
Please contact support to re-enable this functionality. The VendorName will be upto 16 characters or less and will only contain letters and numbers but no spaces or unusual characters. The Sage Pay system will cancel your transaction as default and present you with this error message after the third failed attempt. The CustomerEMail field, if provided, can only contain up to a maximum of 255 characters. You will need to ensure that the card issue number length is being passed as it is displayed exactly on the customer's card. You will need to ensure that your code is not sending more than 10 characters within this field and that no invalid characters are being sent. You will be presented with this error message if you have had three failed attempts to gain a successful authorisation for this transaction. I had the same issue, so created a NuGet package for this API-client code: https://github.com/joeratzer/opayo-admin-and-reporting-api-client. Missing SagePay . A required parameter is missing. The Sage Pay Server is expecting "Status=" to be the first characters in the response. You will need to review your code and change the URL to only use a fully qualified URL which must be http:// or https:// and be accessible. Cannot authorise this card. The CustomerEMail field, if supplied, must contain a valid e-mail address which is less than 255 characters long. The check digit invalid. or element either not found, or present more than once. The payment can now be authorised and sent for settlement. If you have not supplied the correct value in the RelatedVPSTxId field, have not submitted it in full or it is incorrectly formatted then you will receive this system message when our systems try to validate the post. The credit or debit card number entered must be that of the card type selected before proceeding to enter the credit or debit card number. The BillingAddress field which you have provided is longer than what is allowed. You will only be able to perform a VOID against a transaction once. Your transaction has been successfully Voided and will not be sent for settlement at the end of the day. The Authorisation has been declined by the bank. If total energies differ across different software, how do I decide which software to use? Go to the database, search for the table sales_oder_payment, in the structure of the table look for the field last_trans_id. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are providing us with a Billing Address field confirming the customer's cardholder address to where the card is registered. The BillingAddress and BillingPostCode are required. This vendor's rules require a successful 3D-Authentication. Incorrect Fixed value entered. If you have received this system message, it is likely that you are incorrectly supplied the Expiry date. It is likely that you received this message when you were attempting to perform a related action to an original transaction (such as a REPEAT, RELEASE, VOID, REFUND etc.) This value would have been sent back to you in the status response of the original transaction from Sage Pay. You must send the card holder's name in the CardHolder field of your transaction registration POST otherwise you will receive this system message. You must provide the first 9 digits of the card number in the field. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. Values such as PAYMENT, DEFERRED, REFUND etc. A valid value is required,this must be value between 0 and 100000.00. Refunds are not allowed for this payment type. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? More than 50,000 rows returned. You will only be able to enter up to 10 characters in the card post code box on the payment pages. I am busy with implementing payments using Sage Pay direct protocol 3.0 (4,0 unavailable yet as I understand) . The Delivery Address1 contains invalid characters. No further refunds can now be performed against the original transaction. Please check to ensure that a Failure URL is being provided with each transaction as this is a required field. The deferred transaction has been successully released and will be sent for settlement. The Billing Address1 contains invalid characters. The value, if supplied, should contain either 0, 1, 2 or 3. This is a mandatory field an you will need to ensure that you are proviinge us with the large numbers situated on the front of the customer's card and you will need to ensure that there are no spaces or hyphens being used as separator characters when providing us with this value. Support | Sage account | Sage US This can be done within the My Sage Pay admin area under the Account administration section. User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values. If you are attempting to perform these functions automatically (i.e you are performing any of the above outside of the My Sage Pay admin area) then you will need to submit the VPSTxId of the original transaction in a field called RelatedVPSTxId. This URL must be http:// or https:// and be no more than 255 characters in length. Either an INVALID or MALFORMED response was returned. You will need to check that this field is sending the correct reference. This URL must be http:// or https:// and be less than 255 characters long. The RelatedVendorTxCode should contain the VendorTxCode of the original transaction against which you trying to REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are providing a valid month and year format with no spaces or separator characters, eg 0712 and not as 07/12 should be sent for an expiry date of July 2012. Your transaction has been Authenticated successfully. A value greater than zero indicates a decline or an error. Please check and retry. Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM. The VendorTxCode is a required field which is generated by you as a unique identifier for the transaction. opayo - How to debug 3DSecureStatus - Stack Overflow That API, I understand, is implemented as a layer over the Direct API at the Sage Pay end. If the monitor page indicates that there are no issues, please contact us for more information. If a card StartDate value of 1509 was passed this would generate this error code. By doing this it will cause the Sage Pay payment pages to not appear and this error message will be generated. Invalid Amount field format. The VendorName is invalid or the account is not active. You should be sending the SecurityKey from the original transaction within this field and this can be retrieved from your database and this value should contain 10 alphanumeric characters. Please ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. You will only be able to perform an AUTHORISE request against an AUTHENTICATED transaction and no other payment type. You are attempting to POST data to a Sage Pay Service that does not exist or is not currenctly available. The required service is not available or invalid. Please check to ensure that a Vendor name is being provided with each transaction as this is a required field. If you attempt to refund in another different currency to the original payment then you will receive this system message. A valid ##### value is required, this should be either ##### or #####. The AccountType field can only contain the following values: E for e-commerce, M for MOTO or C for Continuous Authority Any other values will generate this system message. The card ExpiryDate value should always be presented