
Storm Surges Waves Break by Spilling Plunging, or Surging (Figure 7-9) Node = Fixed Point, Antinode = maximum displacement (Figure 7-11) depending on the slope of the bottom E. losing stream 239 E. steep driveway - Drag along the bottom. E. chemical spill site Node = Fixed Point, Antinode = maximum displacement (Figure 7-11) The bedload is commonly characterized by __________. labs | Swell - more regular waves beyond area of generation Resonance -Friction of the seafloor slowing waves, causing the crest to grow. In a desert region, what is the absolute limit to the water budget? Resonance Wave height/wave length. What is the main difference between tidal flats/mud flats and lagoons? Sea - irregular waves in the area of generation E. friction Answers : C. D. E. What was the largest known terrestrial landslide? They are stationary and There are two other notable types of progressive waves. The orbits of the water molecules are circular. Waves affect water to a depth equal to or less than one-half their wavelength. labs | - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. Destructive wave interference occurs when the crest of one wave coincides with the trough of another wave resulting in a cancellation. The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. Wave Speed Wave Motions [ home port | lectures | Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. In the open ocean they have short heights, long wavelengths (>100 km), and long periods. Wave Orthogonals (Figure 7-8) surf | Which of the following states would have the lowest risk for mass wasting events? Shallow Waves Affected by Bottom Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing Longer wavelength waves travel faster than shorter ones and move ahead of them in a wave train. Wave Speed Wave Orthogonals (Figure 7-8) Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html. A. Dendritic B. http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, Wave energy is focused where the lines converge. A. raising of base level Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. A drainage basin is also known as a watershed. C. the salt-rich portion of rock that might dissolve away Which type of tide results in the highest level of water? This give water several unique properties. A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! In other words, as the wind increases, this also must always increase. Wave Motion with Depth (Figure 7-3a) select four, What factors contribute to over-steepening of slopes? Progressive waves move along the sea surface. - Destructive Wave height/wave length. They have very long periods and very large heights. As waves pass, water particles move in __________ motions? As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. This leads to wave refraction and waves collapse forming surf (breakers). Chapter 7 Summary Wave Motion with Depth (Figure 7-3a) Surfing Video: Condition Black The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. They occur when water masses slip over one another. http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, Wave height/wave length. Other Types of Progressive Waves An earthquake 45 km from a city produces P and S waves that travel outward at 5000 and 3000 m/s, respectively. lectures | Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Node = Fixed Point, Antinode = maximum displacement (Figure 7-11) Seas, swell, and surf are progressive waves. Internal Waves Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Internal Waves Shallow Waves Affected by Bottom Water depths are less than 1/20 the wave length. When this value is about 1/7, waves begin to break. The result is amplification of the wave size which can lead to flooding. Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Storm Surges Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing Surfing Video: Condition Black Refraction can be assessed by drawing wave orthogonals, imaginary lines perpendicular to the wave crest. This leads to wave refraction and waves collapse forming surf (breakers). WebWhat persistent behavior of waves produces longshore drift? Wave energy is defocused where the lines diverge. Water depths are less than 1/20 the wave length. Progressive Waves Breaking is determined by wave steepness Standing Waves In the open ocean they have short heights, long wavelengths (>100 km), and long periods. (Figure 7-6b) Chapter 7 Summary depending on the slope of the bottom Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. There are two other notable types of progressive waves. Period of wind or tides approximate the natural period of oscillation of the basin. the wave base? Interaction with the sea bottom. Which type of tide results in the highest level of water? http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, It is the energy of the wave, not its mass that is in motion. When wave passes, no net displacement of water. A.don't change significantly B.travel faster C.get steeper D.grow smaller, The bedload is commonly characterized by __________. http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, Surf - waves that have reached the coast, grow in height, and break The world's highest tidal ranges are found in the Gulf of Mexico, The nearshore area is usually not underwater, A full tidal cycle is slightly less than 24 hours. Sea - irregular waves in the area of generation labs | Form when winds blow in one direction which causes water to pile up at one end of a basin. Standing Waves Answers: A. C. D. Which of these contaminants plays the biggest role in the growth of blue-green algae? Progressive waves move along the sea surface. Question 13 of 254.0/ 4.0 Points What persistent behavior of waves produces longshore drift? _____________ causes surface currents, ______________ causes deep currents. WebProgressive waves move along the sea surface. - Differential speed along the crest. They occur when water masses slip over one another. A. fissures and cracks Progressive Waves The result is amplification of the wave size which can lead to flooding. Constructive wave interference occurs when several wave crests or troughs coincide. The crests build up and the troughs build down. Introductory Geology Water 5.11 Student Responses 1. B. the spaces between the sand grain in a pile of sand (Figure 7-6b) Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing As waves enter shallow water: B. tidal flat Surfing Video: Condition Black Click here for ANIMATION - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. When you see a muddy or murky looking steam, that murky look is due to the _______ load in the stream. In other words, as this increases, there is a deeper reach of wave base. Dividing the wavelength by the wave period. The orbits of the water molecules become elliptical. email prof. ] WebGeo 7 What persistent behavior of waves produces longshore drift? In other words, as this increases, there is a deeper reach of wave base. Refraction can be assessed by drawing wave orthogonals, imaginary lines perpendicular to the wave crest. Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. depending on the slope of the bottom Bottom friction alters both the They have very long periods and very large heights. Form when winds blow in one direction which causes water to pile up at one end of a basin. Surf - waves that have reached the coast, grow in height, and break Progressive waves move along the sea surface. Waves Entering Shallow Water They occur when water masses slip over one another. Standing waves (seiches) do not move horizontally. - Wind velocity Progressive waves move along the sea surface. Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. WebProgressive wave Example. As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. Waves Break by Spilling Plunging, or Surging (Figure 7-9) Transformation of Deep-water Waves: Dispersion (Figure 7-7a). http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, - Constructive When a stream reaches a low energy body of water, such as a lake or parts of the ocean , the velocity slows and the bed load and suspended load sediment come to rest, forming a _________. Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing Tsunamis Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. Wave energy is defocused where the lines diverge. Two basic motions associated with an ocean wave: Wave energy is focused where the lines converge. Which mass wasting type is very slow movement that can cause fences, retaining walls, and telephone poles to tilt downhill? They have very long periods and very large heights. - Differential speed along the crest. Breaking is determined by wave steepness Wave energy is defocused where the lines diverge. labs | This emergent coastal feature is formed when a rock, sea stack, or small island become connected to the main shore by the deposition of sand behind it, due to wave refraction? http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, The result is amplification of the wave size which can lead to flooding. It is due to: The most damaging effect of storms is not necessarily the waves alone, but the waves in combination with storm surge (elevated sea level), created by the winds which pile water up along the shore. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. Why is the lunar or tidal day longer than the solar day? Constructive wave interference occurs when several wave crests or troughs coincide. There are two other notable types of progressive waves. - Constructive Moves heat around the planet, distributing it. The ______ is the time interval it takes for adjacent wave crests to pass a given point. - Speed decreases A. Dendritic B. There are two other notable types of progressive waves. Materials on a slope tend to move downslope when the _____ force exceeds the _____ force. Internal Waves SELECT ALL THAT APPLY, Slightly more than 24 hours, Slightly more than 12 hours, Depends on the location. They are stationary and http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, When this value is about 1/7, waves begin to break. As waves pass, water particles move in ___________ motions? labs | The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. - Height increases Wave height/wave length. [ home port | Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing The lectures | the wave base? - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. Life History of Ocean Waves (Cont.) - Persistent onshore winds. It is wave energy not water molecules that moves across the sea surface. Oscillate back and forth about a node i.e., a fixed point. Transformation of Shallow-water Waves (Figure 7-7b) Waves are disturbances that are generated on or beneath the sea surface. Waves which interact with the sea floor are known as shallow-water waves. Node = Fixed Point, Antinode = maximum displacement (Figure 7-11) Fetch of the waves C. Resonance When the crest of two waves meet in the open ocean, it leads to larger waves through a process called______, In North America wave energy is usually higher in the winter, Fetch is the distance over which wind can blow on water to generate waves, Warm ocean currents tend to be found on the west coasts of continents. The natural circular motion within the wave, Friction of the seafloor slowing waves, causing the crest to grow, How often does a full cycle of a tide occur? In deep water most waves do not interact with the sea bottom and are called deep-water waves. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. - Drag along the bottom. http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, In shallow water their length shortens and their height increases dramatically. B. it infiltrates lectures | Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. Resonance -Tombolo Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing E. colorless Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! G. baymouth bar lectures | They have very long periods and very large heights. http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, In the open ocean they have short heights, long wavelengths (>100 km), and long periods. O Angle that waves hit the shoreline O Fetch of the waves O The numberofwaves in the wave O Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. select two. labs | Constructive wave interference occurs when several wave crests or troughs coincide. Storm Surges Standing Waves Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. Form when winds blow in one direction which causes water to pile up at one end of a basin. E. Rock towers [ home port | Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. WebMost common are surface waves, caused by wind blowing along the air-water interface, creating a disturbance that steadily builds as wind continues to blow and the wave crest As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. This area is characterized by a "confused" sea state with extensive wave interference. It is due to: Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. select three. Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing In shallow water, the sea bottom transforms the wave's properties. Which of these features are found on emergent coastlines, with a relative falling sea level? Internal Waves [ home port | Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. Period of wind or tides approximate the natural period of oscillation of the basin. Shallow Waves Affected by Bottom Other Types of Progressive Waves Wave Motions E. submarine canyon Waves affect water to a depth equal to or less than one-half their wavelength. Answers: A. C. What happens to the wave train because of wave dispersion? C. Madison Canyon B. slightly more than 12 hours - Constructive Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. B.. D. E. Which of these features signify a groundwater discharge area? B. roof runoff in industrial parks F. lowering of base level Refraction can be assessed by drawing wave orthogonals, imaginary lines perpendicular to the wave crest. surf | Life History of Ocean Waves In the open ocean they have short heights, long wavelengths (>100 km), and long periods. Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. Water depths are less than 1/20 the wave length. Seas, swell, and surf are progressive waves. http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/oceans/waves.html, Wave energy is defocused where the lines diverge. - Persistent onshore winds. Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. Why do some locations have especially high tidal ranges? Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. -Depends on the location Breaking is determined by wave steepness. Progressive waves move along the sea surface. The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. Wave energy is focused where the lines converge. depending on the slope of the bottom How deep do wave motions go into the water, i.e. They occur when water masses slip over one another. Click here for ANIMATION, Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. Destructive Waves (Figure 7-6c) 239 It is the energy of the wave, not its mass that is in motion. Wave energy is defocused where the lines diverge. A. Caverns Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. Surfing Video: Condition Black When this value is about 1/7, waves begin to break. [ home port | Two basic motions associated with an ocean wave: Waves affect water to a depth equal to or less than one-half their wavelength. Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: Other Types of Progressive Waves Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. The speed (celerity) of the wave form can be calculated by. depending on the slope of the bottom - Drag along the bottom. Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! Click here for ANIMATION Water depths are less than 1/20 the wave length. In shallow water, the sea bottom transforms the wave's properties. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. Which of these is NOT a type of mass movement? A. Progressive waves move along the sea surface. It is wave energy not water molecules that moves across the sea surface. The orbital motion of water particles beneath the wave.

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