
After a reasonable time period, the color will revert to standard black. Now, here we were in a semi large beach resort, had not eaten since dinner of the previous day in Long Binh, had travelled by truck, plane, and bus to get to this resort, and they were telling us if we wanted to eat at all, we couldnt, until another two hours. So the drill went like this: The ration sheet breakdown guy would get the head counts off the 2979s, then get the menu for the day, or period. Ration breakdown was based on the head-counts each company or organization who drew rations from us provided. Thus, all laundry services were soon cut short and contracted out to the locals of Tay Ninh City. the Regular Army as the 28th Field Artillery Battalion. A copy of DAGO 39 whereby the 228th was awarded an MUC for time period 1 October 1966 3 July 1967 is also available online for downloading and printing (see Homepage Awards Section for reference purposes or download as well). Photograph album of 43 photographs possibly taken by Don Evans, 1918 (c); associated with 228th Machine Gun Coy and World War One, Salonika (1914-1918). Arrangements were made for personnel to visit other quarry operations in Vietnam to work with crusher personnel and to train in rock drilling and explosive placement. I would have noticed the PMOS of George once I returned from Saigon, and brought it to the attention of the 1st Shirt, i.e. Part I consisted of probing for the enemy, while Part 2 consisted of actual contact and engagement with the enemy(see Part C and Addendum following). In early 1967, there were typically 15 or so assigned enlisted GIs E-2 E-5. A) Basic Version 1966-1967 + Miscellaneous. The dry goods were offloaded next to the trucks, and later in the afternoon be moved them to their storage location, or to the dry issue line. 228th Panzerjger Battalion . B.A. Note 1:There is conflicting evidence online regarding the 196th Light Infantry Brigade. On 25 November 1966 the 228th enjoyed a hot Thanksgiving meal, a copy of said menu (provided by 1st Lt. Paul B. Walker) who had saved same while assigned to the 506th (see Memorabilia Section for copy of menu). I always enjoyed seeing them. Lineage [ edit] Constituted 5 July 1918 in the National Army as the 28th Field Artillery and assigned to the 10th Division. We would use fuel bladders, metal pod tanks, or anything that could hold a good amount of water to erect and supply cold shower points. Tobias, his Chief of Staff; Fidel Valdez Ramos, and other forward senior officers of 1st PHILCAGV. SC assisted as called on with the paperwork for those operations. For whatever reason(s) the 266th found it convenient to send me a number of neer do wells for rehabilitation (I guess) in a manner or form, that was not quite on the books. At the same time all personnel were required to remove their 6th Army insignia shoulder patch, to be replaced by the 1st Logistics Command shoulder insignia, aka; the leaning outhouse. Click on link and pick week of interest. One of the more interesting things to happen on the trip was while we were going through a small hamlet where all the local traffic had pulled over to let the convoy pass. The 20 personnel of Bakery Section of former Company B, were (as best I recall) reassigned to the 266th (possibly the 569th quartermaster composite provisional), excepting the 1 Baker {Terry R. Shipp} assigned to the 228th but remaining TDY with the 266th. Constituted 5 July 1918 in the National Army as Battery B, 25th Field Artillery, an element of the 9th Division. 20 July 1966Long Binh, Republic of Vietnam under COSTAR Directive (Combat Service Support to the Army); Company B, 266th Quartermaster Battalion (Direct Support) wasinactivated. The 500+ attached personnel remained quartered and attached with the 228th from late November through March 1967. For over two years (off and on) I have revisited this problem through reflection. I left Travis AFB {located approximately 60 miles north of Oakland California} on a C-141. One last add on to my time in Tay Ninh. Well Eady, for whatever reason was determined to really kick some ass. May 6, 1943 - Aug.29, 1944: Formation and Training Aug 31, 1944 - Dec. 1944 Jan 1945 - May 6, 1945 May 6, 1943 At some point following 23 May 1967, the new DD Form 1 arrived in Vietnam. Kuster, AB Ranger}, 1st Shirt {Master Sgt. (see links)a terrific Website. In talking with 1st Lt. Paul B. Walker who rotated in mid February 1967, he too rotated from 90th Replacement Battalion in Long Binh and flew out of Bien Hoa. Because of what I learned in the Army, I have the military and other good folks I served with, to thank for all the things I learned in Class I. 14 January 1967 Orders received revoking orders of 10 January 1967 of Capt. Please click the icon below to go to the company store you are looking for. Worse still, I had no senior NCOICs (Non Commissioned Officers in Charge) above the rank of SGT E5 of which, I had but one, where I should have had three. Carlos Baruz}, COs driver {PFC J.D. The Bakers section prior to