in a MMYY format (a two-digit month followed by a two-digit year) and this should never include any separators such as a forward slash (/) or a hyphen (-). This field is numerical only and can only support values from 0.01 to 100000.00. The line item amount details do not add up correctly. If you are providing a value which has more that 10 characters then you will receive this system message. The Delivery Address2 contains invalid characters. Either provide the user with access to the chosen or select another which the user has access to. If you believe this account should not be closed we will be able to investigate this issue further immediately. If any other characters or spaces are being passed or provided, then you will receive this error code and message. Card failed the LUHN check. You will not be able to perform a RELEASE against a DEFERRED transaction that has already been released. The amount you are trying to AUTHORISE would exceed that value, so the authorisation is being denied. The SecurityKey value should contain 10 alphanumeric characters and you must always pass this value within the RelatedSecurityKey field when posting your transaction registration over to Sage Pay. Please check and retry, There was error processing the payment at the bank site. You will only be able to perform three attempts in order to gain a successful authorisation. The GiftAid field can only ever contain two values : 1 : Allow Gift Aid 0: Do Not Allow Gift Aid. You will need to ensure that your crypt string contains a Fully Qualified Domain name and page which will allow us to return the customer back to a visible Success Page on your site once the transaction has been successful. Please check with our support team if you are uncertain which cards your account has been set up with. Does the 500-table limit still apply to the latest version of Cassandra? The DEFERRED transaction you are attempting to RELEASE has already been ABORTed. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are posting a valid e-mail address which is less than 255 characters in length. The StartDate is in the future. As you have 3D secure enabled on your account, our system has provided you with the relevant data (ACSURL, MD, PaReq) to obtain 3D authentication. If a card ExpiryDate value of 1509 was passed this would generate this error code. Please refer to the Sage Pay Integration and protocol guides to ensure this is being passed. It is likely that you are submitting several email addresses which is therefore generating this system message. SecurityKey - Only present if Status is OK. To register the initial transaction, you post to Sage Pay via the Transaction Registration URL (A1). 3039 : The TxType or PaymentType is missing - Sage Pay - osCommerce SagePay/error-codes.tsv at master academe/SagePay GitHub You will not be able to perform the REFUND that you are attempting as the total amount including all other REFUNDs performed against the original transaction exceed the total value of the original transaction. Only zero or positive decimal value, to 2 decimal places. The Authorisation was Declined by the bank. Make sure you've entered your details correctly as we'll use this email address to get in touch with you. Your POST has a Currency value that does not support minor units, but your Amount field has a decimal point in it. No further action required. The currency field will dictate what currency is being processed through your Sage Pay account and must be included in the post. Unable to find the transaction for the supplied. Only C class subnet masks are allowed for blocking. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. You will need to check that you are sending the correct SecurityKey of the original transaction in this field. Is there a weapon that has the heavy property and the finesse property (or could this be obtained)? The bank did not respond within an acceptable time limit. ##### is an invalid date format. Only zero or positive integer. The card is not yet valid. The ApplyAVSCV2 flag is invalid. You will need to ensure that your code is passing either a value of 1 (Allow Gift Aid) or 0 (Do not Allow it) within this field. The latter rulebase is set up as default on all Sage Pay accounts. Check the content of the field you passed to ensure the e-mail address is valid. If you are providing a value which has more that 10 characters then you will receive this system message. If this value is incorrect or invalid, then our system will be unable to identify the original transaction. You will need to check your code to ensure that you server doesn't send more than 200 characters each time. What does "up to" mean in "is first up to launch"? You will need to ensure that the Amount field value which you are submitting is between 0.01 to 100000.00 or equivalent for other currencies. PSD2/3DSecure2/Sagepay v4 support #135 - Github Your system should be storing this information and be retrieving it from your database when performing the above actions. Unsupported Media Type :The request was unsuccessful because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the method requested. The AuthCode field supplied in a Manual transaction registration can only contain 15 characters or less. The PaymentSystem does not support direct refund. This error message is presented for transactions processed through the Form integration method only and occurs when the Encryption Password being used does not match the password that we have registered in our system. It should be less than 40 characters long, contain only letters and numbers and match the value passed in the original transaction. Unfortunately, you are unable to reverse an aborted transaction and if you need to release the transaction, you will need to put through the transaction again. The VendorTxCode should contain your unique reference identifier for your transaction. Log in to your Sage product or service, go to Account Management and select Email. By selecting a card start date that is later it will mean that the card is not yet valid and must not be used. The CV2 value can be found of the back of the signature strip for most card types and will consist of three digits whereas an American Express card type will consist of four digits and this will be situated on the front of the card. You are only able to RELEASE a DEFERRED transaction once and any further attempts will result in this system message being displayed. You will need to enter the name of the credit or debit card holder in the Card Holder box provided on the payment page. If you have not been able to obtain a successful authorisation after the third attempt, the Sage Pay system will cancel your transaction and present you with this error message. Transaction not in paypal registered state. Sage Pay send a server reponse to the tranasction registration POST in the Server protocol (see A2 in Sage Pay Server Protocol). Simulator cannot find your vendor name in its database. A valid value is required,this must be value between 0 and 100000.00. 3D Secure Authentication | Elavon Developer Portal The Tranaction is not in a DEFERRED state. If you are RELEASE a transaction after it has been ABORTed, you will receive this system message. can not be less than 8 characters. If you are providing a value which has more that 20 characters then you will receive this system message.

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