
Here are some tips on how to identify, soften, and, hopefully, liberate yourself from the pursuer-distance dance. A distancer appreciates ambition. Even if you're not ready yet to modify your own style, try to respect your partner's automatic way of navigating relationships under stress. According to experts, the most common reason couples fall out of love and stop being sexually intimate is because of a pursuer-distancer dynamic that develops over time. This was typical of Sabra, who had great difficulty sharing the softer, more vulnerable side of herselfa style that irritated Alan immensely, although he also admired her dont grumble, carry on approach to life. The pursuer needs to call off the chase. This can be done by saying things such as Id really appreciate it if youd cook dinner tonight since Im behind on projects at work and need to work late.. So, if youre a pursuer looking for ways to break the pursuer distancer pattern, it may be worth considering that your behavior towards your beloved could be driving them further away from you. If you think this relationship dynamic isn't a big deal, just read this: In a study of 1,400 divorced couples conducted by E. Mavis Hetherington,it was found that couples exhibiting the pursuer-distancer pattern were at the greatest risk of divorce. She wants him to be more vulnerable and to connect with her so they can work on getting along better. RELATED:How To Stop Being A Stage-Five Clinger. As hard as it may be, you need to back off and give your partner space, both physically and emotionally. She is a contributor to Huffington Post, TheGoodMenProject, The Gottman Institute Blog, andMarriage.com. It's natural to see our style as the correct one. Autonomy and connection are the two most important aspects that form the foundation of a romantic relationship that is fulfilling and secure. Addiction Recovery and Shelter-in-Place: What Do I Do? So, if youve identified as either a distancer or pursuer in your relationship, its worthwhile to implement the ways to break the pursuer distancer pattern. This can bring out the pursuer behavior in you and turn you into a desperate, clingy, nagging person that you don't even recognize. In fact, six years after the research took place, the couples who divorced turned toward each other only 33% of the time during his study. There are a series of core steps involved in the process of dating and forming new relationships, according to research. If you're a distancer, then you are most likely holding back many of your emotions, something a pursuer will immediately pick up on and feel insecure about. Distancers consider pursuers to be ambitious, passionate, and direct. These two patterns are common in cases of marital breakdown and divorce . When this happens, the behavior of each partner provokes and maintains the behavior of the other.". All couples go through hard times.. How Blame and Shame Can Fuel Depression in Rape Victims, Getting More Hugs Is Linked to Fewer Symptoms of Depression, Interacting With Outgroup Members Reduces Prejudice, Practice Improves the Potential for Future Plasticity, How Financial Infidelity Can Affect Your Gray Divorce, What to Do When Getting Angry Gets You Nowhere. With proper information and willingness, you can choose how you will respond to the pursuer-distancer pattern when it happens in your relationship. However, if we can make the effort to understand our partner and their differences, we can develop happier and more loving relationships. Marriages fall apart when partners become entrenched in the roles. They get the reputation for being the hard-working partner, who sacrifices everything while their partner neither appreciates nor reciprocates. 10 Personal Boundaries You Need in Your Relationship, If your partner understands and fulfills your need for autonomy and space, its important to allow yourself to be vulnerable to your beloved by initiating, Apart from emotional connection, your partner also greatly valued affection. View Website. Johnson, S. M. (2012). A lot of romantic relationships and marriages have a distinct pursuer and distancer. The first is the passive-aggressive cynical "sorry". Avoid criticizing each other and make peace by stopping the blame game. A pursuer tends to have a great deal of anxiety about the relationship and the more their partner distances themselves, the more insecure the pursuer feels. There's a reason some people are unreliable, and it's not that they don't care. They tend to feel anxious that their beloved doesnt love them enough and are worried about their. Who Needs to Worry Most About Mate Poaching? What Does It Mean When Your Partner Suddenly Needs Space? If we want to pay a professional to talk about itwell, he should, too. All Rights Reserved. He also warns us that if its not examined, the pursuer-distancer pattern will persist into a second marriage or subsequent intimate relationships. Want to have a happier, healthier marriage? Although they may have made ongoing attempts to get their partner to open up, theyre left feeling their efforts to bring him/her closer have failed. Your turn to your partner to talk about your day in great detail. Divorce or Legal Separation. While all couples need autonomy and closeness, many partners struggle with the pursuer-distancer dance and feel chronically dissatisfied with their degree of intimacy. Your best life, from the comfort of your armchair. Distancers are known for being stubborn and have difficulty making the first move when under pressure." [ibid.] If you go after your interests, you will get yourself the time to break the cycle of things. Your partner has a strong urge to get to know you and figure out whats on your mind! This dynamic, or dance, is perpetuated over the years because both partners cast and recast their partners in