
Company B is a leading wine producer in France. A. The majority of CEOs blame unethical employee conduct on: D. Ethics. A. provided its stockholders profit through a tax loophole. Researchers must submit proposals and have them approved before commencing their research and the IRB ensures that the research meets institutional and federal guidelines. An organization that has a strong ethical environment usually has a core value of placing _____ interests first. The danger in writing new laws to correct behavior is that: Given the ethical lapses that are prevalent today in our businesses, which of the following can be done to restore trust in the free-market system and leaders in general? According to the Making Ethical Decisions box: Which of these represent the second step in stakeholder framework to manage responsibility and business ethics? C. Negative publicity from the news media. 2. A. An ethical dilemma refers to a situation where you must: A whistleblower is a person who: d. The discovery that World War I prisoner treatments left hundreds of thousands in traumatized conditions. George is experiencing: The Philip Morris Corporation launched a marketing campaign aimed at reducing smoking by youths. The Temperance Movement was a concerted attempt in the United States throughout the 19th and 20th centuries to restrict or ban the consumption and manufacture of alcoholic drinks.. Temperance frequently tends to be associated with other reformers because alcohol was often connected with societal evils like poverty and instability. C. business people are expected Which of the following statements best describes the reason behind the C. illegal behavior. What constitutes ethical and unethical behavior is generally black and white and extremely clear-cut. a. A. an accepted business practice. B. New laws making accounting records transparent may help restore trust. d. The guidelines were relevant but it was too difficult to practically employ them all in one moment. a. b. B. RegisteredNursing.org Staff Writers | Updated/Verified: Mar 11, 2023. In addition to utilizing these resources, the nurse can take appropriate actions when faced with an ethical dilemma by understanding and applying the ethical guidelines provided in the American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics, the World Medical Association's Code of Ethics, the American Nurses Association's Standards of Care and Standards of Practice, American Nurses Association's position papers such as that which describes the ethical use of narcotic analgesics at the end of life even if this medication hastens death, state board of nursing declaratory statements, and the International Nurses Association's Code of Ethics. D. Improved self-esteem making us feel good about our decision. C. Making the government accountable for business leader behavior will restore trust. C. legal behavior will reflect the totality of peoples relations with one another. b. Which statement best describes ethical issue intensity? a. ethical guidelines of research becoming more stringent. Steps 1 through 3 in stakeholder framework are geared toward generating information about social responsibility among a variety of influences in and around an organization. a. After receiving a verbal okay from the supervisors, he then proceeds to pass around a written form of the new policy and asks all members of the team to initial it. Harm can be intentional or unintentional. A. dancing around issues should be part of a firms code of ethics. A. Legality Procedural justice refers to the fairness of the process by which a decision is made. D. balance the concerns of profit and legality. c. Ethical and unethical behaviors are often in overlapping gray areas that sometimes depend on the context of the research. In a dilemma all of the alternatives have negative consequences, so the less harmful choice is made. A. an accepted business practice. D. not really a concern. Beneficence is doing good and the right thing for the patient. Which statement best describes ethical formulation? Accountants, lawyers, financial rating agencies, financial reporting services and risk assessors of financial products are all examples of _____, who must trust and be trusted by stakeholders to make business work. Ltd. C. A recent study revealed that most Americans have: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic. B. Which of the following is NOT a factor in the ethical decision-making model? Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. c. The guidelines that were outlined in the code were not specific enough. C. Developing the marketing plan for the next year. C. use education, leadership, and accountability to reinforce the code. Feel free to get in touch with us via email. b. Paramedics and security guards were allowed to intervene. A. everyone with whom the business has dealings. An ethical dilemma refers to a situation where you must: He believed that business was and should be guided by the morals of good men. a. Many hospitals, medical centers and other healthcare facilities have multidisciplinary ethics committees that meet as a group and resolve ethical dilemmas and conflicts. B. horn blower Is it legal? Evaluating the Results of the Action. The IRB has a special committee that oversees research involving animals. d. The conditions in an organization that limit or permit ethical or unethical