
Why most of chinese stories main heroine remain virgin even some time hero too, even he gets some but with some side character not with main heroine. Me esta matando lentamente la ansiedad. It is about a person who by losing his material wealth, is on the verge of letting go of his spiritual ties. No me hagan sufrir. GMT-10 yesterday and today was mid morning. Thanks for your consistent effort.unfortunately like most of us we are chasing and chasing and always looking for new chapters to read! Esto debido a todo lo que dijo en su comentario. " Claire, look at the piece of trash you're married to! Done 2177 n 2178 I found out that this Novel took most of time Since this Novel The Amazing Son in Law is not amazing anymore running out of chapters Time to stop this unfinish novel its a waste of time. En el celular no aparecen actualizados, en el navegador si deja verlos , van por el capitulo 3432, en el cel. Me parece o cada vez mas se vuelve un 5rama parecido a las novelas de televisa y tele mundo . He seems to be more physically attracted to Nanako as well. Sencillamente no es a traves de las religiones que se logra la justicia divina en la tierra, deben haber hombre y mujeres justicieros, para acabar con todo lo malo de esta tierra. With so many populations. This story is on going with no end in site! Gerald is only my fianc and we haven't even gotten married yet but he gifted Grandma the jade Buddha. Hope the writer add some new tricks for us later. Definitely not. Sara is Team Too Much!! very good, I like the plot besides that it has a mixture of all kinds of books and knowledge of many things that are real mixed with fiction. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. estimado, comprendo tu decepcin pero es como si reclamaras a George R.R Martin por no terminar juego de tronos todos tienen tiempo en pasar esta novela y la historia se va abriendo ten paciencia yo ya me encuentro al da y quede muy sorprendido por lo que tiene que hacer Marven no decaigas y date un descanso para leer varios caps en una tarde saludos . Thank u very much. Huhuhu, Deberan cobrar para dar acceso a la historia completa y tener a un lector un ao y sin ningun avance, Completamente de acuerdo. See I have to go back and read comments while Im non patiently waiting to continue on!! Pero subir dos captulos al da sumamente cortos y adems contando en todos ellos cosas intrascendentes es un poco pesado. I am loving this book! La justicia que a implementado Marven, es una leccin buena. Or wether there is a book to it? Really cant wait for this chapters to end, Ya no actualizaron? A que hora se suben las actualizaciones ? just finished 1996-200! Marven es alguien que tiene tanto y busca ms poder. Synopsis Charlie Wade was the live-in son-in-law that everyone despised, but his real identity as the heir of a prominent family remained a secret. Now she has accepted him in her heart and calls him husband. Why cant i read chapters above 3250?its not allowing any chapter after that!? https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-3601-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/, Any chance on possibly getting 50 chapters released per day like we used? Done read chapter 1-365 waiting for more chapters to be add thanks in advence. But until now she still have not allowed him to consummate the marriage. Marven shud push the girls who kissed him. when u read those earlier chapters did u complain? Id like for there to be time in the story for him and Avella to grow in their relationship. I SAW 900, Then 1045, still going!!! Why did Avella dislike Marven to be rich considering he bought 2 BMWs already and having expensive things like wines, jewelries, frnt concert tickets, etc. Cheers! fvck the mc is judge, jury and executioner he only has the right to take revenge but not others and the worst is that as long as you have a daughter or a grand daughter your sentence could be reduce or the character could be use for him in the future, he always find every little reason to justify his action. Thumbs up! Kalau memang demikian, ya sudah dan terimakasih. looking forward for next chapter.. Wholl take care of the baby and how Ill manage the company then? If u ask me I will say all d ladies in his life a re the same except Sara, holding on to some one for that long even when there no hope of finding him, I will say thats something to be considered. No tiene sentido si se queda con ella al final. He was cleaning, cooking at home because he didnt have any other skills. Why didnt she divorce Marven and marry those rich second generations who were after her? As Sara and others are sttracted to him when he showed some character or had money. Umm su comentario, lo respeto porque todos tenemos derecho de pensar y suponer lo que queramos pero me parece que si bien es cierto que la esposa estuvo con el desde que el no tena poderes an ahora que los tiene no decide estar con el como esposa sino ms bien siento que lo ve como