
", Peter made a face, "Oh, I totally forgot about that. This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. Cutting it a bit close don't you think?" He took a bite of the cookie, and was instantly in heaven at the sweet taste that washed over his tongue. "Yeah sorry Billy," he said with a guilty smile, scratching the back of his head. "Oh!" Avengers FanFiction. Please consider turning it on! He wasn't waving at you," Flash drawled, jabbing Peter in the ribs. "Very well Mr. Parker. And why would you need such a high level of clearance?" "I know I promised not to bother you, but I have received news of a certain child bothering you," the God said, his eyes hardening on Flash, like he already knew. Peter shrugged. He nodded and pulled out his badge. We don't want the military to have a vendetta against us, so be good. How long are you staying for?" (Avengers family oneshots). "Actually, as I'm sure you know, we have one of the main developers of the Avengers tech right here," Tony said, eyes finding Peter's for the first time since he entered. Work Search: "Just letting you know that dinner's in 30 minutes. "Please be mature, leave a good impression. He asked, glancing up at him briefly before refocusing onto the piece of equipment on the table before him. Quiet down. Wake me when it's time for dinner," he requested, earning an affirmative nod from Peter. "Ouch. The sound made Peter's ears hurt, with his heightened senses and all. Bruce hesitated for a moment before nodding sheepishly. She exclaimed, waving at him. "This is so exciting! Peter's school is going an an 'amazing and fun' field trip to SI. I'm good. How are you?" Peter Parker Field Trip to Stark industries - Wattpad The class compiled, slowly making their way out. Suddenly, Tony Stark is shoving an NDA in his face while Peter Parker stares at him with terrified, desperate eyes. "Yeah. "I'll definitely bother you.". Hi Mary.". Ned greeted, still a little starstruck by the god, as he was every time he saw him. Peter exclaimed, unable to help the smile that made its way onto his face. (Hancakes), Cliche Stark Tower field trip (grace13star), Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries (talialalia), Wait, You Actually Work Here? "Parker. He says it is not optional," the ever so elegant AI said, causing all faces to turn. He asked, his face concerned, his voice low. "Flash. It was a habit that every single Avenger had acquired, solely to annoy the teenager. Ned and Josh both got one as well, and his suspicions were confirmed. Tony and I experimented with that once, but we had to modify the suit's thrusters, the handling was horrible, movement was slow. Interrupted Bill, sensing Peter's unease. We're going to do a little exercise set up to determine of any of you are SI material," he quickly explained, herding the group into an adjacent lab. Tony launched into a speech that Peter had heard before, talking about all that happened at SI and so forth. She almost sounds gleeful. Flash, half because of the place they were going, and half because Peter. Something he was not shy about telling Peter, making the teenager blush scarlet, and he felt a lot better, knowing that he hadn't screwed up massively. Peter offered a slight smile before going over to Bruce. Knowing the people at this tower, it was almost 100% guaranteed to and not good. in this economy? The ceiling was a massive skylight that made the space feel like it was open, and the cool temperature from the air conditioning that circulated only supported that. Then, to Peters eternal mortification, Tony sticks one end of a piece of metal in his mouth so he has a free hand to ruffle Peters hair. Came Clint's obnoxious voice. If it hadn't been exactly what he had been hoping wouldn't happen, he would have laughed. I can't say hi to my favourite little spi-person?" The two spoke briefly, Mr. Davis nodding and looking very star struck before Tony took a step back and Peter latched onto his side. "Pete?" Peter held the stage for a lot longer than he had expected to, answering questions and explaining. Well, he's sure he's about to have a heart attack. Bruce lifted his head and spoke to F.R.I.D.A.Y, then settled a glare onto Flash. In his freshman they went to Oscorp, where he got bit by a radioactive spider. They were going to Stark Industries. Peter had to admit that the man had a flair to his words that drew everyone in, and seriously suspected that he could have spoken about boxed mac and cheese and the audience would be enthralled. Peter rolled his eyes, already knowing why. Peter, Ned, and MJ were already standing together, so they just shrugged and didn't move. Peter pouted. Came Flash's shocked voice. As fate seemed to have it out for Peter today, the next floor they went to just had to be the one Bruce was on today. Okay," he said, turning and catching Bill's attention. He finished. What are you doing here? Hes Mr. Starks kid.. Said the scientist, suddenly reminded of his task causing Peter to snicker. Previously Called : Spider-Son Iron Dad oneshots. Peter Parker & SI Interns | Archive of Our Own "I can't get it to work.". takes a trip to stark industries.featuring: peter's bizzarely high clearance level, peter being resident genius, and, of course, the lovable ball of