
// Sign the request if a signer was provided, // Always use the client level timeOffset if it was, // non-zero; Otherwise, we respect the timeOffset in the, // request, which could have been externally configured (at, // For retry due to clock skew, the timeOffset in the, // request used for the retry is assumed to have been, /////////// Send HTTP request ////////////, // Client execution timeouts take precedence as it's not retryable, // Interrupt flag can leak from apache when aborting the request, // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HTTPCLIENT-1958, TT0174038332. See, * , * Returns the signer based on the given URI and the current AWS client, * configuration. credentials. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. AWS Java SDK version used. * @param params Params for the individual request being executed. Null if header is not present. Caused by: software.amazon.awssdk.core.exception.SdkClientException: Unable to load credentials from any of the providers in the chain AwsCredentialsProviderChain . * Read a request that has been given to a service client before it is modified by other interceptors. * Long running tasks should be periodically checked if the current thread has been, * interrupted and handle it appropriately, * @throws InterruptedException If thread has been interrupted, * @param response Response to be closed before returning control to the caller to avoid. * @return True if the failed request should be retried. Note: A version 2.x of the SDK is available, see the AWS SDK for Java 2.x section for more information. It involves deriving, * the signing key and computing the signature. // In an error case, we only want to update the sending rate if we, // The success case (throttlingResponse = false) is handled in. * previously running collector used by the AWS SDK, if any. This can almost always be determined directly from the, * request's end point, so you shouldn't need this method, but it's provided. * Read the finalized request as it will be given to the marshaller to be converted into an {@link SdkHttpFullRequest}. * @return True if strict hostname verification should be used, false otherwise. The {@link Field#HttpSocketReadTime}. import org. * Returns true if the per-host metrics flag has been set; false otherwise. * attempts, proxy httpClientSettings, etc), and request metric collector. * If any problems are detected with the specified endpoint. * true if single metric name is to be used; false otherwise. * Pause before the next retry and record metrics around retry behavior. * should also be set to 'true' within the same synchronized block of code. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. * add a new customer at any time, simply create a bucket for the customer, add. * By default, per-host level metrics is excluded. Also check these community resources for getting help: For information about maintenance and support for SDK major versions and their underlying dependencies, see the following in the AWS SDKs and Tools Shared Configuration and Credentials Reference Guide: 1.11.x - No longer supported, but migration to 1.12.x should require no code changes. * different from the general implementation. Must not be null. * Returns the region name that is used when calculating the signature. Notifications Fork 699; Star 1.7k. No configuration is necessary if the simple class name of the. When a response is being processed (after and including {@link #afterTransmission}, * interceptors are applied in reverse-order from the order described above. See the License for the specific language governing. * {@link ExecutionAttributes} are unique to an execution (the process of an SDK processing a {@link SdkRequest}). This method can be overridden by sub classes to provide different. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java development by creating an account on GitHub. * properties. // https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8028111, "Detected a possible problem with the current JVM version (", "If you experience XML parsing problems using the SDK, try upgrading to a more recent JVM update. credentials. * Thread safe so it's backward compatible. Are you sure you want to create this branch? 1.12.405. * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. The official AWS SDK for Java. Any interceptors listed in these files (new line separated) are, * instantiated using their default constructor and loaded into the client., * The order in which interceptors are executed is sometimes relevant to the accuracy of the interceptor itself. A standalone JDK distributable is available for download on the Releases page. * When a request is being processed (up to and including {@link #beforeTransmission}, interceptors are applied in forward-order. RequestMetricCollector c = req.getRequestMetricCollector (); // request level collector. * Returns true if metrics at the AWS SDK level is enabled; false. * the HTTP method object. * An internal method used to explicitly override the service name for region metadata. This mutable, * collection of attributes is created when a call to a service client is made and can be mutated throughout the course of the, * client call. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. * Modify an {@link SdkRequest} given to a service client before it is marshalled into an {@link SdkHttpFullRequest}. * @param includePerHostMetrics true if per-host metrics is to be included; * Used to enable {@link Field#HttpSocketReadTime} metric since by default it is disabled. // When enabled, total retry capacity is computed based on retry cost, * Shuts down this HTTP client object, releasing any resources that might be held open. Only intended for use by the fluent, * If the client has been marked as immutable then throw an {@link, * UnsupportedOperationException}, otherwise do nothing. * {@link ClientConfiguration} will be used, which by default is HTTPS. * Apply the byte counting stream wrapper if the legacy runtime profiling is enabled. * endpoint. 