COSTAR directive remained in Cu Chi, as did a portion of L&B Platoon assigned TDY in Quan Loi, Trai Bi, and French Fort. Equipment presently in operation within the command is of WWII vintage. Note 1:For those who are not inclined to read TO&E data in Miscellaneous Data section, the following is offered regarding Laundry and Bath Platoon. (, I can tell you thisthe operations of this. Being the lowest ranking EM and a newbie to the two story vintage WWII barracks, it became my job to mop liquid wax on the WWII linoleum floors, wait about five minutes and then buff the entire barracks floors upstairs and downstairs. Technically we also had the charge of providing laundry services, and hot shower facilities designed to support up to 16,000 troops. Organized 10 August 1918 at Camp Funston, Kansas. The Laundry and Bath Platoon were to be stationed and quartered with the 25th Supply and Transport Battalion, while the Bakery Section, having no OIC (Officer in Charge) were directed elsewhere to join and be a part of 25th ID. Company B set up Field Tents on the left side. We were swamped as it was. First: Major Jerry E. Ward arrived in Tay Ninh after Operation Attleboro Phase I and II had ended (on or about 5 December 1966). This brief summation of conditions on National Route 15, between Vung Tau and Long Binh during 1966, is provided as an item of interest for those who transited that route on 23JUN66 (see earlier in the History, Section B, for description of debarkation and travel on that date). During this time, Company B personnel used flash-lights for lighting there being but a few kerosene lanterns available for use. As a result, neither I nor a single member of my Platoon was injured during this fairly brief attack of about tenminutes duration. Description. Attached are the 507th Engr.,551st Ord. As such, the 228th was charged with developing, operating the various supply points necessary, to stock, manage, distribute all logistics materials arriving by convoy and various aircraft as well as participating in same (convoy runs and the like). 3) For time periodJuly 1967 (possibly August 1967) through late December 1968(possibly January 1969) Individual written Commendations (and other) to specific personnel of228th Supply and Service Company (DS) (exact number unknown see 1967 -1968 History, Gallery) Superior Command: Forward detachment of 567th Supply and Service Battalion (DS), later a conglomerate of 567th detachment personnel, elements of the 29th General Support Group, in concert with elements of the 25th Supply and Transport Battalion of the 25th ID, later known as Logistics Supply Area/Activity (LSA) Tay Ninh, aka: Tay Ninh Support Command and/or Tay Ninh Support or Supply Area/Activity. Note:Rosters of these personnel were not kept by the 228th. At the same time, my assistant SP4 Ronald L. Fischer was with me, as was the Class I Clerk; SP4 Gamble. This was done in generally good cooperation between SC and the OICs and NCOICs in charge of the yards. Jones Jr. 1st Logistics Command Commanding as of July 1967, who had replaced Major General, Stanley Lollis.ABN). While supporting Operation Attleboro, preparations were being made to expand the mission operational sites for follow up combat operations Gadsden, Cedar Falls and Junction City.all between 7 October 1966 and the end of February 1967. General Orders # 38, Department of the Army, dated 20 July 1970is a listing of confirmed MUC award as amended. As best I recall, FLASH or FLASH OVERRIDE were the highest priority calls that could be placed and then only for critical combat life and death situations by senior commanders. He instructed me about the general idea of his duties, how to fill out and do the 2969 report and how to get the information from the 2770 forms. Treatment occurred by testing water, treating same of various units water tankers (usually 2 per Company) until potable before release. As such, providing troops in the field as well as the base camp with Laundry and Hot Shower facilities in a forward area of military operations was another prime function engaged in by the 228th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support). In addition there were Special Forces personnel encamped at or near Tay Ninh Base Camp and near as well as atop Nui Ba Den (The Black Virgin Mountain). One evening while taking a shower, we were washing down, when across this rice paddy/field clearing we saw two F100s or F105s come streaking down and dropping napalm. We arrived back at the 228th in early March 1967. If department of the Army ever reads this, or makes use of this Website, it is hoped that the problems encountered by the 228th in these areas shall be considered, i.e. The 228th, being an understrength company was supporting an average of 28,000 troops and more in four (4) different known locations through four (4) battlefield operations. For items that wore out (e.g. Little than ), Mortuary Affairs, United States Army, Fort Lee, Virginia (civilian capacity) 2 May 2010. It was also around this time period