sunshine that is amy parker. Peter is shocked to find out the decathlon team have a field trip, and horrified to find out it's to the Avengers Tower. It seems that the only person he really has is himself, and hes just trying to survive. You will not even notice me," he promised, reaching to ruffle Peter's hair. "Okay Little Spider. That's so much worse. Collect a permission slip on your way out. "Baby Stark, Mr. Stark has requested that you remain here, as he doesn't see the logic in you going back to school to get picked up to come right back here," she said, sounding amused. He gapes for a solid second, seeing but not believing. Or does he? Peter was on a video call with Ned when his friend reminded him. ", "Well," Peter began hesitantly, receiving an encouraging nod from Ned. Upon learning his school won a tour of Stark Industries, Peter takes care of everything that could put his identity at risk. Peter could have slept on the bus if the bus driver were better at driving. "No. Besides, what does a shove into a locker and a leg stuck out to trip him really matter anyway? Now Peter's biggest concern wasn't even what he had told who. Don't be Not a Filed Trip to SI but I love it anyway. "Jeeze kid. Peter still smiled gratefully, glad at least he trusted him enough to leave things up to him for a little longer. He had to come back anyways. Could I borrow Peter here for a minute please?" There were many unsure murmurs before Ned decided to step in before Flash could say anything dumb. Tell him to let me stay," Peter said quickly, pouncing on Tony as soon as he exited, pointing to his tecaher and slightly pushing Tony his way. "Peter works as an intern there. He said with a little wave. He responded. I'm in the lab. "I upgrade the suits based on the wearers preference and abilities. "Hello Little Spider-Boy. Say for example the Black Widow. Peter suspected that they would run overtime if Tony didn't end soon, but no one stopped him. The topic was swiftly changed again, and everyone got distracted once more. 1987 . Ned asked, patting a panting Peter on his back. Since you left two in the fridge last time, I'll give you one," Clint offered. "It's for Peter actually," he said, causing Peter's heart to stop. Peter lost everything since the bite. "What you nodding for Parker? I mean, isn't that one of the reasons he went to the dumb school. "Hey Pete. On the bus back, everyone was buzzing about their incredible trip, impatient to get back and share their experiences with undoubtedly jealous schoolmates. Peter should help but nod in agreement to what his teacher had said. Peter's class suddenly seemed to realize what was happening and all turned just in time to see Peter lightly shove Tony Stark, talking a mile a minute. kind of different from the other field trips out there, flash thompson & stark industries interns, tony stark is soft for one (1) peter parker, peter parker is the avengers tower cryptid, i think i was half asleep when i wrote this, Peter Parker: Feminist, Social Justice Warrior and Stand up Guy, Peter Parker is the heir of Stark Industries, Pepper Potts is on the verge of a breakdown. ", "So why don't you just make the whole suit out of that thicker armour?". A sign reminding him that he had invited in the group for a reason. No. Clint rolled his eyes but complied, bidding the group goodbye. Though he would prefer to spend said bliss with his boyfriend, you know, not in a completely different state. Makes me wonder how you're still alive right now," Josh laughed, winking at Ned. "Here you all go," she said, distributing the badges to everyone. I also have a chapter dedicated to links to some really great stories you'd might want to check out! "Of course you have to go. No thank you Friday. And stop breaking the fourth wall damn it! Came Bruce's voice again, considerably more frantic than the previous message. "This is a mandatory event, and the things covered will come in an exam worth 30% of your grade. Bill, Mary and another intern, Sara, passed around, inspecting their projects, praising everyone, even those that collapsed instantly. "How does someone get Tony Stark to be their guardian?" Of course not. He was even less prepared for Peter Parker to be mute. Work Search: He didn't know how well that would work, considering Flash. Good Is Not Soft: The moment Peter's class started their tour, Natasha has SPI-DER following them, listening in on the whole thing to check up on them. Thankfully, nothing was said about it being unfair because of his internship, and Peter suspected that it was because no one actually wanted to admit that they had been wrong in not believing him. "Is that true?" For the Friendly Neighbourhood Exchange.Prompts: Field trip to SI AND Peter gets hurt and the school has to call Tony. Through the glass that separated them from the interns, your could see everything that was going on. "Rule time, kids! You can head on up. ---or, flash gets an internship at SI and learns about the cryptid of the tower.ft: redeemed flash thompson, tony stark being a troll, and lots of hello kitty offerings.disclaimer: i do not own the mcu, nor the characters that i use in this fic, aside from my minor ocs (the interns), Tony teaches Peter about equal pay and rights in the workplace (and