
Pentagon suspends war games with South Korea after Trumps meeting with Kim. We were bullies in one of the poorest countries on Earth, Rapone said. He was deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 and was assigned as an assistant machine gunner in Khost Province. During the interview, he expressed patriotism and looked just like a top-notch candidate. Click The honor code as West Point says, a cadet does not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do. Where this was determined to come up short was in asking a cadet a question the answer to which could lead to their being disciplined, particularly dismissed from the academy, and forcing them to choose between lying (their honor) or severe punishment. Friday, June 8, 2018, Click Hed be good at following the party line.. I knew there could be repercussions, said Rapone, who is scheduled to speak at a socialism conference in Chicago next month. When theyre faced with those situations, they might find the courage to resist, or find a way out. Theres no tangible objective other than to make it endless, to continue lining the pockets of Raytheon, Boeing, and so on. There were no red flags of any kind.. Rubio celebrated the move in a statement provided to The Washington Post on Tuesday. Despite his growing disillusionment with the military, he applied and got in. Hes holding up a sign under his hat, and it says, Communism will win. But you sat on the photo for a while. Spenser Rapone, a former second lieutenant whose Communism Will Win photo rocked the internet in 2017 after being featured by this publication, has received an Other Than Honorable discharge from the U.S. Army. ALL HE WANTS IS A FAIR JUDICIAL PROCESS. Robert J. Naughton Protected Corrupt Naval Officers Who Imprisoned a Navy Chief in a Military Mental Hospital, United States Military Academy West Point. Heres one of our previous posts from our esteemed Editor Emeritus, WEST POINT HAS GONE TO HELL! A subsequent investigation revealed that Rapone was not only openly Communist, but believed that the US Government must be destroyed from within, his beliefs operating the lines of Communist philosopher Rudi Dutschkes strategy of the long march through the institutions.. As I said, this is a peculiarly West Point idea that puts the onus on the superior to not ask really uncomfortable questions. The debate on Kaepernick started up again, with Trump denouncing him and other football players expressing solidarity. WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP) The images Spenser Rapone posted on Twitter from his West Point graduation were intentionally shocking: In one, the cadet opens his dress uniform to expose a T-shirt with a blood-red image of socialist icon Che Guevara. We wouldnt tolerate that from a private, why would we tolerate it from someone who is being trained to hold a commission. Raponereceived an other than honorable discharge, the AP reported, an administrative separation reserved for misconduct. WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP) The images Spenser Rapone posted on Twitter from his West Point graduation were intentionally shocking: In one, the cadet opens his dress uniform to expose a T-shirt with a blood-red image of socialist icon Che Guevara. In addition to classic socialist theorists such as Karl Marx, Rapone says he found inspiration in the writings of Stan Goff, a retired Special Forces master sergeant who became a socialist anti-war activist. But as bad as that is, theres something very different about taking a human life yourself, let alone if you dont understand what cause its serving. Over the past couple of weeks a lot of attention has been called to the case of an avowed communist, anti-American, and, indeed, anti-military graduate of the United States Military Academy names Spenser Rapone (see this and this). Rapone said his journey to communism grew out of his experiences as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan before he was accepted into the U.S. Military Academy. One West Point teacher -LTC Robert Heffington- produced a scathing description of Rapone in a sworn statement regarding his concerns of having a Marxist cadet. Of course my military career is dead in the water. Join the Truthdig Newsletter for our latest publications. Finally, Heffington gets tired and tries to end the conversation: The conversation continued for approximately fiveminutes, and every single statement or question I had for CDT Rapone was met with a ready and very disrespectful retort. This sickening sycophant (be sure to read about him in our related stories box below) never even went overseas once. NATIONAL GUARD IS A HUGE CESSPOOL OF CORRUPTION THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND ITS TERRITORIES VERY SELDOM DO THE GENERALS PULL INK IN A MAJOR NEWSPAPER FOR THEIR BRAZEN MISCONDUCT, BUT THEY DID THIS TIME. But when you talk to these kids who are