I got a call from an SFC E7 at the 45th Field Hospital who was in charge of food service. (2) Organic tank trucks and semitrailers may be used for any of several operations, including transfer of product from the supply point to using units, bulk storage at the supply point and convoy refueling. Three {other} graves registration points are located at Quon Loi, Lai Khe and Xuan Loc. ABN 3 March 2012. {Special Note regarding the following assignments experienced by George before he was assigned to Class I: As Company Clerk of the 228th an apology might be due George as to how and why he ended up in Trai Bi. From reading what other guys have said and written by e-mail exchanges, I guess we had a new Commanding Officer, a Captain Jimmy Ellington who had replaced Captain Ozawa, who it appears was promoted to Major. In my mind (for the most part)we had good Officers, good NCOs and terrific enlisted, drafted or not. 25 November 1966the 228th celebrated Thanksgiving (see menu provided by 1st Lt. Paul B. Walker in Memorabilla Section). The cargo planes consisted of both Army and Air Force entities. He gave us directions to the mess-hall, but gave no further incite as to what we were supposed to do during the remainder of day, or days thereafter. All the preceding was accomplished on a verbal basis through the 228th and via the new Commanding Officer; Captain Jerry D. White. Not one Good Conduct Medal was issued after 6 January of 1967 May 1967 {would have effected 35 enlisted personnel of 110 scheduled for rotation}. Each item issued in whatever amount was based on a number per 100 individuals. This was a problem. I dont recall what the item was, but thankfully not an immediate mission-critical kind of thing, so it was an embarrassment that stopped short of a major flap. Ted Fife and I also remember that the new Commanding Officer, a Captain (Gordan I.) However, the new DD1 was not available for use by units stationed in Tay Ninh Province and the older Form 1 continued to be used and submitted. By this writing and my appended typed name of below, I offer this testimony in deepest respect and sincere gratitude to those magnificent men of the 228th, for their unwavering loyalty, support to me, and for their superior, if not most exceptional service they gave to their Country during a time of War. Joseph had the where with all to sense and realize the true danger involved, where I simply had not even considered it. The ice-house was a great place to be assigned. I was exhausted both physically and mentally. It was interesting from the standpoint of not being a Catholic and having the Mass said in Latin by a priest from the Philippines. SC was relocated sometime between FEB67 and NOV67, on the road to the ammo dump on the right just beyond Class I and before the Engineer IV yard, as it was at the latter spot when Dan Hillard was assigned as SC Officer in NOV67. One other minor issue affecting personnel of the 228th who rotated prior to 1 June 1967. Following orders and having only been in country for approximately 8 days approximately 50 individuals comprised of L&B Platoon and Bakery section joined in convoy to Cu Chi arriving around mid afternoon. to the 506thFD and PA&E, as well as picking up any paperwork they had for SC or the supported units. That was the signal for everyone else to unload whatever you were issued. And 140th Maint. I guess the Military thought if any of us got to the terminal there might be a good number of possible desertions. Thus, most Direct Support units in a good number of articles, orders and the like from higher authority (Westmoreland for example) never used the (DS) or Direct Support designation. Purple Heart award for 1 KIA and 2 WIA neither assigned or attached to 228th were awarded from their individual companies of assignment. Det. In essence, the entire base camp of units and personnel stationed in Tay Ninh in these very early days, transcended unit differences of mission.in essence acting as one, rather than manySee Links section to enter and view the 175th Combat Engineers and 45th Surgical Hospital Websites. In effect, the Maintenance Platoon Section and the Equipment Section were merged into the General Supply Platoon. They should have let me go to Vegas. Just like Art Neighbor (1966-1967) described at Oakland Army Base, we were given a hot steak dinner with all the trimmings at McCord. Sites must be kept to a minimum to reduce handling, and arranged to avoid offering attractive targets.Note:In Tay Ninh, and bythe very nature of the ground terrain (it being flat) everything and every unit of operation was a prime target. January of 1968 was an interesting month. When we speak of general supplies, we speak of everything from stoves to toothpicks, including pencils and paper, mess trays, field equipment, dog food, and thousands of other items. An additional collection point is located inTay Ninh. Like a number of others who have served in the 228th, I simply went on with my life. Each section operates on two 10-hour shifts., Each laundry section