alguien que de una u otra manera le sirve, por otra parte ella no decidi casarse con el lo hizo por obediencia a su abuelo que es lo que al final la ha sostenido al lado de l a lo largo de esos 3 aos. Avella was good-natured and beloved granddaughter of grandfather. In case you have forgotten, Marven is like this today, not because of natural intelligence, but bcoz of nine profound scriptures, can Marven to a proper work documentation, he just invest and others do the work, as for Avella not capable enough, she is starting from scratch, other girls like nanako, wanna etc, already has a foundation laid for them, so what are you saying, And what was Marven few years back, an asset??? Claire Wilson is Charlie Wades first and only wife. The amazing son in law please . He didnt have money nor dignity in this family. Not like Avellss respect for the construction worker. She has to and definitely deserves to your primary woman even if you have a harem no matter how strong or noble person youre. Charlie Wade's parents were forcibly moved out of their East cliff home. Sometimes you are at the top of the world when everyone keeps fixating on all the good things you are. They were kicked out of the ancestral house but still she chose to work for the Xiao family. ac hay unos pocos captulos mas. The amazing son in law free PDF download by Lord Leaf You can read the novel here on the website. She hasnt seen Marven since then. why no more updates after chspter 3398??? Y Marven ni siquiera sabe que quiere, en lo que he leido no he visto que de verdad ame a Avella tampoco, solo le tiene cario y respeto por que no lo trato mal como el resto cuando no valia nada, pero bueno espero ver en que terminara esto. Luego, vino un cambio de tipo, digamos, mstico, y el personaje adquiri una serie de habilidades extraordinarias. for the past 3 years avella never love him so why not divorce marven her grandfather is dead i think she just keep marven for being slave, for me i would rather become construction worker then being slave. Hari ini sama sekali tidak ada tambahan bab. He has patience to wait for her. I mean how to she treated him as a slave? Shahid Ali has answered several times that it is a book in progress. Thank you, Where is chapter 1486 onwards amazing son in law. Yes we know that she wae there for him when he had nothing bur has anyone stopped to ask why? Since I am waiting as well for the next chapter 2411, I decided to re-read from the beginning. 7. And anyone who abandons a loving wife is a sumbag and theres nothing you can do to change my mind. Pinterest. Muy a lugar su comentario, el comienzo fue demasiado emotivo y cada vez que se adentraba en la historia se pona mas interesante, ahora ltimamente se a puesto muy aburrida, Tanto afn en esperar los captulos y sigue contndole a Hamid como fortalecer su territorio y nada que contina la historia Me estoy aburriendo ya, La verdad tambin estoy perdiendo inters, ya empec a leer otro libro, porque cansa esperar los captulos diarios, tienen mucha razn diciendo que el autor o la persona que sube los captulos si bien se agradece, de esta forma se pierde el inters en la narracin, Cada cuanto salen los capitulos??? So the too much detailed description of Daves romance feels disgusting. 8.2K 32 20. You will find the links to all the chapters right on this page. But at least you will have read it privately, before deleting. Its 4 year already and we havent had s3x yet. What time zone does this load? His loyalty is driven by his upbringing as a youngster. I am using my pc to read and it is already chapter 3424! (Before you talk about why they still didnt have s3x Ill stress over the fact that its not always about s3x. Una buena historia, que una persona sencilla, humilde y capaz de derrotar a cualquier persona que se atraviesa en su camino. Very interesting read. YA CUANDO ENCONTR ESTA PGINA CREA QUE LEERA TODA LA NOVELA DE UNA VEZ PERO MENUDA DECEPCIN TENER QUE ESPERAR 4 CAPITULOS AL DA QUE LOS LEES EN MENOS DE 5 MINUTOS, LO ANSIOSO ESTA POR ACABAR CONMIGO JOOOER, Bro, es una novela que no est acabada, es como un manga o un anime que van sacando los captulos poco a poco, toca esperar. Apology wise , Please dont get me wrong i am thankful for the story, its just the feeling of being irritated that you have to stop and waited hours to know what happened its really disappointing in loosing the continuity. If he didnt save her father Im sure she wouldnt care about him either despite them being childhood sweethearts. The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 1 - 60 She has set him to be the bad guy if he doesnt choose her. Please quit torturing us with just 2 chapters per day. Will this be completed soon? Currently at Chapter 1910. thanks to this site for chapter updates. If a Child is concieved what environment woulf be better for the Child? As for the romantic perspective, Marven should remain consistent, he should not put Avella in danger, and he should realize