
I dont really play Hunter because I am the epitome of the term Huntard, at least not in the way Agio explained. Stringing attack sequences together into a macro is never a good thing, as it can never compare with a Hunters ability to manually make decisions and adjust on the fly. Random companion pet macro; All warrior shouts in one button macro; Mouseover disenchant; Ice Floes and Frostfire Bolt; . /cast !Auto Shot /castsequence - casts spells in a determined order. /use 14 Here are some of the basic commands used when scripting macros: /target - target an enemy, friendly player or npc. /cast Hunters Mark /use [mod:shift,@focus,harm][@mouseover,harm][]Scare Beast. Hope they help! GoGo Mount is great and fully compatible with 3.2. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 was very very usefull the item # listing as an engeneer ive always made a use glove macro built into my haste cds and always flipped macros pve to pvp cause of the different gloves.have to say after 400+days played on my hunter and looking at A LOT of macro sites over the years that this is the best ive seen since BRKs site during BC. You cant auto attack while moving, if thats what youre asking. mainly for dungeons rather than having to click tab then 2 for every target. Anyway, hope it was useful. I was planning a mention of that macro, along with some other additions. To close the window, click "Exit", or just press Escape. Both. The way the macros laid out, it will always attempt to fire KC, but if your pet is out-of-range of its target, then Arcane would fire. /use charge If you do not have a focus: You will focus on your target and your pet will be sent to attack it. This macro requires a Beast Mastery specialization with the Bestial Wrath talent learned. /cast Wing Clip. Second, are you playing in the Burning Crusade expansion? Another combat text AddOn with a minimalistic look. been a classic theorycrafter and enthusiast for many years. other channeled spell that you wish to spam. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), so i didnt look through all of this yet and this kind of macro might be in here already but if not could you help me out? Awesome macro basics!! I think they are great, I copied the all in one pet macro. IMPORTANT*** For some reason the above freezing macro instantly triggers/procs my lock&load. This allows for a quick target switching silence. /petattack [@focus,exists] /cast fox ability play. I didnt see a macro collection for hunters like this before. /use - use a consumable or item. /cast [modifier:ctrl] Masters Call; [modifier:shift] Detterance, [modifier:alt] Feign Death; Disengage. This can be use with any rotational ability. Not a huge difference, but as far as DPS is concerned, more is always better. /cast [mod:shift] Aspect of the Hawk /cast cobra shot Why? MACROS AND FULL GUIDE FOR 7.3.2 MARKSMANSHIP. example, you can easily configure the nameplates to enlarge and change color #showtooltip Binding Shot This one little macro will equip all of your fishing gear, apply a lure to your pole and even cast it. I ask for, because i got a macro for my feral , there where many cast writing down , and i only need to hit this one button again and again. Ill try to add a few more when I get a chance. /cast roar of courage Hunters Mark will work in a macro when combined with any abilities or commands not on the GCD. Alternatively, the following macro does the same as above but without Mend Pet. I was wondering how you do binds where you can do two thinks at once. Thanks! They have always been able to fit me in for a same-day appointment any time I have a concern about any of my animals, no matter what. I havent tried the Volley one yet, but it looks promising. Hope that helps make some sense of things. /use Deadly Gladiators Chain Gauntlets Heyy ..Nice job your doin here ^^ First off, the macro operates mainly off of mouseover targets; however, it will use your current target if you do not have a mouseover selected. #showtooltip *Shot/Sting Name* Aimed Shot (For when using Flare Macro with Track Hidden) - This will turn on Track Humanoids (for Improved Tracking), Remove Blessing of Protection or Detterence to become able to shoot and fire Aimed shot. /cast [nocombat]Aspect of the Dragonhawk. /cast Wing Clip Or, if it doesnt, is there a way to show which one is currently active? Let me just say, that i have planned on taminh a chimaera (im BM) which sure you all know has the ability called frostbreath. Quick question: I constantly switch between Aspect of Cheetah/Hawk for moving between fights and fighting. Thats when things start to get rough. wuld it be possible to get a macro for pvp to do this hmm..How much max can a bm hunter pet crit? 2. Sets up your pets growl/cower based on being in a group, and changes gear sets (blues/greens cheap repair for soloing, and best gear for raiding). uses Primary Talents One or the other, never both, and without apparent reason to which its deciding to work with. Youre most welcome, Daybreak10. /castsequence dismiss pet, Thanks again. Most of us are macroing kill command and silencing shot into other shots since they are off the gcd. If we play good we can kill an enemy target while bw is up. I am very new to macro writing (but have played WoW with differing degrees of seriousness for nearly 5 years) and this may therefore be a dumb question. /petattack [@targettarget, noexists]; I have tried this several ways and no matter how i macro it hunters mark will not work macroed in with anything else. erase intimidation if it doesnt work for you( its my own secret formula) WOOOT! This Addon allows you to set up text assignments that are displayed to A collection of useful tools bundled in a single AddOn, offering statistics All ive come up with is either not changing targets at all, or contiuosly changing targets every time i press the macro even though my first target was still alive. You should be good to go. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). Q: How many different macros do I need? For I would like to set up the hunters mark/pet attack macro to involve two pushes of the button allowing me to mark the nearest target on the first press of the button and send my pet in on the second. Click click again you get targeting circle and place and send. (It will fail here if the focus' target is you.) /target [@focustarget, exists, harm, nodead] your current target. i tryed this: /cast Auto Shot Hi, seems to be Macros wont work as usual in BfA, any updates? #showtooltip Explosive Trap Serpent is one of those shots youd want to use situationally with Concussive, e.g., you wouldnt want to DoT a target you were about to trap. Great job, keep up the good work! Also, NEVER use Arcane Shot if you are specced SV. and then add aspect of the hawk to all of your other shots like this: #showtooltip Aimed Shot addition to my weekly read! Example Bar 1 (AB=actionbar): Id deleted them several times, but it seems as if you have to actually go to the code level to truly remove them. All of my spec-specific abilities alternate on the same keys. Command Pet with mouseover Guides UI and Macro Vinex-blood-furnaceJune 20, 2019, 9:04pm #1 I'm trying to create a mouseover macro for my pet to attack a mouseover target but none of my standard variations work, any idea if this is possible? Many thanks for this useful post, i want to let you know that i very noob at macros,thats why i have a question Unless youre using Track Hidden, the damage bonus will apply to all mob types as long as youre tracking one of the listed mob types. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 if any Aspect exists like Cheetah, it will not cast Hawk. /petpassive [target=mouseover, noexists] (again, doens't matter if you check the color the the targets shoulder armor, result is pet comes to you if no mouseover) Again would use keybind for petpassive, but you have to remember to turn it back off in your attack macro. I think to try and overcome a cool down. ) Can anyone tell me why this doesnt work? Code: #showtooltip /petattack [target=pettarget,noexists] /petfollow [target=pettarget,exists] . /cast [@focus, harm, modifier:shift]Scatter Shot;[@focus, harm, nomod]Silencing Shot; That should work, servers are down and I cant test it, but it should work properly. /cast !Auto Shot Awesome site bro!! hey i play most pvp and atm patch 3.3.5 In pvp its great because you can CC your comrades foe while stil dpsing your target, by just a mouse over(uber sweet) /cast [mod:shift] Aspect of the Cheetah. For example, I learned that in order for my macro to not target and skip dead player corpses, I have to add [noharm] and [noexists] thanks! Looking for anything that will help me in PVP, I am really bad. SV Hunter, been around for a while, yet dont use macros as I like to be in control Nevertheless, youve provided some great macros that I WILL use, particularly the PvP ones. /use Master Healing Potion. /castsequence Cobra Shot That will throw a Hunters Mark up on your tanks target, send your pet in, and begin your autoattack. great macros btw cheers . /cast [@pet,exists] Misdirection /cast Arcane Shot. Youll just have to remember to use the shift:mod for one of your specs when youre calling your pet. A downside to the latter is that you may have to retrain your fingers a bit if you're accustomed to using your Pet Attack key to make your pet switch targets. /cast Thunderstomp . Awesome man! i m not very fit in writing macros, only short ones. Send Pet to Attack. wont work, and i dont get why. Could you explain why you use the [noharm] [dead] conditionals. Trying to male a melee micro, everytime I try to cast it says you arent in a party /cast Chimera Shot, /cast !Aspect of the Hawk /cast [nocombat,nomounted]Aspect of the Viper Use /s if you want to make it more subtle, but its supposed to be over-the-top and cheesy. You have a shot priority that you need to follow, which for you is: Kill Shot If not, it works like normal Living Bomb. targetenemy 1 will select the next closest target to the right, and -1 to the left. Glad you like my mount macro; I have so many fun mounts it seems a shame not to use a variety of them. If you haven't got a focus set, it will misdirect to your pet instead. Sometimes sound might disable itself (I found it has due to binding it to a mouse wheel and casting a sequence) but you may want it to play sound, if you put in: Do you think it works and if it does can you help me typing in the macro?=), /petattack Now, to add hawk and cheetah into one macro, along with hunters mark and pet attack, it would look like this: /cast Hunters Mark Im planning on adding a few SV and MM macros to the mix. and same kind for explosive shot but it would need change it back to aspect of the hawk. No problem, you dont have to change a thing. /targetenemy .. what am i doing wrong? I think it is your posting number 155 above i was looking at. Choose between the General and Character-specific macro tabs. I tried putting in [noexists] before casting Hawk, but all Aspects are treated as one existing item, i.e. I dont use that personally, but I could see where it would be a benefit. /cast Dive. Steady Shot. /petattack helpful for classes with executes. So far: Has the usage of Misdirect changed or is it bugged? Though harder to master, *far* superior DPS can be achieved by careful placement of the most used abilities on the action bar and the practise of a basic rotation. If your mouse is not targeting someone, it will cast Counterspell on your . /use [combat] !Aspect of the Hawk Hunters Mark begins the GCD. If you dont want that to happen, just dont use that line. #showtooltip Hunters Mark Gar- thanks for all the help with these fine Macros I just stand there with my sword out. So what i want to know is for