signed up, they can tell you very little about the last seventeen years of the war, much less the history of US imperialism around the world. From his various online rantings and posts, it appears that CDT Rapone is an avowed Marxist, which is completely out of line with the values of this nation and its Army. A US Army officer and West Point graduate is on his way out with a less than honorable discharge* after exposing himself as a Communist who does not support the US Constitution. Spenser Rapone was accepted to West Point in 2012, graduated in 2016 and received an other than honorable discharge in June. Army Commie Cadet Gets Promoted to 1LT. I was told I was in this elite unit with elite soldiers. Oh, it just hit me, the military probably considers Communism as a religion and is therefore protected in the military like the Muslim religion. Does anyone remember Army Major Nidal Hasan and the Foot Hood shooting November 5, 2009? This was for a couple reasons. The next time I see you in thisbuilding, youd better be wearing a uniform. Communist ex-Ranger and West Pointer receiving a other than honorable discharge. I proceeded to say Ijust asked a question and l want an answerwho else is yelling in here? At that point CDT Spenser Rapone (the only cadet wearingcivilian clothes), who was seated in the comer of the office, replied (while still seated) by saying, Were in a private conversationhere.. Right now Im starting to wonder what the f***ing f*** is going on because Rampone should be braced at attention and saying yes, sir a lot. In allhonesty, I was waiting for him to simply say, Yes, Sir. He was an honors student, an athlete, a model citizen who volunteered in the community, recalled Altmire, a Democrat. THE MARINE CORPS SHOULD BE DEEPLY ASHAMED FOR RAILROADING AN INNOCENT MAN INTO PRISON! Can you talk about the repercussions afterwards, not only from the military, but the right-wing media, your family, etc.? Can you describe why you decided to say that? The set up is that Heffington is in his office grading papers. As weve seen in the recent past, ideological actors working inside the system such as Edward Snowden can do a tremendous amount of damage to national security. COL. MIKE NO COMBAT COLPO, THE CHAIRBORNE RANGER. On Monday, the Armys 10th Mountain Division accepted the resignation of 2nd Lt. Raponeless than a year after he posted photos of himself at his 2016 graduation, posing in a Che Guevara shirt under his uniform, along with a fist salute to underline a message written in his cap: Communism will win., The photos, which Raponeposted to social media last September, created a fierce backlash, sparked death threats and drew calls from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) to investigate Rapones online writing last fall. The next morning, one of the field-grade officers said to me, So, I hear youre a fan of Colin Kaepernick, and I thought, Oh boy, here we go. Then my chain of command pulled me aside and told me I was under investigation. VOLUME IV: OIG NOW A CO-CONSPIRATOR AGAINST JANE DOE WHEN A CONGRESSIONAL STAFFER INQUIRES, OIGs OFFICE SAID JANE DOE NEVER SENT US A COMPLAINT A WEEK LATER OIG SUDDENLY FINDS MISSING COMPLAINT, BUT ALTERS THE DATE THE COMPLAINT WAS RECEIVED ALL ORCHESTRATED TO PROTECT CULPABLE ARMY OFFICERS TRANSFERRING OUT THE BACKDOOR, DONATIONS ARE WISELY APPLIED, AND DEEPLY APPRECIATED, SPENSER RAPONE RECEIVES OTHER-THAN-HONORABLE DISCHARGE FROM THE ARMY, LT. GEN. KURT SONNTAG LOWERS ARMY TRAINING STANDARDS TO RAISE GRADUATION RATES SOCIETAL DECLINE INSIDIOUSLY OOZES INTO MILITARY, WHICH IS SUBTLY ERODING AMERICAN MILITARY POWER, UNITED STATES NAVY CAPTAIN CHARGED WITH OBSTRUCTION, CONCEALING MATERIAL FACTS, FALSE OFFICIAL STATEMENTS, FALSIFYING OFFICIAL RECORDS NO CHARGES FOR ADULTERY AND CONDUCT UNBECOMING, VADM John S. Disher Abuse of Government Credit Cards & Converting Naval Aircraft into a Family Airline, Capt. The Viet Cong and the Afghan resistance that people in these countries are resisting is the only similarity I can see between the Vietnam era and the current global war on terror. For example, its illegal to have union meetings in the military now. For those who havent seen it, Spenser is at his West Point graduation. To bookmark your favorite articles and follow your favorite authors, please, Now you can personalize your Truthdig experience. Within the military ranks, that was prevalent. He added that its also possible the military academy could seek repayment of the cost of Rapones education because he didnt serve the full five-year service required upon graduation. His expulsion came after a viral tweet showing him clad in uniform, fist raised displaying a hat reading, COMMUNISM WILL WIN. I was always told growing up that the US military [], A journal of theory and strategy published by Jacobin, We Were Terrorizing Some of the Most Exploited People on Earth, Taking Back Left Parties