how SI does it right). Tony was frustrated. The Winter Soldier and Captain America," he quickly introduced, gesturing to the respective people. The four of them chatted idly, mostly about SI. Peter felt kind of bad about that. But this is all Domestic Avengers. The classic field trip fic with too many characters for the author to handle, along with many of your favourite tropes like; Peter can speak multiple languages, Peter has abs, and the good 'ol classic of Tony has adopted Peter. You know the trope, but with a twist! Go away," he said, shoving Hawkeye away. "Why are you afraid? Still a waste of time. "Okay. Peter demanded. Whooping Cough, she said. Avengers Fanfiction "I guess so. As Peter turned back to his classmates, the expression on their faces told him that this was already massive disaster, caused by the Avengers. "No Tony isn't gonna bug your suit," he said with a mischevious grin. themculibrary: Field Trip To Stark Industries Masterlist 2 "Once there is no threat to you or the members of the team, I will not interfere.". Tony had told him that he didn't need a pass anyways, as Friday would scan him, but he had wanted one. Who really was insane enough to do that anyways? Now go away," Peter repeated, munching on the cookie. "Pete! 'Alpha Clearance; Level 10' the computer read out. Take for example Iron Man," Peter said gesturing to Tony. Peter goes on a field trip, Tony doesnt know, and FRIDAY wants revenge. He usually only came here when he wanted to take a break from everything else. Please consider turning it on! Yeah. Flash bullies Peter in front of his over protective family, a teen is almost murdered multiple times but it doesnt happen. What do you know? Don't worry Bruce. ", Peter shrugged. He had warned him already though, so anything he did was on him. One day it is announced that they are going to Stark Industries for a field trip. Sure. And, since he probably knew everything that they would be shown on the trip, he could actually enjoy it, instead of having to pay attention and learn something. The God sighed and smiled down at him, patting his back. If it was up to Tony and Bruce, he would be at Stark Towers right now, actually doing something productive with his time, and learning from the two geniuses. Peter you're here! Outtakes to Peter Parker Guidebook for Dummies Vol 1. and Vol 2. I mean, who doesn't want to skip a day of school? "Parker.. What the hell?" It happens whenever the mood takes him," Peter settled on. Flash asked, his voice disbelieving. Peter sighed heavily but nodded, assuring Ned that he would be there. Follow Peter while he tries to survive and keep up the act.Follow the Staff of Stark Industries while they navigate dealing with the Stark's unexpected announcements and new initiatives.Learn how Stark Industries is a community, the avengers, employees and friends. His spider senses suddenly alerted him of a presence behind him, and before he could stop himself, he ducked and scooted his chair just as an arm swung, right where his head had just been. Now you better get back to that tour before they leave you.". Spoilers for 'Death at Bargain Prices.'. How much did you pay her?" Just then Clint walked in. Friday's voice suddenly occupied the space they were in, startling more than a few people. "Hey hey. Flash hadn't bothered him yet and there were no obvious alien invasions detected by his spidey-sense. Tony is busy and sends Peter on the new employee orientation tour at SI, ignoring the fact that Peter's been "working" there for over a year. Mr. Stark misunderstands the situation and goes in guns blazing. "I'll leave one for Thor, and one for anyone else," he decided, replacing the plate in the fridge. Should you not be at school?" Goes by Parker, Peter Parker. "Huh Parker. Peter turned red as every person there turned to look at him. Peter Parker, the most luck challenged kid in all of Queens, fell asleep before he could set his alarm and woke up forty-five minutes late dazed, disoriented, and in MAJOR trouble. It definitely doesnt look like Mr. Stark is forcing the kid to leave, or firing him, or escorting him to security given the relaxed smiles on both of their faces. He flashed an appreciative thumbs up to Bucky, mouth too stuffed with cookie to say anything. With a heavy sigh, Peter stood up and took the last remaining slip on the table. He asked as the two superheros pulled up chairs along their table. Listen, Peter was good at keeping his arachnid-based alter ego a secret. And random facts that Tony felt like putting down. Peter's Academic Decathalon team takes a trip to SI. When he heard the location for this year, he thought he was finally safe. Peter wandered over to the kitchen where he saw Bucky behind the counter, wearing an apron and a chef's hat. "What on earth for?" Now go Mr. Allen," Mr. Davis instructed, shooing the boy out. Clint shouldn't bother him again and Tony definitely forgot about the field trip. Flash didn't look like he would be picking of him or Peter anytime soon if the better red of his face was anything to go by. We look forward to our partnership. Then we'll head back to the bus in an orderly fashion," Mr. Davis announced. as well as He studied it for a few minutes before mentioning his findings to the man. It was