is provided with either single trailer-mounted laundry units or two washer-extractor trailers and three dryer-generator trailers. Another reason I think George might have initially been attached to the 228th as TDY, is where he was assigned to sleep. In 1966, 1967 up through 1968 per Logistics Study RVN and Book written by Lt. Gen, Joseph M. Heiser Jr., Department of Army, 1991, there were Eleven (11) operating Laundry and Bath sections (Hot Shower Points Laundry facilities for Troops and/or Hospitals) in all of South Vietnam. The washer-extractor trailer includes a washer pump and a water heater., Paraphrased: Transportation required to pickup and return laundry to supported units shall be employed where practicable. Even so, he would drop by and see how I was doing. The NCOIC of the yard was a SGT Potts. Before Christmas day, I was recalled back to Tay Ninh. We settled into an everyday routine. It made the time move and that was the secret. The Company found itself in the position of being short manpower, equipment and operating at less than half of its authorized unit strength with a mission of setting up its own cantonment area, various supply points, and supporting not only the entire Tay Ninh Base Camp including 1st PHILCAGV, Special Forces, but Operation Attleboro Phase I (probing mission of 196th and 25th ID) soon to be Phase II (contact and battlefield conditions) in Tay Ninh War Zone C. The long and the short of the matter meant the 228th personnel were hard pressed to meet its mission. The following enlisted personnel rotating and separating from service were eligible, earned, and should have been awarded a Good Conduct Medal w/Ribbon: SP4 John P. Kema, SP4 Fernando Abad Jr., SP4 Dennis K. Burton, SP4 Nicholas Catania, SP4 Steven Goolie, SP4 Willie C. Harris, SP4 Jesse Heard, SP4 Robert M. Lenzi, SP4 Julius Logan, SP4 Patrick J. Mellon, SP4 Floyd E. Moore, SP4 Spencer L. Nashboo, SP4 Arthur B. 17th Field Artillery Regiment 17th Field Artillery Battalion With the start of World War II with the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Regiment went under many changes and trained for many months at Fort Bragg. During the time period George arrived, I was in Long Binh, at 29th General Support Group, followed by 266th HQ and then on to Personnel Records Office Saigon. Most of my time was spent talking to the guys rotating back to the World. and our Second, there had been hostile attacks originating from the area (so we were told). (4) Securing Route 15 usually required at least one battalion of the RAR and much of the 173rd AB, conducting named Operations for the purpose. The remaining 5 personnel arrived in Tay Ninh by separate convoy on 10 October 1966. We had absolutely no problem whatsoever in building a pyramid of our own. The fire must have got out of control as it set off a small ammo dump the Infantry guys had in their area, and all night long there were munitions going off. We didnt get much sleep and 1700 hours was upon us in no time, so off we went to stand in the chow line. This platoon had unfortunately walked into an unsuspected enemy ambush and no one had walked out. I missed breakfast, wanted to take a shower, but couldnt move. This being the case, i.e. To be brief, my introduction to Graves Registration, which I had not been schooled in for even one day, came at the hands of one CPL Kenneth Grayham who had been with the 228th since its inception and activation on 20 July 1966 in Long Binh. There were almost 200 DX items. The 1 KIA and 2 other enlisted WIA were physically in Tay Ninh, but neither attached or TDY by written orders from superior HQ (266th S&S BN (DS). Class II, and IV.materials, engineering, parts, clothing, etc!, Class III, POL..(Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants, including fuel storage (Gas, Diesel, Aviation Fuel, etc! #NeverForget SSG Esau G. Patterson Jr.,25, of Ridgeland, S.C.; assigned to 4th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Armored Division, Baumholder, Germany; one of eight soldiers killed 29Apr04 by a car bomb as his unit was doing a dismounted IED-sweep in Baghdad. As a result, all enlisted personnel rotating who had completed their respective 2 or 3 year service obligation honorably and who would be separated from active duty on return to CONUS from February 1967 through May 1967 were not awarded a Good Conduct Medal. The brigade was formed in November 2022 from the Azov Special Operations Forces (SSO), and originally formed by veterans of the Azov Regiment, and is considered to be a . Actually, as far as I was concerned the Class I yard of the 228th was doing one hell of a job. The bad news was, that it was a very rough ride, as I was riding atop a 5 Ton flatbed while sitting on top of a Conex container where I bounced around all over the place. We tried to support the 45th Surgical Field Hospital in Tay Ninh, but again we were so understaffed, ill equipped, and unable to handle the immense workloads required at two locations let alone one. On this date, Captain Jerry