From the Brahmins, Worth Fighting For: An Army Ranger's Journey Out of the Military and Across America, Having America Care About You Is Not Necessarily a Good Thing. That said, we also need to do some de-programming with soldiers I myself had to go through it and its going to take a lot of patience. He also is a supporter of another punk, spoiled millionaire football player Colin Kaepernick whos the current darling of those who follow the likes of Obama and that whining bitch Hillary Clinton. John Nettleton was found guilty of obstructing justice, concealing information, falsifying records and making false statements in connection with the death of Christopher Tur. To tell them that theres more to your skills as a soldier than firing a weapon. Top brass at Fort Drum accepted Rapones resignation Monday after an earlier reprimand for conduct unbecoming of an officer. Rapone said an investigation found he went online to advocate for a socialist revolution and disparage high-ranking officers. If he loves Communism so much, why the hell doesnt he resign his commission and go live in North Korea? Looks like the Commie Cadet is well on his way to become the first Army General who advocates the overthrow of the Youre proof that resistance is still possible within an all-volunteer military, but how do we create more of that? Many other military personnel also tweeted in favor of Kaepernick, although most were supporting free speech, not communism. But we need to find a way to bring them in, create spaces for them to name their experiences, and then use their knowledge and abilities at organizing and working on a team to support emancipatory movements and socialist politics. I didnt expect it to go viral like it did, but I thought maybe I could influence other soldiers. What will it take for the academy to pull down these totems of white supremacy? I was deployed for most of the summer of 2011. After completing Airborne school at Fort Benning, he completed the rigorous Ranger Assessment and Selection Program and was assigned to the the 1st Ranger Battalion in Savannah, Georgia. Can you imagine what would go through your mind if your unit, engaged in combat against Communists (P.S. Hunter Finally Appears in Child Support Case, Judge Blasts Him for Concealing Income, SCOTUS Grants Review of Case That Will Gut the Federal Bureaucracy, Report Reveals Who Pushed Joe Biden to Run for Re-Election, FBI Retracts Image of Man Wrongly Identified as Cleveland, TX Murder Suspect, Other Mistakes Made, Nevada Isn't Blue, It's a Battleground for the Senate in 2024, Former Republican Congressman From Michigan Declares 'Michigan GOP Is Dead'. Spenser Rapone was accepted to West Point in 2012, graduated in 2016 and received an other than honorable discharge in June. One of six children growing up in New Castle, Pennsylvania, Rapone said he applied to West Point, which is tuition-free, because he couldnt afford college. Terms of Use / Privacy Policy / Manage Newsletters, - Mr. Rapone used the social media platform on Wednesday to promote an upcoming Socialism 2018 talk in Chicago titled War Resister in the Ranks., At Socialism 2018 Ill be sitting down with with[sic] Spenser Rapone, the US Army Ranger, Afghan-war combat vet, recent West Point graduate, and now war-resister, who sparked nation-wide fury after publicly supporting Colin Kaepernick and Socialism during his West Point graduation, Rory Fanning, also an ex-Ranger, tweeted Wednesday. He is also a teaching assistant, which gives him a platform to inflict his twisted worldview upon students who might think that if they dont go along, their grades could suffer. One post dated 16 November 2015 states, Fuck this country and its false freedom. He also labels a guest lecturer for MX400 a fascist, and he even implicitly justifies the actions of ISIS and blames the United States for terrorist attacks. Butbecause Rapone had served as an enlisted soldier, he would have received an honorable discharge before becoming an officer, Christensen said. He was nominated out of high school by then-U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire in 2010. There can be only one reason that his social media presence was known to other faculty members and nothing done about it. I soon found myself trying to resolve the contradiction of my future officership. You served under both Obama and Trump. So he goes to the office: There were four cadets in the office, three of whom were inuniform and one in civilian clothes. Note here. An Independent, Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. This May Day, get a Jacobin subscriptionfor just $1 for an entire year. Still, the troubling question remains- how many other Spenser Rapones are in military service, particularly ones who can keep their mouths shut? It was during Rapones 2016 USMA graduation that he posed for photos of himself wearing a Che Guevara shirt under his uniform and