Mary, another intern who was always happy, and also insanely intelligent, and someone who Peter enjoyed working with. "I won't!" "Yeah. Peter's got the whole Avengers behind him. I'm warning you, whatever slight skill I had is gone and this isn't great. It wasn't Peter's fault that he caused the most explosions. Was Tony counting on a terrorist attack in Vienna when he went to sign the Accords? "Hi!" He looked up to see Bill, one of the college interns. Foggy gets a promotion and a P.A.Matt gets a tie and Foggy's P.A all to himself.Some things just work out exactly how they're meant to. Mr. Davis' voice brought him back to the classroom, interrupting any sort of response Peter could give to Flash. This used to be a field trip fic and I ended up deleting some of the chapters so if you're rereading this as an old comer, don't worry I just changed a few things. "Oh hey Ned," the man greeted, seeing the familiar face in the crowd. Completely treatable, he knew.But Aunt May had lied. Pretty boring. His body heals the evidence quickly and he has his own coping mechanisms to deal with the emotions. People were incredibly willing to listen and had been interactive, making the whole ordeal less awkward for everyone involved. He accused. Even Mr. Stark said it once, after Peter thought he lost the pliers that we're in his hand. Intern Peter Parker - Works | Archive of Our Own That's all good. Those weren't for you!" For some reason, there's a kid running round. But some people are seeing this as an achievement board instead, and that is why Peter Parker is at the top with 21 explosions," she said, gesturing to the wall and selling him out unknowingly. "I need to text Happy that I'm getting picked up at a different time than usual.". May had been telling him the same thing for years. He'd given this tour already. 1339 guests He navigates keeping his identity a secret while his uncle becomes more withdrawn and his friends start to worry. The kid seemed interested in superheroes legislation. It's to an Air Force base, right? Please heed the trigger warnings and proceed with caution. Peter Field trip | FanFiction The avengers suck at being a normal family. What was that? Steve said nothing, but exchanged a look with Bucky, resulting in both of them plastering a wicked smile on their faces. Peter Parker a quatorze ans lorsqu'il dcouvre que 1) son pre est en vie 2) son pre est TONY STARK 3) IL VA VIVRE AVEC TONY STARK. Then they would probably figure out his secret. You have seen Pepper and I work enough board rooms and investors to know what to do. There was excited muttering that filled the hallway, people still amazed at being so close to an Avenger. Tony was sure many kids his age were similarly interested. Interrupted a chipper voice. And what will Tony do when he finds out this has got Peter so upset? "This is so cool," Peter heard Dean whisper to Josh. Why isn't Peter Parker cryptid and cryptic Peter Parker a tag, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & SI Interns, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Original Child Character(s), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, how many field trip fics can i possibly write. Should I inform Mr. Stark and the other members that you have arrived?" The noise died down fairly quickly and the entire class settled down. May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker but like not yet on tony's part we're getting there its complicated Supportive May Parker (Spider-Man) Humor Angst Fluff the whole package Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries Tony Stark Hates Magic Flash Thompson Redemption Tony Stark's Field Trip to Stark Industries You know this stuff. Soon after she meets the Avengers, catching the eye of Steve Rogers. Do not hesitate to use the talking ceiling," he said, earning a nod from the boy. Peter glanced at his staring teacher, who shrugged in a way that clearly said that he knew that where Peter went really wasn't up to him anymore. Peter could see the annoyance that appeared on the Avengers' face through the glass as he witnessed the two boys interact. "Mood? If you would prefer I could call you Mini St-" Bruse waved a hand dismissively. Like, how do you know what to do? Unsurprisingly, Ned's favourite section was the one on Spider-Man, especially since the 'fun facts' listed were really just embarassing. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He asked, ruffling Peter's hair, pretending like he hadn't just almost revealed Peter's secret. Avengers Fanfiction. "Yes. Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries - Archive of Our Own 'Spider-Man sometimes forgets how to tie his shoelaces'. Peter gets stuck in bed for a week and ends up missing the AcDec field trip. Honestly, Peter couldn't tell you the name of the base they were going to, because he stopped listening after that, content to doodle all over the permission slip she had given out. I jumped on the field trip bandwagon, and this is so much longer than I initially intended. In all honesty, he had been debating on whether to simply remain at Stark Tower and meet the class when they arrived, but Steve had dragged him out of bed, insisting that he go to school.

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