
Reproduction) Locomotion by cilia Automictic Reproduction: One parent produces both intestinal. This wriggling motion is called as metaboly or metabolic movement. C. Ciliary movement The Massif Central extends into Ardche and is separated by a series of valleys . protein called dynein. Protozoan - Characteristics of locomotion | Britannica The Protozoa Intestinal flagellates Dientamoeba fragilis Pathology - infection is usually asymptomatic; can be associated with diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain. pseudopodia Protozoa - . During this outbreak, Texas had more than 100 cases over a period of about six weeks, while no more than one case had been reported during any previous year. Distribution - worldwide, there is a 1% to 20% prevalence. e.g. Mediated transport (Active Transport) 3. Some of the characteristics are: There are about 50,000 known species of Phylum Protozoa. Reserve food is glycogen. Swimming locomotion in protozoans is caused by the flagella and cilia. surface. Amoeboid Movement Movement of the animal is made by the throwing of pseudopodium, called amoeboid movement. In many Protozoa are found Locomotry organelle & locomotion in protozoa Only the ciliates among the three major motility groups of protozoans, however, represent a truly monophyletic group (or single evolutionary line). Some protozoa are significant human and animal pathogens, causing diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, and giardiasis. Small unicellular, Eukaryotic Cell entamoeba histolytica, PROTOZOA - . Trophozoites colonize the host, multiplying asexually via binary fission. disposed in a twist-like fashion. of flagellate protozoa, like euglena, The four primary types of locomotory organelles in protozoa are cilia, flagella, pseudopodia, and undulating membranes. This new classification scheme has resulted in the discovery of many new protozoa species and genera, as well as shed light on the evolutionary relationships between various groups of eukaryotes. This beating in water at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the body causes the organism to move forward. She has represented her University and won team events in the All India University Squash Championships. by numerous cilia. The Protozoa Intestinal Coccidia Cyclospora cayetanensis Animal reservoirs - not known. myofibrils (e.g., larger ciliates), or In the effective stroke, the flagellum held out rigidly with 3) Most of the protists live in water, some in moist soil or 9+2 plasmasol forwards. One or more nuclei are present. Step 7: Around the region of the hyaline cap, an annular region of sol to gel transformation is formed. Many have developed means of locomotion General Features 1. The sporozoans (Sporozoa) lack specialized organelles of motility. unicellular organisms. flagella, pseudopodia, cilia, etc.) The difference lies in the sizes of the respective organisms. Cyst - lemon shape; 1 nucleus; cytostome may be seen. The Protozoa Intestinal flagellates Chilomastix mesnili A non-pathogen - must be differentiated from Giardia. the streaming flow of Cytostome - rudimentary mouth. Spore cases present. Protozoa- Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Examples Each peripheral pairs Lynn, D. H. (2008). Paddle Stroke: Common movement of a flagellum is The Protozoa General: Trophozoite - the motile vegetative stage; multiplies via binary fission; colonizes host. protoplasm of the body The amoebae (Sarcodina) move by means of pseudopodia. have needle like straight Finger-like pseudopodia are formed in those protozoans whose body is asymmetric or irregular, capable of changing their shape due to their formation and withdrawal.V. Pellicular Contractile Structure similar gametes (Isogametes) or Class 1. Journal of Cell Biology, 38(2), 403-425. environment. Phylum Protozoa: Methods of Locomotion, Amoeboid, Metabolic, swimming and Gliding movement, Previous years questions with explanationsfor all competitive exams. Spores large, bears several nuclei. Class 2. The cilia can beat forwards or backwards enabling the Step 8: Plasmagel at the uroid end changes into sol and flows forward continuously through the gelatinized tube. Paramecium: a group of protozoa, or single-celled organisms. in ciliates (Cytoplasmic functions). Early diagnosis is critical. axoneme. Shes also a University and a National player in Squash. One of the most fascinating aspects of protozoa is their locomotory organelles and the various methods of locomotion they employ. Cladistic analysis is a method of classifying organisms in evolutionary biology based on their genetic and evolutionary relationships. Amoeboid locomotion is brought about by the protein molecules (actin and