behavior. a. A. it is absolutely wrong Researchers associated it with Nazi behaviors as an act of immorality, and not with one that is related to researchers working without regulation. Nurses encourage patients to make their own decision without any judgments or coercion from the nurse. D. management is insensitive to ethical issues. Strict global regulations require it. B. He explains to the supervisors that the new policy will be posted in the break rooms on each floor of corporate headquarters. a. C. not the desired approach. When the overhead light is on, its\cancel{\text{it's}}its (its) glare disturbs me. d. Participants of the film were not deceived. The notion that the financial system is complicated and difficult to understand often perpetuates these crimes. Forecasting sales for the next year. An organization's obligation to maximize its positive impact on stakeholders and to minimize its negative impact refers to its: It is generally accepted that _____ and maintaining long-term relationships are some of the most important factors in a successful business strategy. b. c. federal regulations changing such that they want direct oversight on research at universities. What does Barbaro's account tell you about Mehmed's army? Ethical behavior covers a ________ range of conduct than legal behavior. Fred rose the top off the crate and began unpacking the new CDs. Data Analysis. A written code of ethics is necessary for large organizations.C. a) 1 and 3 b) 1 and 2 c) 1, 2 and 3 d) 2, 3 and 4 Correct Answer: C Autonomy and patient self-determination are upheld when the nurse accepts the client as a unique person who has the innate right to have their own opinions, perspectives, values and beliefs. Business leaders that have broken the law should be given another chance. Which of the following industries has the lowest rating after the most recent financial meltdown? A. legal Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to: The nurse must be faithful and true to their professional promises and responsibilities by providing high quality, safe care in a competent manner. BUS-112 Chapter 4 - Subjecto.com When you tell her that it wouldnt be fair, she reminds you of your habit of reading an entire Harry Potter book at the local bookstore without paying for the book. Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. 2023 Registered Nursing.org All Rights Reserved | About | Privacy | Terms | Contact Us. Chapter 8 - Communications and Networks (Quiz). B. easily resolved by following the relevant laws. The IACUC is a federally monitored committee at the national level that oversees all research. C. It is the law in the U.S. What is Ethics? - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Optimization is the tradeoff between equity and: Which of the following involve efforts to recruit, hire, train, and promote qualified individuals from groups that have been discriminated against into employment positions? C. the increase in lawsuits used to avoid personal responsibility. A. not easily resolved. Can I do this without getting caught? a. All ethical behaviors are legal, and all unethical behaviors are illegal. A. fairness and honesty. b. Agreements that create benefits for only the shareholders. B. tracking the failures of those who are caught in business scandals. c. IRBs review and are liable for research they approve. c. Morals are a foundation for ethical behavior. Which of the following is true of normative myopia? B. tax accountants doing their job. D. not really a concern. She was the first person who found Firm A's misbehavior. D. create a "do-it-right" climate that emphasizes core values. D. (S)he communicates primarily via e-mail. Compliance-based ethics codes: C. We cannot expect people in the U.S. to all follow similar ethical patterns because there are too many cultures to deal with. Participants who could potentially have an adverse reaction to the study were screened out of the study. Which of the following statements describes ethical behavior in the U.S.? Although the ethics are questionable, the studies shed light on human behavior that would have otherwise been impossible to study. A. can encourage employees to deceive customers. Which of the following statements best describes the ethical standard B. unnecessary given the level of government regulation. The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, for example, contains elements that emphasize and speak to advocacy, collaboration with others, the maintenance of client safety, the dignity and worth of all human beings, the prohibition of any discrimination, accountability, the preservation of patient rights, such as dignity, autonomy and confidentiality, and the provision of competent, safe and high quality care of nursing care. Ethical behavior will result in which of the following? C. lower prices. D. her aversion to cheating, stealing, and dishonesty. Research subjects must be compensated. B. an individual's behavior is influenced by the behavior of others. Many airlines take advantage from the over demand by increasing their ticket prices. B. moral absolutes. B. Recognizing Ethical Dilemmas and Taking Appropriate Action, Informing the Client and Staff Members of Ethical Issues Affecting Client Care, Practicing In a Manner Consistent with The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics and Other Ethical Codes, Evaluating the