
Each jurisdiction has its own laws and its own policies for how law enforcement deal with domestic abuse. But I do not want a day when people wake up confused because women rights have been flushed down the toilets. Am I Enabling My Cheating Husbands Sin by Staying withHim? Or are women and little girls suppose to hurt to make Christian men feel good, I lived this life, it hurts so much. Daisy, just where in the Gospels did Christ say, I say Genesis 3:16 is not to be followed any more? You write as though no woman in the Bible had any learning. My mom told me that dad only punished her because he loved her, and that in a Christian family dad was in charge and no one can ever disobey him. You seem to imagine that the relationships start like a normal date, and then once the woman is trapped and vulnerable, the man shows his true colors, or initiates the discussion at a point when the woman cannot truly consent. I dont look at the guy next to me smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer and just because I understand that cigarettes and alcohol are self-destructive assume that they put significant thought into deciding to start. Finally, Daisy be more Christ-like; keep your nose out of my bedroom.. Thats in the Bible. I mean, on Star Trek, Kirk listened to Spock all of the time, but Kirk was still the boss. Those verses are being filtered by you through a patriarchy lens; they do not teach or support male authority over women, nor do they limit all women of all times, cultures, and churches from leading and teaching. Im not a Jew living in Israel in 5,000 B.C. For playing against human nature is playing against the pursuit of happiness, you will never deter people from seeking it. I dont consider Christian mutuality to be the same thing as feminism, though there may some Christian women in the egalitarian community who are fine using the word feminism for themselves. They then work out a document, a 30-page document describing every aspect of the relationship (the superior/inferior nature and all its practical implications, when and how spanking is to be performed, what the man can and cannot do, what the woman can and cannot do etc). ISIS loves it. Lydia00, Eph 5:21 does not contradict what follows., I agree. So when my husband spanked me the first time, I was embarrassed, but I thought maybe it was my fault or somehow it was OK. Feminism is merely a modern Western aberration. Reading this comment section is like reading a handbook of how liberal thinkers (and do not assume that I am a conservative), go about turning people who think differently than them into mentally sick people. Are these threats real? Jesus, gracious and merciful savior, the one who didnt punish me for my sins, but sacrificed yourself on a cross so that I could be forgiven before your just and holy father, in whose name I love and cherish my dear wife and sister in Christ, please help me as I beat her black and blue for disrespecting me!! WebBDSM provides a helpful framework for communication and safe, consensual exploration. Male rulership of women is common all over the world, because it is a result of sin entering humanity, just as God had predicted: God told the woman man would rule over her God was saying that was a result of the Fall. Never, dear Julie Anne, not for one second, did I imagine you would have the remotest understanding let alone any empathy for what I was trying to express. He spanked his wife so he could get the demons out and to stop the bad behavior which he labeled as narcissism. Shes also been provided several examples of those that have tried to leave (e.g. It was not Gods intent. Thanks, Gary. Always portraying women as feeble-minded helpless victims is the worst kind of infantilization. Its brilliant. It is not for you to determine someones path of recovery. Moreover, God created us in his image, and I dont see you can claim that beating the image of God is okay because its supposedly consensual. Anderson told Jamin it was strange and very uncommon, for someone to make a statement about having someone walk into their hand hard enough to leave marks on their throat. 4000 kids a day get killed for being conceived in the wrong womb. What do you mean by Feminist site? I write about marital discipline in a Christian home at my website spankingyourwife.wordpress.com. If you didnt, you wouldnt have your job for very long, would you?! Well, to hell with him. Would Jesus (bad word) the church against the churches will? But often I would struggle or try to escape but he was big and strong enough to hold me in place and then would tell me I was getting more for disobeying and struggling. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. 