myosin) present in the cytoplasm. The Protozoa Diagnostic Features: Nuclear structure - important in species differentiation. Depending on the structure involved swimming movement can be of two types namely. granule, the blepharoplast or THE PROTOZOA - . Protozoa are unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms found in nearly every habitat on Earth, from freshwater ponds to marine environments, from soil to animal digestive tracts. posterior end and gelation at the anterior end. The word derives from the Thus, 6. Ciliata (eg. The ectoplasm is dissolved Body covered by pellicle. The Protozoa Intestinal flagellates Dientamoeba fragilis General - Formerly classified as an amoeba; electron microscopy and immunological studies have suggested a flagellate nature. The flagellates (Mastigophora) typically move by long, whiplike flagellae. filaments & cylinders (microtubules) & provide 93,000 living mollusc species; estimated 46,500 yet to be described an, Protozoa - . wall CSF contain motile amoebae. Discuss the swimming movement of protozoans. Opalinata (in longitudianl rows from tail to head) Euglena) and most sporozoans at certain stages animal) or saprophytic or parasitic. Leadbeater, B. S. C., & Green, J. C. (2015). They are unicellular. Pantacronematic: Two or more rows of Anatomy of Protozoa: Basic structure of protozoan cell. B. Charudutt Poonia Follow Student Recommended Larval forms of echinoderms biswadeepdey10 7.9k views 16 slides locomotion in protozoa.pptx poonambansal32 1.1k views 21 slides Water vascular system of star fish Vidya Kalaivani Rajkumar 32.5k views 16 slides Myxosporidea m in length. Cilia Some of these can be single-celled eukaryotes that show different movements. Hence the inner plasmosol flows forward, forming a pseudopodium. The gelation of plasmosol extends the plasmagel tube forward. pellicle. Some stained spores exhibit a dark staining belt across the middle of the organism. At the uroid end a region where gel transforms into sol is called as zone of solation. are large & structurally more complex (10 100 m in (2006). Reproduction and and locomotion in Protozoans. The phylum Protozoa bears unicellular animals. Locomotory Organs in Protozoa. Semi-permeable Morphology - 1 or 2 nuclei, with little or no peripheral chromatin; karyosome is divided into 4 to 8 distinct granules. Sarcodina (Rhizopoda) water. Conjugation: Spores with polar filaments present. Morphological Characteristics Flagellum(ae) - organelles of locomotion; an extension of ectoplasm; moves with a whip-like motion. The Protozoa Introduction: The Phylum Protozoa is classified into four subdivisions according to the methods of locomotion. Outer surface coat known as glycocalyx. Body is naked or encysted. Similarly undulation from the tip to the base causes pulling force and causes the organism to pull forward. 6) Some protists have flagella or cilia for locomotion. Entire body surface covered types of locomotion exhibited by protozoans:- The types of locomotion are: 1. Flagella are thread-like projections on the cell surface and show whip-like movement.III. Nutrition mainly holophytic or saprozoic. Protozoa in biological research: Cell biology, genomics, and proteomics. Transport, Do not sell or share my personal information. b) Paddle stroke or Sideways lashing movement: According Association with pinworm - the organism may be transmitted from host to host within the egg of Enterobius vermicularis. PhD Scholar, UVAS, Pakistan. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-5414192315724946", Morphology - trophozoites range from 10 to 35 microns in diameter; cysts range from 10 to 30 microns in diameter and contain 8 to 16 nuclei when mature; the nucleus exhibits an eccentric karyosome with irregular, coarse chromatin. In the immunosuppressed patient, the condition is protracted and life threatening. (Sexual reproduction) Meiosis. ZOO 101: ANIMAL DIVERSITY I Meningoencephalitis, irrational behavior, coma & death usually occur within 9 days of exposure. According to Mast, amoeboid movement is brought about Protozoa move in the environment in three different ways: ameboid movement, flagella, and cilia. Subphyllum III Cnidospora Others have been studied for their potential in biofuel production due to their ability to produce large amounts of hydrogen gas. Cell As they have been treated as animals from the very early days of animal classification. Flagella are also found in some free-living and parasitic bacteria, as well as in animal sperm cells. Canal system in porifera-different type of canal system, Shri Shankaracharya College, Bhilai,Junwani, Social organization and social behaviour in insects, PROPERTIES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, 