Outcomes of Interventions to Promote Ethical Practice, Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Programs (AGNP), Womens Health Nurse Practitioner Programs, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, American Medical Association's Code of Ethics, World Medical Association's Code of Ethics, American Nurses Association's Standards of Care and Standards of Practice, International Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team, Performance Improvement & Risk Management (Quality Improvement), Management of Care Practice Test Questions, Recognize ethical dilemmas and take appropriate action, Inform client/staff members of ethical issues affecting client care, Practice in a manner consistent with a code of ethics for registered nurses, Evaluate outcomes of interventions to promote ethical practice. they are in different stages of cognitive moral development. She is responsible for all bidding and awarding of contracts to suppliers. 6. A. Nurses have the responsibility to recognize and identify ethical issues that affect staff and patients. (S)he is exceptionally organized. B. lower employee turnover. D. balance the concerns of profit and legality. D. company leaders should adopt and support a corporate code of ethics. B. c. It is a society's specific rules of right and wrong behavior. Which of the following is NOT one of the top types of observed misconduct? Which of the following statements most accurately describes the role of language in society? Is it fair and balanced? The idea that the mission of business is to produce goods and services at a profit, thus maximizing its contribution to society is associated with, The originator of the idea of the invisible hand, which is a fundamental concept in free market capitalism, was, An employee sorts through a competing business's trash to see if there are any documents that could reveal secret information. B. the Attorney General in jurisdictions where the business has operations. Which of the following is a significant outcome of the Clinical Research Committee founded by the National Institutes of Health? false. In this section of the NCLEX-RN examination, you will be expected to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of ethical practice in order to: Ethics, simply defined, is a principle that describes what is expected in terms of right and correct and wrong or incorrect in terms of behavior. A moral philosophy is a general set of values by which different people live. Laws represent the standards of ________ behavior. To improve Americas business ethics: Which dimension of social responsibility refers to business's contributions to society? B. D. observing the actions of others. The program also helps initiate the work environment of employee participation which will help increase: In the Reagan/Bush eras, the major focus of the business world was on, Self-Regulation rather than regulation by government, specific and pervasive boundaries for behavior what are universal and absolute. 100 BEST MCQ'S OF ETHICS AND VALUES FOR MID TERM EXAM 1) Which among the following dichotomies is used in a discourse on ethics? Which of the following statements best states what the estate L,Abri symobolizes? D. integrity watchdog, A(n) ________-based ethics code defines corporate values; creates a supportive environment, and, stresses shared accountability among employees. Laws represent the minimum guidelines that companies must follow, whereas a firm's ethical stance may venture beyond the minimum level of compliance. B. Establishing a formal code of ethics is: b. IRBs are local to specific institutions that review and are liable for the research they approve. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. Which of the following statements is true of the Occupational Safety and Health Act? A. a personal matter to be determined by each employee. A. ANSWER: D Profit - Loss Which of the following is correct? What is ethical imperialism? How to Define Ethical Behavior & Why It's Important in the Workplace C. compliance C. (S)he has a capacity to serve as a counselor and an investigator. D. Employees demand it. Descriptive - Prescriptive 3. C. Blackberry is acting philanthropically toward government. Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to: Because it is inclusive of all species. Ethical behavior will result in which of the following? The ethical principles that nurses must adhere to are the principles of justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, accountability, fidelity, autonomy, and veracity. c. All ethical behaviors are legal, and all unethical behaviors are illegal. C. best resolved by creating a win-lose situation. A New Model for Ethical Leadership - Harvard Business Review D. works in the human resource department. C. Developing the marketing plan for the next year. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective ethics officer? This practice is called ______. C. growing in popularity. Psychologists strive to be aware of their own belief systems, values, needs, and limitations and the effect of these on their work. a. a. C. few moral absolutes. A. While not mandated, the makers of Blackberry have complied with the public request of several legislators and have obediently removed apps that permit smartphone users to navigate around the checkpoints.

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