 Tw -.0064 Tw S 1 0 0 1 504 702 cm 0 0 m +.E/]/$`4_(/ ZR#}"x5+HYifzaIw6]Mn{'#e=UbA$pT4H@S/z+(=#EQ1k`BJsk? It is a long journey, but a rewarding one in the end. Ask current and former students about their experiences and opinions. .0165 Tc Interviewing is asking questions, to get or elicit information. While some of these conversations, meetings and interviews go well, most people can think of times when the outcome could have been better in some -11.1354 -1.3333 TD [(\()3.7(D)28.6(. -.0394 Tw 6.2727 0 TD [(R)20.5(e)-3.7(a)10.6(d)-20.8(i)-18.4(n)-1.8(g to a)10.6(c).1(qu)-21.3(i)-18.9(r)8(e d)-20.8(i)-1.3(v)11.8(e)5.4(rs)-5.8(e c)-12.6(u)-26.7(l)9.9(t)-21.8(u)-20.8(r)-10.1(a)-28.1(l)-.4( k)-26.1(n)9.5(o)12.8(w)-2.8(l)7.3(e)-7.1(dg)12.9(e i)-16.4(s)-.4( a u)-18.4(s)-5.8(ef)-31.5(u)-26.7(l)-.4( b)6.9(u)10.8(t l)-19.4(i)-17.4(m)-21.8(i)10.4(te)-7.1(d )]TJ -.5541 -1.3333 TD -.0101 Tc 12 0 0 12 108 167.18 Tm Careers in counseling, therapy, and psychology each hold different education requirements, licensure standards, and potential salaries. .0122 Tw S 1 0 0 1 0 -702 cm 0 0 m Of the three positions, counselors earn the lowest median salaries ($44,630), while psychologists earn the highest ($79,010). [(. Therapy takes place over a longer period and tends to focus on more complex issues, while counseling tends to take place on a short-term basis and tends to address a more focused issue. -.0006 Tw To understand their experiences, I must remain aware of the ever-changing social media landscape. [( )-105.6(e)9.5(r)12.1(e)10(n)17(t)3.7( m)-17.7(i)-14.3(n)13.6(o)12(r)-9.4(i)14.5(t)-34.8(y)3.7( po)12.3(p)11.5(u)-22.6(la)18.7(t)-14.3(i)11.9(o)12.5(n)-13.8(s.)3.7( F)17.8(o)12(r)3.7( ex)-8.9(a)-16.7(m)11(p)12.4(l)11.4(e,)3.7( l)11.4(e).4(a)-18.2(r)-7.5(n)14.5(-)]TJ This type of data can be collected using diary accounts or in-depth interviews and analyzed using grounded theory or thematic analysis. 0 -1.3333 TD By far, the most rewarding thing about my career as a psychologist is seeing my patients improve. .0044 Tc .0251 Tw -.0012 Tw endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /CropBox [ 36 36 540 702 ] /BleedBox [ 36 36 540 702 ] /MediaBox [ 36 36 540 702 ] /Rotate 0 /TrimBox [ 36 36 540 702 ] /Resources 124 0 R /Parent 120 0 R /Contents 122 0 R /Type /Page >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Subtype /Type1C /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 3098 >> stream S q 1 0 0 1 18 702 cm 0 0 m WebA technical screen is a behavioral interview with an emphasis on technical experiences. The interviewer listens and reflects back the clients thoughts so that [(tion)37.9(? 0 Tc Closing )]TJ Solution-focused counseling (SFC) and motivational interviewing (MI) have gained recognition over the past 2 decades. S 1 0 0 1 540 0 cm 0 0 m It was introduced by psychologist William R. Miller in 1983 and further developed by Miller and psychologist Stephen Rollnick. Therapists also complete supervised experience through internships or residencies. 0 -15 l .0065 Tc .5541 0 TD First, I had always been interested in how the body worked. [(d)23.2(e)11.7(s)11(c)12.1(ri)20.8(b)10.6(e)16.4( c)13.1(l)-2.6(i)24.6(e)22.7(n)29.7(t)16.4( m)25.3(o)24.1(ti)15.5(v)4.8(a)31.4(ti)24.6(o)25.2(n)16.4( \()34.4(M)34.4(u)-4(rp)25.5(h)31.6(y)73.8(,)16.4( 20)51(1)25.6(5)29.5(\))38.4(. (21)Tj .0318 Tw -.0015 Tw -.0011 Tc It is less useful for those who are already motivated to change. 