the message Communism Will Win pasted inside of his dress cap. It begs the question; can one be a devout Communist and not advocate the overthrow of the Government? I was still idealistic, he said. I figured maybe I could change things from inside.. All rights reserved. He ultimately resigned his commission, and was separated from the Army in June 2018 with an Other Than Honorable discharge.. The United States Army is so impressed with Spenser Rapone, they decided to promote him to first lieutenant. One officer told me that he had had serious misgivings about CDT Rapone for a long time, and he proceeded to show me CDT Rapones Facebook page. In case there was any lingering doubt, hasta la victoria siempre pic.twitter.com/0XrW38wcCk, Commie Bebop? A lot of guys were getting excited at the prospect that we might go into North Korea or possibly Iran. I had to bite my tongue and wait until I was officially reprimanded, which happened in December 2017. You are not allowed to be in an academic building in civilian clothes. As I was sayingthis, I noticed that CDT Rapone was not looking me in the eye. The misunderstood and persecuted young genius shouts truth to power by cobbling together ideas and quotations popping up in chat rooms or on Facebook walls, certain that his provocative and shocking proclamations will, based solely upon their vehemence and sarcasm, demonstrate both the profound sincerity and the unassailable correctness of his viewpoints. Officially, the Army said in a statement only that it conducted a full investigation and appropriate action was taken., An unrepentant Rapone summed up the fallout in yet another tweet Monday that showed him extending a middle finger at a sign at the entrance to Fort Drum, accompanied by the words, One final salute., I consider myself a revolutionary socialist, the 26-year-old Rapone told The Associated Press. This phase tends to be ephemeral, the erstwhile youthful firebrand eventually emerging from the selfadulatory fog after eye-opening encounter with equally brilliant people articulating cogent, well-supported, and entirely contrary arguments, or having gained sufficient life experience to illustrate the fundamental interpretive emptiness that renders any strictly Manichaean worldview emotional unfulfilling and analytical bankrupt. He may at some point grow out of this phase, but the Army does not have the the luxury of allowing him the opportunity to sort out his beliefs while charged with the sacred duty of leading American Soldiers. I say again, this is a sworn statement, something you only go to the trouble of filing when you want punitive action taken against someone. VOLUME VI: NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU DECIDED TO ALLOW ARMY CAPTAIN JOSE MORENO TO RESIGN IN LIEU OF A COURT MARTIAL FOR AN ASSAULT ON A WOMAN AND HER CHILD. At the end of the day, the material effects of US foreign policy are largely the same [between administrations], but when Trump was elected, there was a noticeable shift. Left: Army 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone graduating from West Point in May of 2016. He has also been known to contribute to the left-wing think tank, The Hampton Institute. Bidens misleading deficit claim earns him a Bottomless Pinocchio, Fact-checking Trumps reaction to Bidens reelection announcement. Rapone is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and is serving as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Armys 10th Mountain Division, though he is currently at Ranger School. At, best, Cadet Rapones online ideological screeds reveal the philosophical infatuations of a precocious adolescent, rather like a school boy who cannot stop spouting off about Nietzsche, he wrote in a statement disseminated by SOFREP. He enlisted as an infantryman out of high school in 2010, and deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. He explained that he took the offending selfies at his May 2016 West Point graduation ceremony and kept them to himself until last September, when he tweeted them in solidarity with NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who was taking heat for kneeling for the national anthem to raise awareness of racism. Thats why he richly deserves the nickname NO COMBAT Colpo. His expulsion came after a viral tweet showing him clad in uniform, fist raised displaying a hat reading, COMMUNISM WILL WIN., I was always told growing up that the US military protects the innocent, that we fight for freedom, truth, and justice, Rapone tells Rory Fanning in the following interview. As for Rapone, he is a disgrace to Italian-Americans everywhere. If the former is true, he is dangerously unbalanced, and therefore not suited to military service. I knew there could be repercussions, said Rapone, who is scheduled to speak at a socialism conference in Chicago next month. Their conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity. Who