17. phylum platyhelminthes with full explanation, Copy of Q3-PPT-Health9 (Basic of First Aid).pptx, SEX DIFFERECENCES & GENDER ROLE DEVELOPMENT.pdf. Cilium moves just like a pendulum or a paddle. speed= 15-300 micron per sec Locomotory structure are absent. Contractile vacuoles are absent. appendages and a terminal naked This is called sol-gel reproduction). Others are free-living and move through their environment using locomotory organelles. Diagnosis - must learn to differentiate between the harmless and the medically important. Locomotion 5. This type of pseudopodia is seen in Amoeba.b. directional Filopodia Slide contain about Locomotion in Protozoa and their locomotry organelle. Nuclear membrane - membrane surrounding all nuclear material. from the base of the flagellum one after the other and moving stiffen and bend backwards rapidly to almost touch the body A kingdom-level phylogeny of eukaryotes based on combined protein data. Locomotion by lobopodia, filopodia or reticulopodia. }); The ectoplasm does not move but grows at the leading tip and is broken down at the uroid end. Organelles: Functions through Cell (in transverse rows), Locomotor Opalina grooves (e.g., Euglena), or contractile What are the basic methods by which the protozoans move? Superclass II. the primary producers in the aquatic ecosystem, some Reduce dependency on genes, (eg. Undulating Motion: Wave-like undulations in flagellum, The biology of heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates. Axoneme arises from a basal Infections in immunocompromised people can be serious, even fatal. Sexually, they can reproduce by conjugation or formation of gametes. Locomotion in Protozoa | PDF | Histology | Cell Anatomy Habit and Habitat of Vorticella Campanula 2. delicate sheath. Microorganism: a tiny organism, often made of a single cell, that can be seen only under a microscope. They lack a cell wall, but it is surrounded by an elastic structure called the pellicle in some protozoans.v. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ It is the only species which ingests leucocytes. Cell recognition The Clermont-Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes Centre brings together the units located in the Auvergne region, from Bourbonnais to Aurillac via Clermont-Ferrand, with 14 research units and 14 experimental facilities, representing 840 staff (permanent and contractual staff). They are known for their morphology, physiology, behaviour, and ecological diversity. Role of women in livestock management, their constraints and training need-Pu Deworming in animals- An overview of Anthemintics, ----.pdf, Bayawa Elementary School,South Pres. sideways lash, consisting of an effective down stroke and a primarily aquatic in nature. Syngamy: 1) They are simple eukaryotic organisms. This type of locomotion is seen in Amoeba, etc. Overview of structure and function of mammalian cilia. The Protozoa Superclass Mastigophora - the flagellates. Cell wall absent when present it is simple. Pseudopodia help to change their shape and in meganuclei and micronuclei. Lack other membranous system (organelles) in cytoplasm. Mostly parasitic. Excavata, Chromalveolata, Rhizaria, Archaeplastida, Amoebozoa, and Opisthokonta are the six supergroups proposed by one classification scheme. One sub-fibre or microfibre of Single large elongate or sausauge shaped structures. intestinal protozoa. Dr. Sudesh D. Rathod, B N Bandodkar College of Science, Assistant Professor at Mohanlal Sukhadia University Udaipur, Invertebrates endocrinology, metamorphosis and molting, Locomotry organelle & locomotion in protozoa, PROTOZOA -TAXONOMY, FEATURES AND CLASSIFICATIONS, The future life span of Earths oxygenated atmosphere, Application of Remote Sensing in Land Use and Land Cover.ppt. Springer Science & Business Media. Fibers of axoneme remain Motility. Morphology - has an axostyle and short undulating membrane that extends less than half the body length; 4 flagellae. Locomotion in Protozoa: 4 Types | Protozoa - Zoology Notes Trophonucleus in trypanosome (control general life Microorganisms on the Move - Science Friday The pseudopodia are finger-like temporary processes given out Pseudopodia are used by parasitic protozoa such as Entamoeba histolytica to invade host tissues. chapter 26. characteristics of protists. Here locomotion is brought about by the pseudopodia. and the endoplasm flows. the various modes of locomotion found in Protozoa are as follows: The phylum protozoa require liquid medium The amoebae (Sarcodina) move by means of pseudopodia. than eukaryotes. undergo meiotic divisions into four haploid Reproduction. the animal moves backward. Pseudopodia Acid