22.595 0 TD -1.7143 -1.3333 TD )]TJ [(m)-20.5(i)-17.1(n)10.8(o)9.2(r)-12.2(i)11.7(t)-17.1(i)9.1(es a)-20.5(n)10.8(d f)15.1(o)9.2(r t)-19(h)10.8(e st)-17.6(r)-19(u).5(g)-13.7(g)-24.4(l)8.6(e)-3.8(s t)-19(h)-4.4(a)15.9(t).9( d)10.8(o)10.6(m)-20.5(i)-17.1(n)-5.3(a)-20.5(n)14.2(t).9( c)-11.3(u)-25.4(l)11.2(t)-20.5(u)-19.5(r)-8.8(a)-26.8(l).9( g)-18.6(r)9.3(o)8.2(u)8.7(p m)9.8(e)5.4(mb)-4.9(e)6.7(r)0(s )]TJ 0 -1.8421 TD \()9.8(I)-6.1(f not)-5.1(,).9( was th)-4.6(ere ev)8.7(er a tim)-6(e).8( wh)-4.6(en y)6.8(o)-3(u )]TJ [( )-60.5(nition of a )22.3(m)-6.2(en)6.1(t)-7.8(a).7(ll)-4.5(y h)-4.8(e)-.1(alth)14.2(y indiv)-5.8(i)-2.7(dual)-13(? .0028 Tc The interview format dictates the setting and individuals involved while the interview style dictates the method of asking the questions. 1.7143 0 TD .008 Tc [(m)9.8(o)8.6(t)-17.1(i)0(v)-10.7(a)15.9(te)-5.8(d)-6.9(. )Tj -.0029 Tc .022 Tw 0 15 l )9.1( )]TJ T* )20.5( )]TJ 0 Tw (These four skills may be referred to by the acronym OARS: open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, summaries.). 1.7143 0 TD S 1 0 0 1 0 -702 cm 0 0 m Prescriptive authority depends on the state and usually requires certification and education. 0 Tc WebCounseling and psychotherapy are typically seen as focused on life challenges and problems. Counselors find employment in many different settings to work closely with a diverse set of clients. [(C)16.1(u)-1.4(ltur)-6.8(all)-6.3(y).9( sk)-17.2(ill)-5.7(e)-11.9(d .)16.8(.)16.8(. /GS3 gs Counseling is a more intensive and personal process which 0 Tc W)-6.7(h).8(at p)-7.2(a)1.4(r)-29.3(t)-10.5(s of thi)7(s).7( culture do y)6.7(o)-3.1(u embr)-4.8(ac)9.6(e)35(? -.0119 Tw .0165 Tc 0 Tw 0 Tw S 1 0 0 1 -540 -666 cm 0 0 m Motivational interviewing posits that clients possess the strength and ability to grow and changeeven if past attempts at change have failed. -.015 Tc /F6 1 Tf -.0018 Tc f [(r)23.1(e)7.5(c)13.8(e)21(n)28(t)14.7( g)-4.8(r)1.6(i)22.9(e)18.1(f)14.7( c)15.7(o)23.5(n)-8.7(f)26.6(e)20.5(r)23.1(e)21(n)24.6(c)13.8(e)14.7( t)-5.2(h)9.4(a)29.7(t)14.7( i)-9.6(l)-9.6(l)27.6(us)9.9(t)-3.8(r)5(a)29.7(t)11.3(e)8(d)14.7( t)-5.2(h)-5.7(is)14.7( l)-4.3(i)-2.3(m)-6.7(i)25.5(ta)29.7(ti)22.9(o)23.5(n)4(. .0089 Tc 0 Tw 1.7143 -1.3333 TD WebThe terms therapy and counseling are often used interchangeably. -.01 Tw ).6( A)8.4(t).6( o)9.4(n)10.5(e p)-4.7(o)8.4(i)-17.4(n)13.9(t)-15(,).6( a W)-34.5(h)-19.8(i)11.4(t)-2.8(e pa)-21.3(r)-24.2(t)-17.4(i)8.8(c)-5.2(i)10.4(p).3(a)-20.8(n)13.9(t p)-4.7(o)-1.7(s)-4.8(e)-6.1(d t)-19.3(h)-19.8(i)-15.4(s).6( qu)10(est)-17.4(i)8.8(o)9.4(n)-10.1(: )96.8(A)-23.3(s a)8( )]TJ 60 665.5 24 45.5 re Preparation and establishment of rapport 2. -.0018 Tc /Cs8 cs 1 scn 1.8947 0 TD -1.7143 -1.3333 TD Q T* T* Also, it is extremely gratifying when patients who have been in therapy with me for some time permanently incorporate our therapeutic language into their everyday problem-solving. ).7( W)40.5(. -.0024 Tc [(W)-7(h).5(at p)-7.5(a)1.1(r)-29.6(t)-10.8(s do y)6.4(o)-3.4(u reje)-10.4(c)-23.3(t)28.9(? Substance abuse counselors work in residential treatment centers, outpatient treatment centers, and detention centers. The coordination of schedules, homework, doctor appointments, playdates, and carpools keep my head swimming -- and that is before I add in seeing patients. -.0019 Tc [(munic)-6.4(a)4.2(tion, A)11.5(u)-4.2(gus)-9.3(t).1( 1)44(0)6.7(, 2)9.3(0)40.2(1)69.9(2)21.5(\))19.7(. WebThe differences tend to be slight and on average. You will find greater differences from program to program (regardless of whether it is counseling or clinical) than you will find from counseling psychology programs as a whole to [( c)32.2(e)38.9(r)85.2(,)33.1( i)15.1(n)15.6(s)36.1(i)17.1(s)28.3(t)29.7(e)26.4(d)33.1( o)41.9(n)39.5( )]TJ

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