that he owes it to her to make her safe. If its frustrating you, re-read the book. Cada cuanto actualizan y ponen ms captulos ? Hasta qu al fn leo una crtica coherente, el tipo es un matn megalomano, racista hasta la mdula y altamente clasista y si es gay. He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, and eventually, it happened upon his victory and success. Im starting to lean towards Sara. Equipo warnia pero, Sara le mueve el piso. Its been almost 2weeks!!!! Youre losing it already, why all those unnecessary lines. He estado a favor de que l y su esposa permanezcan juntos, pero estoy empezando a perder mi afecto por el protagonista masculino. There is over a 1000 chapters on other sites but I prefer to use this one why aren't thir anymore uploaded after 750. The author is trying to create romantic plot between the father in law and his first love but it is very very disgusting to read. A quick word to everyone leaving comments to publish more chapters; the books is still being written, which means that the translator can only translate what is available. And more and more big shots were gathered by a mysterious figure to cooperate and share values. Their affection has grown and if the dang author would spend some time on the romance, they might have consummated their marriage already. hahaha, so hard to choose. Plus, theres the added advantage that he could take over running the Ito family fortune. Muy de acuerdo. Please continue, What happen? Im not 100% sure if it will be harem themed or not. Mas cap. In one word, that invisible hand and fake name went in and out anywhere and anytime! Yo quiero que se quede con Sara. where can i find complete chapters, im stuck at 2212. Can load more chapters of stories. Warnia / Nanako / etc , Hay como ocho. three of your fingers are pointing back at you, while your thumb is covering the three fingers. As expected they refused to help him and make fun of him. Well done. Im a very rich second generation. And to answer your question she respected her Grandfather much and obeyed him. What will be the participation Orvels people & He family? Nowadays seems like only 2 chapters each day. i dont know why i still reading this novel but i just hope that the writer will not be like other writers that once the novel is no longer making enough money they just make an stupid ending with too much loopholes and too many question left but worst is that the writer just drop the novel with no ending and start new one and use new screen name, and i just dont understand why the writer is trying so hard to portray the chinese is good and the west is bad, fvck the west and chinese government and other governments is the same they are fvck up we all know that most citizen is good but the government is fvck, btw did the husband and wife did the thing that a husband and wife would do s3x when they go to america? Genre Adult Boys Love Girls Love Romance Tags His heir and title are hidden for too long to tantalize readers. I need Claire (wife) and her hypocritical family gone. why are there so many duplicate pages?? How can you wish her to wholeheartedly accept him right from the start. Man she just knows that hes a Feng Shui advisor and thinks their family of four might face danger if his feng shui becomes counterproductive one day. You have to simply subscribe to the blog and read the novel online instead of downloading the PDF of the novel. It is carrying on for way too long and is really getting boring. Maybe tha author think that man should not be polygamous. Si de acuerdo, yo venia nuy emocionada pero ya me estoy cansando de tanto relleno, no veo lo interesante en que a Melba se le rompa un brasier, eso si es algo insignificante para la novela. Please Support us. I hope that they keep going strong and keep spoonfeeding us. But attacking other people because they have a different perception or opinion than you? At least give me 2394 to 2420 at a time please. But really thanks!! In the banquet, everyone was busy showing their gifts before the old Lady to please her. My iPhone still stuck at 3398. Please, these women are ridiculous. Cuando se van publicar nuevos captulos? https://xperimentalhamid.com/es/novel/chapter-3454-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/, Hi Qasim, thought yesterday u increase to 6 chapters. Paciencia para esperar ms captulos!! Sera muy interesante que vaya aplastando a las familias en cuanto a negocios se trate. But this storing is about the Amazing Son-in-law. La novela como tal es muy buena y adictiva, el problema es que tiene mucho relleno, entiendo al autor de este enlace que la traduccin es muy laboriosa, y valoro mucho su esfuerzo, espero nos pudiera proporcionar ms captulos para no perder el inters, y nuevamente muchas gracias por lo que hace. Hi Readers, please be patience. Only 25 chapters updated today @admin. I agree Avella deserves a happy ending too because of the things she did for Marven at his darkest hours. In