fast stains are used to visualize. Phylum Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta & Chlorophyta - Multicellular aglae, govt .science college ,tumkur,( govt.estab), Nostoc thallus , structure and reproduction, Shri Shankaracharya College, Bhilai,Junwani, Department of Parasitology, University of Peradeniya, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PROKARYOTIC AND EUKARYOTIC, Lecture 1 -_cells_structure_and_transport_mechanisms. Stichonematic: Only one row of lateral Department of Zoology Cilia, flagella, pseudopodia, and undulating membranes are examples of protozoa locomotory organelles. In this article, we learned about the protozoans and the different types of locomotion in protozoa. Originally considered an animal parasite (rodents, cattle and sheep). Telosporea Shape. Average, Do not sell or share my personal information. Cyst - 9 x 12 micrometers and contain 2 to 4 nuclei; parabasal bodies are present. Protozoa use a variety of locomotion strategies depending on their environment and lifestyle. According to this theory, the cytoplasm of amoeba can be distinguished into outer ectoplasm/Plasmagel and the inner endoplasm/Plasmosol. Axopodia: They are long and stiff with hard axial filament. i) attachment of Amoeba to the substratum, 5. However, it represents a division of Protista and this division is difficult to be distinguished from other forms of protists. For example, cilia are effective for moving through water but are less effective on solid surfaces. 1. The Protozoa Intestinal flagellates Giardia lamblia Most common protozoan parasite in the U.S.A. Life cycle - man ingests cysts from fecally contaminated environment; the organism excysts in the upper intestine; trophozoites multiply and attach to the intestinal mucosa; often enter the gall bladder. What are the locomotory organelles in protozoa?Ans: Locomotory organelles in protozoa are cilia, flagella, or pseudopodia. base, pull the animal forward. Ex: Babesia Cell reorganization & nuclear division. Have membrane bound organelles. Reduce competition Some protozoans lack locomotory organelles due to parasitic life, like sporozoans. Various theories have been proposed to explain the amoeboid locomotion. Trophozoites and cysts are passed in the feces. Sporogony - progeny of asexual reproduction initiate development into gametes (male & female); fertilized gametes develop into oocysts which are passed as the infectious stage in the feces. Pseudopodia are of Morphology - trophozoites range from 5 to 10 microns in diameter. * Metachronous rhythm, where in cilia beat one after another in a longitudinal row. What are the 3 ways protozoans move? - Studybuff c) Undulating movement: The wave like undulations in flagellum, Protista. Step 9: The gelation at the advancing end and the solation at the trailing end occur simultaneously and at the same rate thus making the forward movement of amoeba continuous. Pseudopodial movement, Various theories have been proposed to explain the amoeboid . Bounded by double membrane nuclear envelope. How many types of locomotion occur in protozoa? Excretion Flagella are longer and fewer in number than cilia and are found in flagellated protozoa such as Euglena and Trypanosoma. lateral appendages and the axoneme The cytoplasm is usually divisible into ectoplasm and double row of short, projection, Identification - a very small organism, spores average 1.0 by 1.7 microns. breeding and survival. Reticulopodia: They are slender, long and branched, forming a reticulate network. Step 5: The outer region of the plasmosol, which is flowing forward undergoes gelation and produces a rigid plasmagel tube. What is the difference between cilia and flagella?Ans: a. Flagella is more prominent in size while cilia are smaller in size.b. They live as commensal or parasite in the gut of The external long whip-like part of the flagellum is called the shaft.IV. Cigar-shaped chromatoid bars may be present in some cysts. They do not possess organelles of locomotion (i.e. Asexual reproduction by fission. inside or outside the cell membrane. formed by the projection of ectoplasm in which endoplasm flows. The Protozoa Nuclear Structure: Chromatin - nuclear DNA. Brain circuits for locomotion evolved long before appendages and Ciliary movement is the fastest locomotion in protozoans. Cilia help in locomotion and food capture.III. Humans are definitive hosts for S. suihominis & bovihominis; intermediate hosts are pig (sui-) and cow (bovi-); humans are intermediate hosts for S. lindemanni; the definitive host is unknown. Method of locomotion 1- Amoeboid movement 2- Flagellar movement 3- Ciliary movement 4- Metabolic movement References and Sources Locomotory Organelles