50 Things I Want To Tell My Daughter On Her 18thBirthday, To The Mother Figures In Our Lives: You Made Us Who We AreToday, Time To Drink From Gold Chalices Love Is Blind Season 4 IsHere, Why Horror Is So Much Scarier When Its Located In A BigCity, My HIV+ Story Is One I Refuse To Be AshamedOf. Its only by bringing the two together under complete subjection to Christ by both parties that the marriage will ever be complete. Anonymous, musingsofaministerswife.com, 11. We were told that it was biblicalto spank our teenagers, even ones who were overlegal adulthood. [redacted] mentioned a previous domestic violence incident that was reported by [redacted] on 06/01/2011, at approximately 2302 hours. Personally, I read 1 Corinthians 7 render due affection to indicate that if one spouse does something to render the other unwilling or unable to do so, that is sin. This is just like disciplining kids, just discipline. And make no mistake about it, any husband, pastor or other supposed Christian who claims the right to exercise coercive authority over another, excepting only to counter evil, is an abuser. But she will heal in her own good time none of us can force that on her. There are millions of non christians practicing domestic discipline, and millions of Christians practicing it too. And the part of the body does not change it from abuse to discipline if you were to grab a stranger and hit him on the bottom, youd be up for assault charges. That is the irony. What I can however say is that what you describe isnt generally speaking the spirit of domestic discipline. I disagree with you, but like Rock, I do not think that you are sick. Does anyone have advice? Anonymous, christianddgroup.typepad.com, 13. Just like there are many realities behind the word marriage, there are many realities behind the term domestic discipline. You can get in my face and scream it, and it still wont be a proof. How boring. And people, please take seriously my point about not thinking of other folk when you are in bed. You imply that by talking about husbands with authority. Good intentions yield more good intentions. Nor, based on his presentation here, did it ever occur to me to just assume that Lone Voice is a Christian. The Bible does not teach that men have God given authority over women. By consent is OK, we read. 1Pet 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Its not physically another person, but it is mentally and emotionally. campaign, Christian Domestic Discipline/Loving Wife Spanking in a Christian Marriage is not satire -- and I just can't get it out of my head. mysterious death, disappearance, ending up in a vegetative state in a nursing home) and been assured that they are powerful, well funded, technically and legally savvy and any efforts to move and change her identity are futile. The thing is that he never raged. Men do not step up to the plate to defend women. And then to quote half of 1Cor 7:4! But if some Christians decide a little S&M is good for them? It is not because you happen to discover it now that it is new thing. And your friend, of course, if she is able to. If adults have the right to spank those who disagree with them, well, I shudder to think of all the spank-fests thatd happen on every count; in every church meeting, every work-place. No wonder Lauren was so confused in her marriage. So without knowing it, the type of extreme feminism you promote is currently working toward its own destruction. Rock showed the stars and you looked at the finger. Our church pastor growing up would talk about disciplining according to emotional age, not actual age. When he was done, he did not say one word. You are going to have to move to a place of forgiveness.. [redacted] said Jamin has used pornography as a means of punishment towards [redacted]. Its heavy shepherding gone mad. But even then, it is always amazing how Eph 5:21 always ignored. It's not a book on Christian Domestic Discipline, but on Domestic Discipline and was written by a woman. As a little girl my biggest dream was to have the right to say NO to sex, NO to men. You never fail to amuse. I never heard or suspected anything growing up. That day we were getting ready to spend the day with my parents. What can be done to safely expose these abusers for what they really are and protect these women. So, if youre the family bully and thats the way its always been, does your wife really consent to being bullied? Your position is unbiblical. ;) I am neither kinky, nor a doormat. The wife-beater will remember our image before he raises his hand to punch his wife, not after he is jailed. I suggested you start with an interlinear to see how the Greek is worded just for starters but I keep forgetting you need phallic permission. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Its not just me that talks about your husband having authority, Julie Anne. Heresponded to a question from a husband about his unruly wifesaying the husbandcould become a Muslim so he could beat his wife. I debated putting this in the Godly ladies' thread but decided that I would risk my reputation to be thought of as forward because this is just too good to keep from men. But since then youve gone on to talk as though male headship is required in all Christian marriages, and as though feminism is some kind of dirty word. The clip is just over one minute long: After reading Laurens letter and sharing back and forth e-mails, I had so many questions. And if they fail to submit or they fail in other duties as wives they willingly accept Domestic Discipline. I knew at seventeen that I would rather be dead than married to a Christian man. Most of the time, my husband is like, Sure, baby. Here are some tidbits of the arrest report: [redacted] told me Jamin has a couple of different hunting rifles, a couple of shot guns, a Glock pistol and another silver pistol. I have neither the time (nor the talent) to write an entire book, so I'll recommend instead the following book. I am pretty sure that we will continue this lifestyle for as long as we live because it has done wonders for our marriage.

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