else is yelling? I got no response to my question. Spenser Rapone, 26, became notable a bit faster than most graduates. While Trump himself may be more of a parody-fascist than a fascist, it was as if that election was releasing the forces of a new kind of fascism. Navy Lieutenant a Hero, or Despicable Deserter? There were no red flags of any kind.. The content of this webpage may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of Bright Mountain Media, Inc. which may be contacted at info@brightmountainmedia.com, ticker BMTM. At Socialism 2018 I'll be sitting down with with Spenser Rapone, the US Army Ranger, Afghan-war combat vet, recent West Point graduate, and now war-resister, who sparked nation-wide fury after publicly supporting Colin Kaepernick and Socialism during his West Point graduation. From there I began to realize the issue was a structural phenomenon that one good person cant effect change when the system is inherently wrong. Already on our list? Apparently not. The opening I saw was the one-year anniversary of Colin Kaepernicks protest of police brutality. The content of this webpage may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of Bright Mountain Media, Inc. which may be contacted atinfo@brightmountainmedia.com, tickerBMTM. Why? Id have to find a way out somehow. His other than honorable discharge, which is highly unusual for a West Point graduate in a circumstance such as this, also may block him from many veterans benefits despite his years of service, including in combat. - What would you tell these kids who are looking for an education, looking for a way out of poverty, about the military? He can pay back the U.S. taxpayer for fraud, then grab the next space-available flight to Seoul, Korea. At worst, however, Cadet Rapones statements bespeak either a severe mental or psychological disorder, or a genuine commitment to values and ideals wholly at odds with those of West Point and the Army, he added. Or at the very least, Id be able to remove myself from the army and find a way to talk about my experiences in some type of antiwar movement. He explained that he took the offending selfies at his May 2016 West Point graduation ceremony and kept them to himself until last September, when he tweeted them in solidarity with NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who was taking heat for kneeling for the national anthem to raise awareness of racism. I apologize., A cadet telling a lieutenant colonel to FOAD? Robert Heffington, a former lieutenant colonel and West Point instructor who met Mr. Rapone, told the website that his online ideological screeds reveal the philosophical infatuations of a precocious adolescent in a best-case scenario. WebSpenser Rapone, a former US Army Ranger and Infantry Officer, was kicked out of the military for posting a photo of himself at his West Point graduation ceremony with an antiwar sign under his hat. At that time, I had some idea of what US imperialism constituted from my own experiences, but I didnt have a political education, which is crucial to understanding these things. Rapones discharge will place him in a situation where he will not be entitled to VA benefits and he may have to reimburse the US Government for his time at West Point. Rapone was an enlisted man who served briefly in 1st Ranger Battalion, was, according to reports, booted out of that unit, applied for a West Point appointment via the Military Academy Prep School from former Democrat Congressman Jason Altmire, graduated West Point and was commissioned in 2016. In addition to classic socialist theorists such as Karl Marx, Rapone says he found inspiration in the writings of Stan Goff, a retired Special Forces master sergeant who became a socialist anti-war activist. In a good case for why military officers should stay off social media (if they want to accomplish their goals, anyway), 2LT Spenser Rapone is getting the boot from the US Army after he posted graduation photos of himself wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt under his uniform and wrote communism will win on the inside of his cap. I figured this was the least I could do if I was serious about my own beliefs. Spenser Rapone is under investigation after tweeting photos of himself support communism while in uniform. Copyright 2023 PopularMilitary | All Rights Reserved. SO PROUD ARE THEY OF HIS DESPICABLE BEHAVIOR, THE ARMY DECIDED TO REWARD CPT MORENO WITH AN HONORABLE DISCHARGE. Plus, Colin Kaepernick risked his career to support a cause. 