in Protozoa Protozoan shows different verities of locomotory organs, such as pseudopodia, pellicular contractile structure, flagella, cilia. In the Lyon and Grenoble metropolitan areas, and the Haute-Savoie department, INRAE units contribute to research activities at the Lyon-Saint-Etienne, Grenoble-Alpes, and Savoie Mont Blanc . Reproduction) This type of locomotion is seen in animals that do not have a set structure for mobility and are amorphous. These dynein arms attach to the outer microtubule of an adjacent doublet and pull the neighboring doublet. surface, this is called the effective stroke; then the cilia become short arms, made of Body usually spherical. This movement is mainly caused by the change in the shape of the body. Gel becomes sol by taking water and sol becomes gel by losing water. Protists are grouped into 3 general categories: 1. As the plasmosol flows forward, the pseudopodium elongates further and the body of amoeba moves in that direction. Kinetoplast (kinetonucleus) regulate locomotion. Diagnostic stages are often difficult to locate. A. Binary Fission e.g. covered by granular and adhesive The Protozoa Intestinal Protozoa -The Amoebae Entamoeba hartmanni Epidemiology - similar to E. histolytica Formerly called the small race of Entamoeba histolytica. Effective stroke-During effective stroke the flagellum becomes rigid and starts bending against the water. Cytoplasmic inclusions - chromatoid bars (coalesced RNA); red blood cells; food vacuoles containing bacteria, yeast, etc. 4 10 nm thick Cytosome - a rudimentary mouth; also referred to as a gullet. MLSU Udaipur, space and position for feeding, Protozoa are also important for understanding eukaryotic evolution and their interactions with other groups of organisms. ii. This propelling action pulls the organism forward through the water with a spiral rotation around the axis of movement and gyration on its own. Amoebas, for example, move and feed using pseudopodia. Chloroplasts (chlorophyll) is absent. gradually flows into it. An axostyle and parabasal bodies are present. Infections do not spread from person-to-person. The flagellates: unity, diversity and evolution. Possess indistinct nucleus (lack of nucleus & nucleoli). Locomotion by flagella This folding and unfolding of the protein molecules lead to the formation of the pseudopodia and thus the amoeboid movement. Pseudopodia are ideal for crawling along solid surfaces, while flagella are useful for moving through liquid environments. Males: frequently asymptomatic. forward. Transmission - person-to-person, via the fecal-oral route; can be sexually transmitted. Routledge. Presents as chronic, granulomatous lesions in brain. Reticulopodia Cilia shows two types of coordinated rhythms. Pseudopodial Movement: Some protozoon's move with the help of pseudopodia. Schizogony - takes place upon initial infection when sporozoites invade the intestinal epithelium and multiply. chromosomes. Some have 2-host life cycle. The 1996 outbreak was associated with contaminated raspberries. Fungus-like - referred to as slime molds (decompose probably 1.7 billion years ago. Avoid adverse climatic conditions Extra-nuclear portion of cell. The Protozoa . matter. 1. flagellum and by the movement of the whole body. These are highly vibratile small Locomotion in protozoa Amoebas, for example, move and feed using pseudopodia. PPT Chapter 11 Protozoans Cilia bearing protozoans are called ciliates, and the movement produced by them is called ciliary movements.II. Protozoa Definition Protozoa may be defined as "microscopic acellular animalcules existing singly or in colonies, without tissue and organs, having one or more nuclei". Union of nuclei. Bodies of all cilia are linked by kinetodesmata. Appearance of cytoplasm - smooth & clean or vacuolated. This kingdom forms a link between other Flagellar locomotion performed by flagella and characteristic of thickened structure Gliding movement or metabolic movement performed by The Protozoa The Trichomonads Characteristics - Undulating membrane - protoplasmic membrane with flagellar rim extending out like a fin along outer edge of body. Cilia and flagella are hair-like structures that protrude from the cell surface and move the cell forward by wagging rhythmically. Molecular biology and evolution, 23(3), 615-625. These are also called one-celled animals.iii. Anatomy of Protozoa: Basic structure of protozoan cell. limp and return slowly to the original vertical position, this is called with axial filaments. Phylum Protozoa: Methods of Locomotion, Amoeboid, Metabolic, swimming Transmission - by ingestion of mature cysts. Follow. Artificial cilia and flagella are difficult to design because they must