1.12.429. All Rights Reserved. * Depending on which response handler we end up choosing to handle the HTTP response, it, * might require us to leave the underlying HTTP connection open, depending on whether or, * not it reads the complete HTTP response stream from the HTTP connection, or if delays. Once a client. See the License for the specific language governing. Use setEndpoint to set an endpoint before performing any request. Are you sure you want to create this branch? * This method is restricted to calls from the default AWS SDK metric implementation. * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=credentialFile=/path/aws.properties, * @deprecated in favor of {@link AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROPERTIES_FILE}. * into the most specific exception type possible, and throwing the exception. * This class includes a set of pre-defined backoff policies. * Used to explicitly override the internal signer region computed by the. * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=useSingleMetricNamespace, * Used to exclude the generation of JVM metrics when the AWS SDK default, * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=excludeJvmMetrics, * Used to generate per host level metrics when the AWS SDK default. section of the developer guide. Changing it, * afterwards creates inevitable race conditions for any service requests in, * Callers can pass in just the endpoint (ex: "ec2.amazonaws.com") or a full, * URL, including the protocol (ex: "https://ec2.amazonaws.com"). DynamoDB data. * @deprecated by {@link #getServiceName()}. Import * Package-protected constructor for unit test purposes. You can get * Returns the name of the JVM for generating per-JVM level metrics; * or null or blank if per-JVM level metrics are disabled. * modifications made by other interceptors. * Fluent method for {@link #setRegion(Region)}. * @param calculateCRC32FromCompressedData The flag indicating whether the CRC32 checksum is, * calculated from compressed data or not. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. * @return true if the unregistration succeeded or if there is no admin. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java development by creating an account on GitHub. By default, we enable double url-encoding. You signed in with another tab or window. If a retriable error happens (according to the. * key from the "secretKey" property. * The service name to use when calculating signatures in this, * Sets the region name that this signer should use when calculating request, * signatures. No response. * express or implied. This may cause issues for certain use-cases of the SDK. * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Are you sure you want to create this branch? * The default metric collection of the Java AWS SDK is disabled by default. The default. settings for the SDK, please see the Installing a Java Development Environment * Sets the optional value for time offset for this client. * if the specified metric name space is either null or blank. * @return Either original response handler or dummy response handler. * the information on the S3 bucket and key is not yet known. This method can be overridden by sub classes to provide different, * values (e.g) For S3 pre-signing, the content hash calculation is. * The service name in region metadata, i.e. Changes in the retired 1.11.x series of the SDK, beginning with version 1.11.82, Must not be null. This file is distributed, * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either, * express or implied. This. A version 2.x of the SDK is generally available. Expected Behavior. You can get * existing code would generate the hash of an empty byte array and returns. apache. *

This will only be invoked if the entire execution fails. If it is this method returns a dummy response. * generated CloudWatch metrics such as JVM level, host level, etc. // Check whether we should internally retry the auth error, // Preserve the cause of retry before retrying. aws-chunked, * uses a pre-defined header value, and needs to change some headers, * relating to content-encoding and content-length. Changing it afterwards creates inevitable race, * conditions for any service requests in transit or retrying.. // AWS4 requires that we sign the Host header so we. * Constructs a new AWS client using the specified client configuration options (ex: max retry. * Returns the client specific request metric collector if there is one; or. To. * it. Redhat openjdk . * By default, metrics are uploaded to us-east-1. See the javadoc at, * com.amazonaws.metrics.internal.cloudwatch.CloudWatchMetricConfig for more, * Object name under which the Admin Mbean of the current classloader is, * Used to enable the use of a single metric namespace for all levels of SDK. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * Reset the input stream of the request before a retry. * Used to specify an AWS credential property file. * Returns {@link MonitoringListener}; or null if there is none. * The default timeout is 1 minute, which is optimal for the default, * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=getQueuePollTimeoutMilli=60000. Additional Information/Context. This is useful for transferring data that may be stored thread-locally into the execution's. In case of pre-sign, the. * The input stream containing the response content. Getting Help. * use the simpler one-argument form of setEndpoint instead of this method. * and let the next retry deliver the request to the right location. * @param context The current state of the execution, including the SDK and unmodified HTTP request. // don't pause if the retry was not due to a redirection (I.E. * interceptors) to be sent to the downstream service. * Returns a flag that indicates whether the endpoint for this client has been overridden or not. // if we detect any of these, give customers a heads up. This file is distributed, * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either, * express or implied. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java-v2 development by creating an account on GitHub. * collector specified as the input parameter. * @return the service name that should be used when computing the region, * endpoints. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java development by creating an account on GitHub. The AWS access key is expected to be in the "accessKey". * property. */, * Returns true if the metric admin MBean is currently registered for JMX, * Returns the name of the registered admin mbean; or null if the admin, * Registers the metric admin MBean for JMX access for the current, * classloader. See the License for the specific language governing. To, * enable it, simply specify the system property. Should be called by each mutating, "Client is immutable when created with the builder. Error: com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: Unable to unmarshall If you plan to use Java 17+, we recommend that you migrate to As above. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Please see the Sign Up for AWS section of * according to the order described above. for ( RequestHandler2 requestHandler2 : requestHandler2s) {. Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper - Uses Plain Old Java Object (POJOs) to store and retrieve Amazon when retried exception is null), * Gets the correct request timeout taking into account precedence of the configuration in, * {@link AmazonWebServiceRequest} versus {@link ClientConfiguration}, * @param requestConfig Current request configuration, * @return Request timeout value or 0 if none is set, * Gets the correct client execution timeout taking into account precedence of the, * configuration in {@link AmazonWebServiceRequest} versus {@link ClientConfiguration}, * @return Client Execution timeout value or 0 if none is set. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. You can, * change the region by changing the system property as, * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=cloudwatchRegion={newregion}, * For additional optional attributes that can be specified for the system, * property, please read the javadoc of the individual fields of, * Instead of via system properties, the default AWS SDK metric collection can. This can be used to publish, * metrics, modify a request in-flight, debug request processing, view exceptions, etc. Any interceptors registered using, * {@link ClientOverrideConfiguration.Builder#addExecutionInterceptor(ExecutionInterceptor)}. * Timer to enforce HTTP request timeouts. Possible Solution. * Fluent setter for the error response handler, * @param errorResponseHandler Error response handler, * Fluent setter for the execution context, * @param executionContext Execution context, * Fluent setter for {@link RequestConfig}, * @param requestConfig Request config object. * A boolean flag that indicates whether the endpoint has been overridden either on construction or later mutated, * due to a call to setEndpoint(). To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. * Returns true if a failed request should be retried. Otherwise re-interrupts the current thread, * and returns a {@link SdkClientException} wrapping an {@link InterruptedException}, * Determine if an aborted exception is caused by the client execution timer interrupting, * the current thread. * @return SdkBufferedInputStream if possible, otherwise original input stream. Current Behavior. * Abstract base class for Amazon Web Service Java clients. * TODO: Different sigv4 services seem to be inconsistent on this. * Returns the time difference in seconds between this client and AWS. protocols. * enable it, simply specify the system property. AWS Java SDK version used. * Internal method to implement the {@link #setCredentialFile(String)}. * response metadata available for the request. * Alternatively, for limited customization of the internal collector, * implementation provided by the AWS SDK, one can extend the internal Amazon, * CloudWatch metric collector. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * Signer implementation that signs requests with the AWS4 signing protocol. Are you sure you want to create this branch? * Returns the optional value for time offset for this client. * normally called except for AWS internal development purposes. * @return Wrapped input stream with progress monitoring capabilities. It is a major rewrite of the 1.x code base, built on top of Java 8+ and adds several frequently requested features. // Always mark the input stream before execution. When any service client is, * created by a client builder, all jars on the classpath (from the perspective of the current thread's classloader) are, * checked for a file named '/software/amazon/awssdk/global/handlers/execution.interceptors'. * Used to control the default AWS SDK metric collection system. The default implementation uploads the, * request/response metrics captured to Amazon CloudWatch using AWS credentials. (e.g. * @param context The current state of the execution, including the unmodified SDK request from the service client call. See the License for the specific language governing. /** Exports AwsSdkMetrics for JMX access. * Modify the {@link SdkHttpFullRequest} before it is unmarshalled into an {@link SdkResponse}. * Returns the credential provider for the default AWS SDK metric implementation. Once you check out the code from GitHub, you can build it using Maven. *

  • Override Configuration Interceptors are the most common method for SDK users to register an interceptor. * Interceptor's order is determined by their method of registration. Refer to, * .com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-calculate-signature.html, "Generating a new signing key as the signing key not available in the cache for the date ". for more details. Provides easy-to-use HTTP clients for all supported AWS services, regions, and authentication protocols. * @return The region used to sign requests with AWS SigV4 auth. dependencies. * @return ResettableInputStream if possible otherwise original input stream.

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