her eyes hes just an ordinary feng shui consultant now. If not, then you have lost a reader unfortunately, as it is taking too long to finish a story that should have ended by now with a proper conclusion. since chanying already retired so no way su family wants him dead as chengfeng said waste of money to kill. those of us even with the authors only get FOUR new chapters a day!!! Regular implies there is some sort of schedule, its 1 chapter one day 2 chapters another few days if your lucky 5 chapters randomly spread throughout a 24 hour period. Hi Qasim, can you please update The Protector from chapter 2332. Mientras que otros temas empezaban y culminaban entre 15 y 20 captulos. They set up the orphanage, hid him from all the people who were looking for him. The one who stood by his side for 3 years when he was just a construction worker, the one who never looked down or mean behaved her husband despite him being just a jobless guy with no talents, the one gave him shelter and food didnt divorce despite her mothers frequent nagging that she should divorce and you want Marven to be a ungrateful sumbag to abandon her? Isnt Sara insisting on being with Marven doing something similar? En este punto, se desliga del planteamiento inicial (pese a dar unas pinceladas de avance muy lento entre los esposos, no tanto en la lnea del deseo como si con un enfoque ms fraternal), pasando a desarrollar dos lneas de accin: por un lado el deseo de venganza y por el otro la expansin del poder para permitirle desligarse de sus antecedentes. Has the website for the balance story changed ? Wifes BFF But your home screen only shows to page 3580. There is some confusion here. Main Plot of The Amazing Son in Law the Charismatic Charlie Wade. Well done Lord Leaf, thanks for all the updates Khan. Did he not waste 20+ years of his life with a woman he does not love solely because of her?! we just spent 12 chapters talking about melbas underwear. Tambin yoooo ms captulos urgente me mata esperar la salida de ms captulos y me los devor!!! Its been few days have passed and been waiting for additional chapters. Can wait to know the result . He was just a construction worker, a stranger, a good for nothing with zero skills who just married her how would she accept him whole heartedly and sl3ep with him right from the start Where are the chapters 1921-1925?????!!!!!! Creo que s,ya se est extendiendo demasiado !! Just two chapters so far today and the other novels have had multiple updates. So another question is why he didnt declare his true identity in public all the time? Lo trat como si le hiciera el gran favor. En su mayora 2 durante el da laborable. And the Villas and expensive gifts are given by your rich clients right? Hoy tuvimos 4. There have been numerous suitors, but she has chosen Marven. igual el dia de hoy recibi 4 captulos pero aun asi es muy poco, espero poder encontrar la novela ya terminada, si alguien la encuentra compartan, 8 ltimos captulos de estos ltimos dos das que no dicen nada, puro relleno. or im wrong and i read the different novel. faltan los capitulos 1827-1828 I think that will compensate for the long wait. Es tan fcil poner en venta el libro completo en PDF!.. Tienes razn, estamos atrapados en esta historia. Ya despus del captulo 2500 aparecen nuevos rivales del tipo mercenario, dndole un enfoque mas esotrico y misterioso a la trama. The medicinal effect of a Rejuvenation Pill is very strong when used on ordinary people. You are killing me! is there a premium app? But to repeat the same thing for two chapters is a bit too much. This will be great and I always stay up at night to get the new chapters. We need more than 2 chapters a day!!! Where can I buy the book ? the chapter have stop at chapter 3398. Thanks for the addl chapters up to 3380. Hoping that you can download more chapters everyday. Where can i find the amazing son in law chapter 321??? La nieta del mdico, la boxeadora hija del de las hierbas, la vicepresidente de Engrane, la amiga de la esposa que trabaja en Engrane, las dos hijas Zynn Su, la cantant, Warnia , Bjalo. He never even tried to inquire. Any place I can get the actual book or a completed version? Pls upload more chapters. I think it is based on Chinese law they are only holding a marriage certificate and they are not totally married yet, they probably have not still made a vow, as mentioned in the previous chapter by Zhiyu that they could not get to marital affairs even after 4 years.. a lot will happen and the turning point will be the concert, also Sarah affection is real she could have fallen in love with other men on her teens she didnt it was pure, much pure than Avella and to note she held in to him when they were children so the question of money and status is out they dont care much about those but it will be sad for her because in the end I know Marven will still chose Avella there will be a time in this series they will be separated due to circumstances like for their