the complementary roles. Id like to know what youre thinking when I share my feelings with you. When the pattern of pursuing and distancing becomes ingrained, the behavior of one partner provokes and maintains the behavior of the other. It's called a pursuer-distancer relationship. and other ways of spending quality time (regularly) with them. The Digital Age: 3 Reasons I Am A Terrible Emotion Coach. They tend to try and fix (even when their help isnt needed or requested) their partners problems. Self-Help staff can help you if you need legal information and don't have a lawyer. In a pursuer distancer relationship in marriage, if youre the pursuer, you must understand that your partner may desire distance from you because they feel like their autonomy is being threatened. Lets talk about why were not spending time together anymore, Suzanne complains, as her husband reads the newspaper and turns away from her bids for connection. Its because pursuers are attracted to distancers and vice-versa. The distancer may feel unhappy about how things are going in the relationship, but shes still more likely to maintain the status quo than move toward a partner who is in pursuit mode. Are You Ready for a New Relationship After Divorce? Usually pursuers discover that they gain control over the level of intimacy and vulnerability in the relationship because they are always the initiators and, in this way, they are the controllers of the heat of the relationship. ", When Alan began to argue the point, Sabra stopped him with an even firmer tone. Unfinished business with exes (and other old baggage), pressures of dealing with debt and handling money, blending families, finding time and space for sex, managing conflict, and more can strain second marriages to the breaking point. See additional information. Later in the evening, Alan said, As always, Sabra, you leave me no room to respond to the painful news that youre sharing. Abuse & Harassment. Some effective ways to break the pursuer-distancer pattern Or a Narcissist First? This Common Habit Is Hazardous to Your Marriage, Dismissing Attachment and the Search for Love, Why Some People Feel Sad After Having Sex, 3 Signs That Your Personality Prefers Singlehood, Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Visualization, 2 Ways Empathy Determines the Type of Partner We Choose, To Be Happy for the Rest of Your Life, Seek These Goals, 6 Surprising Ways to Change Habits and Transform Your Life, If You Think You Have ADHD, Ask Yourself These 5 Questions, 18 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married, The Serotonin Transporter Gene and Depression, Social Relationships Affect How Your Body Responds to Stress, 5 Reasons People Stay in Unhappy Marriages, Why Some People Refuse to Kiss During Casual Sex. Couples report having the same fights repeatedly. For this reason, my work as a therapist is often directed at helping the pursuer call off the pursuit, and to find ways to reconnect that wont intensify the pursuer-distancer dance. I wasnt aware that your feelings were hurt. Being constantly pursued makes distancers feel forever desirable, regardless of what they do or dont do in the relationship. Lacking sexual intimacy is a common struggle for hard-working couples balancing jobs, parenting, and intimacy. Steve specializes in working with smart, compassionate, successful men who want more from their relationships. An especially unhealthy relationship dynamic is the " pursuer-distancer" pattern. Why is this relationship pattern so common? . This type of relationship has the highest divorce rate.. The post below is an excerpt from The Remarriage Manual: How to Make Everything Work Better the Second Time Around. Suzanne feels increasingly frustrated with her attempts to draw out Keith. While pursuing and distancing are common ways that couples relate to one another when they are under stress, these patterns can become dysfunctional. A problem occurs only when a pattern of pursuing and distancing becomes entrenched. 2023 The Gottman Institute. Attorney Referral Service of the San Fernando Valley Bar Association. Dr. Distancers gain a sense of control while feeling superior to the pathetic pursuer who is constantly begging for intimacy. Its important to routinely communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with your partner. The research sheds light on the extremely common dynamics that happen in everyday relationships with everyday people. A habit of criticism can be dangerous in any relationship. PostedJune 19, 2022 If you pursue a distancer, they will distance more. There is little, if any, evidence for opposites attracting. In Wanting Sex Again: How to Rediscover Your Desire and Heal a Sexless Marriage, sex therapist Laurie J. Watson writes, Most sexual concerns stem from an interpersonal struggle in the marriage. She describes the tug-of-war between being too close and too distant from a partner as a repetitive pattern of one person being the pursuer and another being the distancer. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. While all couples need autonomy and closeness, many partners struggle with the pursuer-distancer dance and feel chronically dissatisfied with their degree of intimacy. Even sharing something as simple as how your day at work was can be a big step in bringing your partner closer. This is known as the dependency paradox. 1. RELATED:How You Act In Relationships, Based On Your Attachment Style. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Sue Johnson identifies this pattern as the protest polka, and says it is one of three demon dialogues. She explains that when one partner becomes critical and aggressive, the other often becomes defensive and distant. Reviewed by Hara Estroff Marano. 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