
You should be aware of how you handle yourself and maintain control. Whether this structure becomes supportive or restrictive depends on the situation and the individual's ability to handle Saturnian issues in a positive manner. The natal chart is cast at the moment you were born. But if you tend to be generally more easy-going and passive, this year you will need to guard against being too easy and agreeable. I currently have Neptune conjunct my sun and Uranus conjunct ascendant . We can see from these astrological statements that this was going to be a significant year for the native! Staying true to yourself is very important to you. Solar Returns: Ascendant | Cafe Astrology .com The key here is freedom, or autonomy is perhaps a better word. on an angle tackle the defender tracks; riverside public utilities rebates The solar return Ascendant of a particular year falling in the 5th or 7th natal houses, or the natal Ascendant coinciding with the 7th house cusp (Descendant) in a solar return chart. This planet is also linked with revelations, the divine spark, clever ideas, and the advancement of science and humanity on a larger scale. It is important that you maintain a good balance and that you alternate your activities with periods of rest. Nobody Your decision-making abilities may not be functioning as well as usual. You will want to expand your consciousness and will become interested in subjects such as religion, philosophy, metaphysics or sciences in general. Good opportunities for positive change are available through these people. The Solar Return Sun and Solar Return Moon form a tight square. If you are already very detailed and analytical, you should try to take time for some kind of physical activity so that you can remain more balanced between mind and body. On page 6 of our Solar Returns Feature, the importance of the Moon in the Solar Return chart, by sign, house, and aspect. A Solar Return chart is a chart calculated for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position (within 2 days of ones birthday). It can be a rather mundane year (unless your Sun or Ascendant is Virgo natally), but one that is quite busy. You will feel your needs changing, and in spite of an inner resistance, a part of you wants to take on new responsibilities and forge ahead. I do look at the classic critical degrees as well but as a secondary consideration. The Meaning of Planets Rising, Descending, on the Nadir, or on the If you have artistic inclinations, it will be a positive year for expanding your creative talents. This is not a good year to resolve unsettled issues from the past or to try to get approval from the public as you may have in previous times as you will tend to be more demanding and revolutionary than normal and may alienate others by your forcefulness. In general, this will be a happy time and you will be in good humor, providing that no one opposes you; otherwise, you may respond in an impatient and sometimes aggressive manner. And this could cause a problem in the relationship. Solar Return Sun conjunct Solar Return Ascendant. The most positive manifestation of this placement is a brilliant visionary, the most negative is being an antisocial outcast. The new and unusual will appeal to you, especially if it involves a degree of risk or danger. The natal conjunction of the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto are also brought to a conjunction with the SR Midheaven. You will announce an important union during this year. Inertia and resistance to making changes may characterize the period. You are stubborn and opinionated. On page 5 of our Solar Returns Feature, interpretations of the Solar Return Sun in aspect to other Solar Return planets and points. Forward to Interpreting Solar Returns Page 3, Back to Interpreting Solar Returns first page. Something hidden or private may occupy a good portion of your thoughts and your time this year. Using your actual location, not your birth location is really important. Your physical appearance and your manner become very important, especially since Leo is on the first house and it rules the star of the Solar Return chartthe Sun. It makes a full circle around the Sun in 84 years. Astrology Topics: Interpreting Venus Return Charts Be cautious and dont neglect your health during this period. If by nature you are a timid person, this year will show a great change in your personality and you will fight, more than usual, to attain the place in life that you think you should have. Remember that you are strongly under the influence of the Moon this year! We also note that there is a conjunction of the Moon and Pluto in the Return chart, and that it trines SR Jupiter, and sextiles SR Mars and Pluto. Involved with Neptune and Mars, and we can easily see that it expanded or emphasized the Mars/Neptune issues of disillusionment. You may be more tempted than usual to over-indulge in rich foods which could cause you to gain unwanted weight. Any legal cases initiated or judgments requested will probably be solved with comparative ease. Uranus here suggests that you love to question the norms. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 3rd house. You could, therefore, experience some types of restrictions or problems during this period. You may also feel the need to have more beauty in your life, via your surroundings and perhaps with regards to a desire to improve your appearance. Generally, we would expect that this would be a busy year. the natal chart. The realization of your goals wont depend totally on your personal efforts, but more on the collaboration of others. You will feel the desire to undertake new enterprises and take a new path. Although the result may not be completely favorable, you will realize, without a doubt, that it is necessary for your growth. It's really not that bad a chart and from my point of view is . Your sex life will be very intense. But, on the other hand, dont accept everything you hear without question. During this period you will find it very difficult to work under pressure. You will be dealing with the results of your past actions. If you are in a committed relationship, you might feel a little restless with the restrictions that it places upon you. On this second page of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer a second real-life example of a Solar Return. However, the relationship will probably not turn out to be long-lasting. What sort of themes should I expect with these transits? During this period you will find yourself wanting more stability in your life. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Use good walking shoes and walk barefoot every chance you get. Natal Mars is tightly conjunct the SR Ascendant. You use this blueprint to then cast your solar return, a more in-the-moment, present-day version of the natal chart. During this period you will have to deal with karmic debts that influence the progress of your spiritual evolution. The angles are defined as the four corners of a chart: the ascendant, descendant, midheaven, and nadir. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Sun Conjunct Uranus Transit. Progressed Ascendant-Venus aspects or Progressed Venus-Ascendant aspects - this one is the best . Both are in the foreground, in prominent positions in the SR chart. You will meet people who will play an important part in your future. You open yourself up to many possibilities, and perhaps too many. You will find yourself listening to the opinions and suggestions of others, not able to decide. During this year, you could experience strong limitations on your freedom, brought about by your past mistakes. Interpreting Solar Returns: Predictions | Cafe Astrology .com Read more about the Solar Return Ascendant sign. However, recuperation time was lengthy, and she suffered from post-concussion syndrome as well as other side effects related to the accident. Maturing is the key for this year. If you were born during the Uranus in Aquarius transit, it doubles the eccentricity. Perhaps prominent Jupiter suggests a level of protection in the sense that the person survived the incident or crisis. Effectively, it does represent some level of drama. Saturn ruling this year forces you more than ever to face reality and your own limitations. A natal Uranus conjunct ascendant suggests that you have a lot of energy. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Your mental and intellectual activity will be increased, causing a desire to engage in some type of learning in order to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. You are prone to impulsive action, suddenly starting new projects, but also suddenly ending things. You also should maintain a balanced diet of foods that are easy to digest. If you are by nature quite serious and reserved, this year you will surprise everyone. Interestingly, this Ascendant can be present in a year when people marry as much as one in which people divorce. Your creativity will increase and you will conceive ideas and projects that will be of great value to you in the years to come. You may be more dramatic and expressive this year, or this could point to a focus on children, hobbies, or other Leo-ruled areas of life, depending on your personal inclinations as well as your life circumstances. You will also feel the desire to impose your opinions and will on others to a greater degree than usual, even to the point of strongly opposing them. You may have unusual, visually powerful dreams, or precognitive dreams. Your solar return chart uses your natal chart to help you dictate what kind of birthday and year youll have ahead of you. This is a year of opportunities, in that you will be more adventurous and you will have the courage to make changes. Planets in Solar Returns: Yearly Cycles of Transformation & Growth by Mary Fortier Shea. . Principal interest of the year. However, if you are inclined to be more dreamy and sensitive naturally, this influence could cause you to become too impractical or vulnerable. You may have unusual or strong reactions to medications so dont hesitate to consult your physician if you sense that a treatment is not working properly for you. She did confront powerful and personal issues of anger that seemed to surface out of nowhere, but in fact these issues were coming from within. Interpretation Of Planets Conjunct The Ascendant | ElsaElsa This year you will be tested. The next year can be a mentally-active one, and you can come up with a lot of new ideas, and want to think about things before you do anything. If your Uranus is in the 12th house, you can feel that you have to hide a part of you and your true self is locked up or that you are a well-kept secret. If you integrate it properly, Uranus here indicates out-of-box thinking and authenticity above all. Material matters will be very important to you this year. In Capricorn, you focus on your responsibilities, career or business concerns, and the material world. Decision-making is quick this year, and you are likely to be more physically active. There will be a tendency to start many things without being able to finish them during this period or in the future. If you are not completely satisfied with it, you will start looking around for something you like better one that gives you more responsibility and rewards for your efforts. It will up to you to keep the peace! As Cancers ruler, the Moon holds important clues as to what area of life in which you may encounter instability and change, and why you feel protective of your sense of security as a result. Your sensitivity will increase considerably and you will be more susceptible than usual to sudden, unexpected mood changes. If by nature you have a strong and more aggressive temperament, you will tend to be more agreeable than usual during this period. One solution is to bring the new friends you make home to meet your partner. You will become interested in the supernatural and start wondering about the mysteries of life and death. Funny enough, though, the solar return chart might not actually fall on your birthday. Lets say you had your sun in the ninth house in your returnthen ninth house issues may be significant that year. But there it was nagging at me. There is a possibility of receiving income from some speculative business too, where a certain degree of risk is involved. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 6th house. Discuss your plans only with those people who will not try to hinder your endeavors, but avoid lengthy, drawn-out conversations. In Aries, you may take initiative in the area of life where Aries falls in your natal chart. As Michas says, the actual solar return day can sometimes be a day or two off from your birthday because some years have an extra day, known as leap years.. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. They are created by the intersection of your personal space with the universal space. General: A Solar Return chart is a chart calculated for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position (within 2 days of one's birthday). It does not necessarily mean one is elected to office! You may surprise others around you with changes in your normal, everyday behavior due to the influence of Uranus. You will very possibly find more Capricornian traditional and conservative people crossing your path. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. When Uranus crosses the 4th house cusp, and a solar return confirms it, it's one of the surest signs that you'll be moving house. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 12th house. You will have a strong desire to make some changes and will look for different ways to break up your daily routine. On this first page of our Solar Returns Feature,youll find my preferred techniques and key points to consider when interpreting Solar Returns, as well as an example Solar Return interpretation. Mercury squares this opposition, forming a T-square. Be sure to look to the house position of the Sun for areas of life where you have a strong opportunity to express yourself and your creativity. It may be the year you find that property you have been looking for. When the transiting sun forms a conjunction with your natal Uranus, you will experience a wave of liberation and independence. With this method the solar return chart is delineated in context of the natal chart suggesting which natal themes will be emphasized during the coming year. Your attention will be on your home. Ann, of course, struggled with this tragedy for some time after it happened. Indeed, it does have a protective influence. 10- A consideration that I have found to be particularly significant is critical degrees. We have two different styles, and each report is $4.95. How it exactly plays out depends on many things. Lets say that you had Saturn on your midheaven, then work could be a total slog that year., Birth Charts for Beginners: 5 Things to Know, If You Have These Aspects in Your Birth Chart, Youre Probably Psychic. If you already have an important person in your life, they might be upset by the changes in you which could lead to fights or disagreements. The sign of the conjunction between Uranus and the ascendant is really important. You can make many positive changes, especially in your inner self. The following is the Solar Return chart for the year in question, with the natal chart in the outer ring so that we can easily see which natal planets are brought to the fore in the SR chart: One day after this Solar Return occurred, the native had a freak accident that caused her to break her neck, fracturing her C2 bone. If by nature you are less than meticulous in your work, you may find it easier to organize your thoughts and your work this year. In spite of your desire for balance and peace, you might find that you attract Aries types who will challenge you to confrontation. Uranus buzzes with energy. Since you will be having more than usual difficulty dealing with the real world, it would be advantageous for you to be in contact with people who are more practical and organized. It is up to you to find ways to utilize this energy and drive in the best way. Uranian energy can be reckless and impulsive. How to Read a Lunar ReturnYours or Anyone's - Llewellyn Worldwide You will direct your energies toward growth and expansion of your professional possibilities. However, there could also be some disagreements. In no way will you be unnoticed during this period and you will continually search for the approval of the public. The sides of Mars that the native experienced were its anger, its sense of autonomy (although she had help, when it went away, she felt some anger that she was left to defend herself with less personal resources than ever), and its tendency to instigate a burnout. posted May 22, 2012 11:50 AM. I interpret Venus Returns here. A strong need for personal self-expression will be characteristic of the year, and emotional ups and downs are likely to occur in this area of life, simply because this is where your heart isthis is the area of life that you have the biggest emotional investment inand you may not be completely rational and in control in this area. Planets on the ascendant have a strong effect on your birth chart and over your personality. Sun Conjunct Uranus Aspects Natal and Transit | Astrology.com 2- Note which planets and points in the natal chart, if any, are effectively brought to an angle of the Solar Return chart. It could be a time when you hide yourself away a little, work on something behind the scenes, or have a greater need for solitude. So, if both of these charts use your birthday, whats the difference? This, of course, came as a complete shock, and the violent act rocked Anns world. You may also be dealing with money matters, mostly concerning the possessions and finances of others. Also, note the qualities of the dominant signs of the year (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). She had no clue that this man who seemed to be quite together could have committed such acts. This will be a very unusual year. I am a sun conjunct uranus in cancer with an aquarius ascendant and although I see myself as marching to the beat of my own drum . . On a physical level, Uranus on the ascendant can manifest as a preference for unusual clothing, hairstyles, makeup. The Sun tightly conjunct the Midheaven suggests it would be a public year, so to speak. Interpreting the Solar Return. 3.3 - Aspects involving the Ascendant in the Solar Return Chart. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Although Pluto is not tightly conjunct the Ascendant, it is within 8 degrees of the Ascendant. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 9th house. It is the seventh planet from the Sun, and it takes place between Saturn and Neptune. "Let's say your solar return has Venus four degrees from your descendant," Michas says. It can be a fun, thrilling placement. These cookies do not store any personal information. This would be especially difficult at times when the affection you express for another is not returned. As well it is beneficial to look at the previous solar return, as well as the upcoming solar return, to put the current . It is not a good idea to suppress this powerful influence. If by nature you are a more rational, practical person, you may enjoy these new attitudes and abilities for this time. If you already have an addiction problem, you will need to work with it very seriously this year. Share it with others who enjoy reading about astrology! You could begin a new relationship with a person who is attracted to your new persona. The Solar Return chart is a summary of the year ahead. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. If, for example, the Solar Return Moon is in Libra in the 5th house, you will likely to be emotionally tied up in, and concentrated on, love and relationship. No doubt you will participate in numerous parties and amusements in general. The house that the Sun is in points at a major issue for the year, and shows where a great deal of energy is being applied. -SR Mars conjunct Natal Ascendant -SR 5th house is Pisces, SR Neptune conjunct SR Uranus, opposite Mars, square Mercury, sextile Pluto, trine Chiron Second born (younger brother, born same exact day as me 5 years later, Aries sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, 4 planets in 10th house Taurus, dominant planet is Uranus in 7th house) You are receptive to everything new, and you might have a great interest in technology, the internet, engineering, science, but also psychology, and astrology. (1) Interpreting Solar Returns by James A. Eshelman. However, it is not good to be too reclusive and isolate yourself too much. Also, if the Solar Return Ascendant is in the same sign as the natal Ascendant, it promises to be a power year. You may find yourself having the desire to acquire beautiful or expensive things to a greater degree than you are used to. This chart shows what is in store for the coming year. On page 3 of our Solar Returns Feature, we discuss more techniques for fine-tuning a Solar Return analysis. Natal House Brought to the Solar Return Ascendant: Interpretations. Whatever the case may be, you have donned a strong persona in order to deal effectively with the changes that you know need to take place in your life. Your interests are vast, and it can be hard finishing projects you complete before your attention moves elsewhere! (The latter could be . For example, if Aries is on the Ascendant in the Solar Return chart, the individual may approach the year with increased energy and enterprise, and perhaps with some impatience. Uranus can be both a genius and a fool, depending on the level of consciousness. You may not know where it is exactly that you want to go, but a restless feeling is present. If by nature you are a calm and easy going person, during this year you will accelerate and become more talkative and curious. When growing up, you perhaps were sharply made aware of how you don't fit in any neat boxes. . These interpretations of the Solar Return Ascendant sign are from the Solar Return Report. This configuration is in direct relationship with the prominent natal Mars. Brainstorm: Uranus / Descendant Astrology Aspects. Uranus conjunct/sextile/trine natal Venus or ruler of the 7th house; . You may find Pisces natives entering your life this year. Let yourself enjoy whatever adventures you have and the new, fun friends that you have made! It is very important to control the use of any addictive substances during this time. Try not to gloss over important details, such as the bills that need to be paid. You may attract support from others, or have a reason to be more hopeful and optimistic about life. Today, you will experience an illumination of your authenticity, drawing you to engage in activities that make you feel passionately alive. On page 7 of our Solar Returns Feature, we compare books and suggest resources for interpreting Solar Returns. Lets say your solar return has Venus four degrees from your descendant, Michas says. Be careful not to let responsibility turn into negative, black-and-white thinking. Short trips and more moving around than you usually do will be favorable during this period. Another way of looking at it is that Jupiter is the planet of expansion and excess. Things that never used to bother you will now become issues for you. If we had looked at the Solar Return chart before the events happened, we would not have been able to predict what actually happened. Your goal is to find balance and achieve harmony. You can open your mind to new information, and you can share what you know and think with . Thatalong with the aspects and the angles of the chartare where we start the reading. Of course, the natal chart always has to be taken into account. This only wastes a lot of time, entangles you in your own thoughts and has an immobilizing effect on you. The following is the natal chart of Ann: The Solar Return chart for the year we are studying is presented below, along with Anns natal chart in the outer wheel so that we can easily see which natal planets conjunct the Solar Return angles. You might be subject to sprains, pains, or infections. Guard against becoming too materialistic. You may break out of your shell this year and express a new you. However, you will find that, in one way or another, the things you do for the benefit of others will bear fruit for you in the future. Plus Venus/Pluto conjunct to square natal Pluto. Anyone or anything that stands in your way will not be tolerated.

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