safety or even for Avella knowing his secret identity and will start to wonder if she married an honest man there was a similar story to this My Husband Who are you? but when the story expands to extra terrestrials, science fiction and mysticism waaay too much I dropped it half way except for this the mysticism is still within the bounds of common beliefs and that is why it is acceptable for me, Anyway always uncomfortable for me when the wife is abandoned in any novel. Old man Wilson knew that he had a potential windfall and forced his daughter to marry Marvin. This man isnt an ideal hero. hahahaha (suddenly laughs extremely coldly) Chapter 2745 and 2744 are the same can you please change them, Muy interesante pero ya se solvio muy montona no avanza dura hasta diez captulos hablando de un solo personaje. Hmm! Im kind of torn between Sara and Avella. And the chapter. Por otro lado, l sigue creciendo econmicamente y acumulando poderes, demostrndolo cada vez que tiene ocasin de una manera demasiado ejemplarizadora por no decir abusiva, condenando a dolorosas y humillantes y largas condenas a quienes tuvieron la desgracia de cruzarse en su camino. So sad that we have to wait to see what happens next. Once you marry someone you should try to love her even if you loved someone before(provided the wife is virtuous and respects you). What is The Charismatic Charlie Wade about? Hay incoherencia entre los captulos, como captulos repetidos y repeticin de prrafos en otro captulo. I had been waiting for the whole day now, chapter 2189 and so forth please. Hola, yo no he recibido ninguna actualoizacin al dia de hoy ya llevo 48 horas sin actualizacin. OK. Te estoy enviando un concorde a Venezuela, cargado de caras amarillas y de gente de Siria para buscarte . This article is all about The Amazing Son in Law Complete Links. Si alguien lo trata con respeto y humildad, el lo recompensa. Tks. Hi, novel is tesresting. an update for the amazing son in law chapters 1900 onwards. Cant wait to read more! and Avella I cant say much she really did start to appreciate him when he is now getting stronger but of course Avella still has sympathy over him and what held her is her promise to her grand father she never even ki55ed him yet and let him sleep over the floor that still pi55es me off but still Marven is Marven thats where his dedication for Avella.. while he knows all other beautiful and outstanding women even Zhiyu is crazy about him as much as he didnt say it but he has no plans to betray Avella well I am just excited how the writer will create a scene on the concert will all other girls and then theres Avella seeing all of them treating him more politely, respect and love than she ever showed him or treated him for the past 4 years. A menos que Marven muera. 8. Si resulta ser as, que lo castigue fuertemente pero a Sara no, esa mujer adora el piso por dnde ese hombre camina, Im really looking forward to when he visits his maternal grand parents, visit the yes house, and subsequently conflict with the rosthcid family and so on. Just the same I am still for Sara, If I love my husband, i would not let him sleep on the floor, if i love my husband not only would i be intimate, i would make sure that I give him healthy children. He most favors Chinese. Even the scripture he got which made him such god like character is only because his wifes father broke a vessel? Thank you. Saludos. Thanks! However if he would be allowed multiple concubines then creating a new super family would easily place him at the top with the ability to destroy all who opposed his father. he has lost it earnestly, even the chapters are now too small, he hardly finishes a scene in one chapter, it is becoming boring and he doesnt even care, Missing at least 1 chapter between 2757 and 2758 please correct, cada cuanto tiempo actualizan los capitulos?? Just saw you added six new chapters!!!!!!!! Im trying to read as fast as you write, Im gaining (yeah sure) lol!!! Well his becoming like them, May be but Marven is still virgin according to story till he havent engaged with his wife at least. Mejor has tu libro, pero sospecho que ests pensando igual que Lord, Definitivo, prefiero leer a Rodney , excelente crtica muy analtica y convincente ,saludos hasta Venezuela. Thanks! Ive read to 2392 and it just stops. Interesting. More chapter please. En el mejor de los casos, solo ha habido 2-4 captulos por da. its usasly 4 chapters a day 2 in the mornibg and two in the evening, Saben si ya hay mas captulos del 2548? Above that, we all are wondering whether the faith and loyalty of Charlie Wade will be influenced by the temptation outside. Such a strong man cant even protect his wife? Why it suddenly stop updating. This live-in grandson-in-law was overly atrocious and bold! Me lo puedes pasar por favor? Very good read! Es una novela increible hace amar la lectura por la trama y todos los conductores inesperados que van apareciendo, los cuales te desenfocan por