D. White was still Commanding Officer. As stated on 20 July 1966 under COSTAR directive, Company B was inactivated, and with the activation of the 228th, the Company no longer had a Bakery section. Perhaps a Property Officer reading this can explain the matter. I have been able to find some good summary information about the battalion from the family of other battalion members. In DEC67, SC became heavily involved in supporting Task Force Merritt at Katum. Later, on about July 1967 forward and after the original large group of 110 guys rotated, wed have the Red Cross girls {aka: Donut Dollys} show up and serve meals. What a Hole. These fine folks arrived in 2 and 1/2 ton trucks numbering 200 in number at a time all day long for three days straight. Nearly every GI (Officers and Enlisted) can relate easily to the experience outlined by SP4 E4 George W, Savare and his reminiscences. The two Bakers assigned to the 228th were TDY with the 266th and remained so for his entire tour of duty. (3) An overlay of the entire supply point, indicating the location of supply and operational areas. And 140th Maint. Note:Per 29th General Support Group Quarterly Report dated 31 January 1967, Section C.Intelligence and CounterintelligenceParagraph 1. In review of later photographs on other Websites, I noted that on or about late 1967, possibly in 1968 or in early 1969 that the pool had been drained and was off limits to the troops. Such reporting runs counter to all known data and other as witnessed and known by personnel (officers and enlisted) of the 228th S&S Co (DS) its assigned and attached personnel of the time period.Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Class I, II, III, IV, Laundry and Bath, Graves Registration Officers in Charge, NCOICS, Company Clerk and all other assigned and attached personnel {total of nearly 700} who were physically in Tay Ninh, boots on the ground, and performing all preceding functions on a daily basis. In effect the 228th designed to support 16,000 at full strength was doing the work of a Battalion (or larger) Amazing! The PFC in the supply room tells us we have to fold the sheets neatly or he wont accept them. Under the COSTAR DIRECTIVE of 20 July 1966, this number allotted changed (exact number not known) to nearly double, or between 40 to 45 individuals. As Company B, 266th Quartermaster Battalion (DS) in Fort Lewis and on arrival in RVN, the Bakery section at reduced strength TO&E consisted of 20 personnel assigned to the Bakery Section. Overall, and I cannot state it more clearly.the GR section, the personnel of the 228th performed their individual job functions in the most honorable manner feasible while I was there. Generally it is to provide supply, service, and maintenance support to US Forces and Third Country Forces Class III, Engineer Class IV,TC Aviation, and medical as directed by CO USASUPCOM, Saigon. The 28th Field Artillery was again activated on 1 July Det. Art and I joke about the matter every so often. I rushed to the Company Orderly Room field tent and proceeded to by-pass every higher Headquarters that had not bothered to inform me and my command of this major Operation. (1) The RAR did not begin significant efforts to control Route 15 until July 1966. I was doing my best to obtain as much information as possible. Its frustrating that our superior command (266th) and its superior command (29th Group) failed at every turn to recognize that which the 228th (and other subordinate units) were accomplishing (perhaps because neither ever visited these forward supply point areas in 1966)..ABN, *Xuan Loc a little south of Long Giao, aka: Blackhorse in support of 11th Armored operating in the area..ABN/per PBW. 12 January 1967 Letter of Appreciation to Captain Kuster typed and signed by nearly 100+ enlisted, assigned and attached personnel. Im not positive, but thought that the shower point was run by an attachment or section of the 228th. N)29th General Support Group Quarterly Reports Selected Extracts 1966 1967: Quarterly Report for time period ending 31 October 1966, as submitted to USASUPCOM, Saigon, 1st Logistics Command, USARPAC. If so, that means the M14s belonged to the 29th General Support Group, not the 228th (unless property transfer of some sort had occurred). It was great! as well as miscellaneous personnel from the 226th S&S Bn. The next stop was Clark AFB in the Philippines where once again we stood on the runway, stretched our legs, as we were not allowed to drift far from the C-141. This is discussed in other parts of History section, so I wont go into major detail. Ozawa in the morning formation is where he told us (the company) that we werent going to run him off like the other guy. As such, and with reference to in Company Equipment repair, the Company had a small motor pool, motor pool repair parts shed only. The 28th Field Artillery Regiment is a field artillery regiment of the United States Army, first constituted in 1918 in the National Army (USA) .

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