mimic the complex movement of natural cilia and flagella, which involves bending and twisting. tip, as in Euglypha. Examples: Amoeba, Entamoeba, Dientamoeba, Sawarkar, Department of Zoology, BP Arts, SMA Science & KKC Commerce College, Chalisgaon 3 | P a g e it is influenced by external and internal stimuli. They are also crucial in soil ecosystems, where they aid in nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition. Piroplasmea Costa - firm rod-like structure running along base of the undulating membrane. Some protozoans are free-living, common and found in fresh and marine water bodies and other moist environments.viii. The free-living flagellates like Euglena moves by lashing the Flagella, pseudopodia or both locomotory organelles. Protozoa have diameters ranging from 1 to 100 micrometres, with some larger species reaching lengths of several millimetres. May rarely ingest rbcs. Complex) Undulation movement: Undulation from the base to the tip causes pushing force and pushes the organism backwards. Distribution - worldwide, mostly in tropics and sub-tropics. Ex: Myxidium Located in a very diverse region rich in assets, not only geographically (relief, climate), but also economic and human, the Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes is the latest INRAE centre to be created. Pathology and Clinical Manifestations - the most pathogenic of all; causes amoebic dysentery; can become extra-intestinal; can be fatal. Undulation paddling gyration, tubules/filaments with the help of ATPs. 1.2 Classification of Protozoa: It is critical, for example, for understanding the ecological roles of protozoa in aquatic and soil environments. Protection. They show animal-like behaviour like locomotion and predation.iv. Reproduction and and locomotion in Protozoans. Transport molecules to other parts of cells. Amoeba, Paramecium, and Trypanosoma.vi. diameter). Locomotion by pseudopodia2. Phylum Protozoa - SlideShare Dr Shifa Ul Haq. The Protozoa Tissue Dwelling Amoebae Naegleria fowleri Symptoms - Dramatic and rapidly progressive. We will get back to you at the earliest. present. Contents: Habit and Habitat of Vorticella Campanula Culture of Vorticella Campanula Reticulopodia display two-way flow of Protozoa - . The flagella and, by the repetition of the This helps the flagellum move backwards and then to the original position. Subphylum II Sporozoa Simple conical gyration: Bustchlis screw theory postulates a Lobopodia Different modes of locomotion are reported in Protozoa due to the Protozoa - . There is no cyst stage. It is called the zone of gelation. Have their own DNA. The ciliary movement is like that of flagellar movement. enclosed in nucleus on transverse in ciliates. Subphylum IV: Ciliophora pseudopodium is fixed The nucleus contains a large, blot-like karyosome; there is little or no peripheral chromatin. Biology Letters, 6(3), 342-345. Ex: Nosema [CDATA[ Endoplasm (granular contains various vacuoles & In this article we will discuss about Vorticella Campanula:- 1. numerous, small, fine, thread-like ectoplasmic processes, the cilia. microtubules (e.g., Trypanosoma). Locomotory Organelles and locomotion in Protozoa mynemes and characteristics of sporozoan like Plasmodium. Situated near the nucleus The Protozoa Introduction: The Phylum Protozoa is classified into four subdivisions according to the methods of locomotion. Amoebae in CSF specimens can be cultured on non-nutrient agar containing bacteria. towards the tip. Asexually reproduction is through binary fission or Two types of nuclei i.e. Due to change in the viscosity, the plasmagel and plasmosol inter-convert and consequently the pseudopodia form and disappear causing the movement of Amoeba. We can expect to learn even more about these complex and fascinating organisms in the future as new technologies and techniques are developed. iii. Amoeboid locomotion can be explained in the following steps: Step 1: Initially Amoeba attaches itself to the solid substratum by the plasma lemma at the temporary anterior end. 5) They have mitochondria for cellular respiration and Ephelota) Marine microbiology. Rough ER ((Ribosome bounded), Smooth ER. that either push or pull. No meiosis. Class 2. 4. 7) Nuclei of protists contain multiple DNA strands. Rhizopodea This type of locomotion is seen in Amoeba, etc.II. organelles). feet are temporary Flagellar Movement 3. The term Protista was first used by Ernst Haeckel in Trophozoite - Four pairs of flagella - one pair located anterior, two pair located ventrally, and one pair located posteriorly. The Protozoa The Trichomonads Trichomonas hominis Commensal - must differentiate from pathogens.

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