un rato pero siempre vuelven a la raz, segn el titulo el se quedar con siempre en el inicio como Yerno lo interesante es la trama. to control the family. Anyway thanks for your hard work for translating and loading for is, many thanks. Posiblemente no la vaya a dejar porque en esa relacion d3 m!erda 5e basa la historia. https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-3545-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/, The links dont work, for the last few days they all go to the Billionaire story, https://read.xperimentalhamid.com/chapter-lists/chapter/millionaire-son-in-law-novel-chapter-3581-3582/. More . By the time he had countless money to fight back, he didnt indulge himself in pleasure but assist Claire to move forward in Wilsons corporation. Seems that the helpless couple had no choice but obedience. So Ill face some serious dangers ahead and youll always be a drag on my legs. Finished through chapter 2095. Lori If its me Ill obviously go with his wife and the song girl, Lori wang and Nanako Ito Good novel. Please post more chapters everyday. The Amazing Son in Law: A Novel By Charlie Wade September 11, 2020 by Sasha Gohar The things that make us human can eventually turn us into a narcissistic-bunch. Please and thank you for a really great story. I am for his wife and will be disappointed if he physically cheats because I already feel like he is emotionally cheating. Charlie was the only one came without a present but actually asked for one million dollars! No seor, si ese hombre no gatea hasta tu cama, amiga baja al suelo pero eso no se perdona y si el tipo est bueno, eso si es que menos. Pero Marven si ama a Avella, ah el tema, Expectante de que suceder! sneered in disdain. Can you honestly tell me how much sacrifice does one need to be the countrys top most star? BTW, if Avella wanted to separate from her parents, she would have done so already. Can you please publish the complete novel My company just started let it be stabilized first then we can plan having a child. But but you told me that if you ever found me to be a rich person, youll divorce me. Ya estoy en 2740 pero no encuentro 2741 , Solo llegu hasta el capitulo 2736 y no he podido comprar el libro completa. How is Marven going to bring Zynn back to China. Please leave Dave alone. your story line is getting boring and out of context. The Admin is drain running out of story to tell. The big contrast between Charlie Wades two identities (from the start to the end) built the main frame of the story. Me gusto bastante la novela pero ya aburre no tener el libro y estar esperando a que suban de 2 a 4 captulos diarios no est chido. Melba. It was a fantastic read till now (maybe its been off the rails recently with too many irrelevant topics like 4-5 chapters on someones tight underwear, 2 chapters on MCs married aunt having an affair) but if the plot leads to abandonment of the wife, I will stop reading. Even after his death she didnt divorce him. How are Nanako or Sara Gu are ideal for him? This guy helped almost all other ladies gave them those magical pills but not a single one to his wife. Con todo respeto, el autor de cada libro escribe a pasos diferentes, nadie te obliga a seguir leyendo si es que no te gusta lo que escribe, te recomiendo que si quieres que la tanda sea diferente escribas tu propio libro. yo recin despus de 2600 caps se supo como se llamaba la mama de marven/charlie/chener/sr.Ye y empezaron a relatar la historia de una leyenda y eminencia de los negocios que fue conocida la mama. Ive been reading this enteresting nice novel up to chapter 2188 .. yet so far no more updates further chapters to read .. pleasr give us more new updated chapters to read more and more thanks .. GOD BLESS .. A very nice novel. Yo lo leo a lo que publican y sigo refrescando la pagina para el da siguiente . More than two today and 6hr earlier than yesterday !!! Creo que Hamid se convertir en el brazo armado de marven para combatir a los mercenarios, el ya est fortaleciendose y aumentando su conocimiento militar, adems marven tambin tiene a los maestros que pertenecan a la familia SU los cuales creo que llevara a la reunin de la familia YE, esa reunin va a ser decisiva para la posicin de poder que tendr marven frente a todas las familias de china llegando esto hasta los odos de sus abuelos maternos y continuando all la historia en busca de lo sucedido con sus padres. se quedo sin actualizar en el 3398. Thank you! I was hoping 2145 would be out by now. por otro lado no se si bien es el yerno de Xiao; habr una especie de harem finalmente? It has gone way past the initial executive summary related out in the beginning.. Dare I say this story is now very boring and I just gloss the highlights as it is very predictable in each chapter.. La historia se me hizo muy buena pero ya perd el inters ya que apenas suben capitulos mejor digan donde se puede adquirir el libro.

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