1. knightro2323 6 yr. ago. Whether youre on the front lines or not, youre still complicit in the killing of other human beings and the pursuit of US foreign policy. MAJOR CLARENCE ANDERSON FILES MASSIVE FEDERAL LAWSUIT AGAINST THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE. Within that time period, Marco Rubio wrote a letter to the acting secretary of the army, Ryan McCarthy. Spenser Rapone tells how he discovered that the military he joined wasn't what Hollywood and commercials had made it out to be. He would be a sure bet to get a promotion there. Indeed,this is not the first time l have corrected CDT Rapone for ridiculously unprofessional behavior. Copyright 2023 RedState.com/Salem Media. And those views only hardened during his studies of history as one of the academys Long Gray Line.. This May Day, consider getting (or gifting) a subscription at a discounted price of $1 for a yearlong digitalsubscription,and $10 for print. I tried to submit a conditional resignation, saying I wanted to leave, and asked for a general discharge. We have one of the most technologically advanced militaries of all time and all we were doing is brutalizing and invading and terrorizing a population that had nothing to do with what the United States claimed was a threat.. Rapone said his journey to communism grew out of his experiences as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan before he was accepted into the U.S. Military Academy. One of six children growing up in New Castle, Pennsylvania, Rapone said he applied to West Point, which is tuition-free, because he couldnt afford college. He explained that he took the offending selfies at his May 2016 West Point graduation ceremony and kept them to himself until last September, when he tweeted them in solidarity with NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who was taking heat for kneeling for the national anthem to raise awareness of racism. Spenser Rapone was accepted to West Point in 2012, graduated in 2016 and received an other than honorable discharge in June. A West Point grad wrote Communism will win in his cap. I have told him to get haircuts in the past, and I know other officers have,as well. here for reprint permission. The United States Army is so impressed with Spenser Rapone, they decided to promote him to first lieutenant. So I decided to enlist as an infantryman out of high school. (@punkproletarian) September 25, 2017. Toward the end of his deployment, he learned West Point fulfills a certain quota of enlisted soldiers every year. Less than a year after Rapones images drew a firestorm of vitriol and even death threats, the second lieutenant who became known as the commie cadet is officially out of the U.S. Army with an other-than-honorable discharge. A number of readers have sent us links to Gateway Pundit and LawNewz in regards to this fellow Spenser Rapone, who, as a USMA cadet posed with items supporting communism and expressed support for k Rapone could not be reached for comment. In another, he raises his fist and flips over his cap to reveal the hand-scrawled message: Communism will win.. Yes, there were attempts to create military labor unions. If we reach them and can tell them that none of these people who sing your praises now really care about you outside of serving their own political interests, thats critical. In addition to classic socialist theorists such as Karl Marx, Rapone says he found inspiration in the writings of Stan Goff, a retired Special Forces master sergeant who became a socialist anti-war activist. None of that really matters because it is obvious that Rapone and the faculty thought Rapone was immune from any kind of serious disciplinary action. Well, he certainly took that to heart, didnt he. Rapone said his journey to communism grew out of his experiences as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan before he was accepted into the U.S. Military Academy. And those views only hardened during his studies of history as one of Who Was Protecting the Commie West Point Graduate And Why. Even if they decide to join, at least theyll be armed with some degree of critical thinking. Of course my military career is dead in the water. here for reprint permission. We also had the Viet Cong resisting. Ten thousand students are enrolled in the program; 55 percent are black, 40 percent are Latinx. During the Vietnam War era, we had hundreds of union meetings happening within the rank and file of the military on a daily basis. That conditions you to think a certain way about the world, about whats morally right and ethical. PUNK 2LT SPENCER RAPONE PROMOTES HIS PRO-COMMUNIST SYMPATHIES IN TWITTER DISPATCH MEMBER OF USMAS CLASS OF 2016 DISGRACES UNIFORM AND MEMORY OF OUR FALLEN DEAD NOW WITH 10TH MOUNTAIN DIV., THE SCUM ALSO SUPPORTS LEFTIST FOOTBALL PLAYER COLIN KAEPERNICK IN DISRESPECTING OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM THIS DIRTBAG EVEN MAKES RETIRED COL. MIKE NO COMBAT COLPO (USMA 78) LOOK LIKE RAMBO, West Point was once a place of honor and pride. Operating under the twitter handle punkproletarian, Rapone supports various extreme left-wing ideologies, including more violent fringe groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

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