the follwing shots in a row: Snakebite > chimera shot > steady shot > steady shot > arcane shot > arcane shoot > and than from postion 2 again with chimera shot. When multi-dotting, cleaving or moving it can be of great importance to quickly switch between targets. Thanks Gar, /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), Also i want to thank you for the gun show macro, i just cant stop playing with it at random places hahah just lots of fun!!! Can u put serpent sting and widow venom together and can maybe add multi- shot. I use those conditions because of how Macro logic works: 1) When you string conditions in a single bracket, you are calling an AND condition. Replace Immolate with any spell that you want if you desire. You will aslo find the Tranq shot will not fire if you have a focus target but it isnt in range. it says it give an amount equal to 100% of your total mana. Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. In this case, youll get your trinket + Rapid Fire + Rabid + Stampede, but since Stampede, DB, AMoC and CS all share the GCD, only the first one will go off which is Stampede. Thanks for sharing! #showtooltip Explosive Shot If you want to have more control over your trinkets, as would be the case with a PvP trinket, you can make simple macros such as these: The nice thing about these macros is that theyll show you which trinket you actually have equipped. I had to d/l a 3rd party utility in order to work-around Macs way of doing things, which is to package all that extra goop in the additional folder. Ive searched for this a long time. find ?ut more? First of all, AWESOME tips for macros, helped my PvP a lot :D. The first 2 lines work, but it doesnt go back into AotH. Can anyone help me how that macro should look like? in lets say furious gear.fully Procd..Any idea/? /userandom [target=target, exists] Mongoose Bite The following are a few other macros that I use not necessarily hunter-specific that make little tasks in WoW just a bit easier. #show volley Now I use them all the time. But sometimes they kill my shaman is 3 seconds. I love the wing clip+disengage one as well, and thought an ice trap at the end would be awesome for slowing any persistent mobs. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click "Okay.". /cast freezing trap If you already have a Focus target and want to change to another friendly target, hold down Shift and press/click macro while targeting the new target. Welcome to our Macros guide for Warlocks where you will find out what the best Many thanks! Ooops my notation for any mount was blanked out because I used angle brackets around it. Sometimes I call pet only in the arena (they cant see the BM buff). Screw the useful macrosthe gun show will be the first one I add next time I log in.that is just classic. Garwulf, Id say most of them. mouseover if available, otherwise on current target. I decided to go back to WoW and roll a hunter, and these macros are amazingly useful! What kind of macro would you recommend including scatter shot and immolation trap?im glad that I found huntsmanlodgeits awesome and ive learn a lot about macros from you,GarwulfHunter become my favourite caracterTnx. 15 = back /cast !Aspect of the Hawk Many people also rushed to the comments section to share their opinions on the hilarious footage and the dog's quick reactions. Sorry for the rant though ^^. Way to go! /cast !Aspect of the Monkey (if you dont have Dragonhawk) /petattack. Thanks . /cast [nopet,nomod] Call Pet 3 Unforunately you cant set up a macro to do the things you want. If I figure some creative way to do this, Ill post it, but my previous efforts led to macros that I just didnt find all that useful. . /petattack Hunters are often early targets and its good to have protection as often as its up. in front of the various mounting macros. /cast Hunters Mark Theres no way to get your macro to work as intended without a modifier key. /castsequence [button:1] Aspect of the Dragonhawk, Aspect of the Viper Which ever trinket is located in that equipment slot, will be the one thats used in the macro. Looking for a simple way to macro jump in with disengage to increase distance. Otherwise, call pet in stable slot 1. If you right click, you will cast Call Pet if he's alive but not out, Feed Pet if he's by your side, and if you hold SHIFT or ALT, it will cast Dismiss Pet. I tend to just drop the other 2 but like to launch those I mentioned into a fracas. /dismount [mounted] (and by /use not /Cast, aspects wont go off if it is allready on same aspect). Another possibility is that although Disengage no longer needs a target, you still need to be in combat. Hunter's Mark will be cast on the target. /dismount [mounted,noflying] Just spam whichever instant cast you want to use after you hit this macro, ie: Conc Shot, Aimed, Arcane, Wyvern, etc. /cast Hunters Mark hea great marcos gar, great site, keep up the good work. I have tried messing about with it but cant seem to get it to work.. any guidance? Best Damn WoW Hunter Macro Collection on the Web The newest /cast *Shot/Sting Name*, I like to include mend pet at the beginning of my castsequence macros that involve pet contribution. I just started a Rogue. I like using this while Im on the run. Perhaps I should have mentioned, that I use Dominos and wish to keep doing so for now ;o) Been drooling a bit over Macaroon, but I have a good thing going with Dominos: Easy/comfortable use, easy setup/design and very easy keybindings just no support for dual-spec, yet. Thats the only way. The reason its best to have the trinket before the attack is so that your attack will benefit from the buff, rather than cast the attack then use the trinket. great out of the box, requiring little to no setup at all, which is a plus In a macro, you could use something like: I havent tested it, but in theory, you will select the mob to the right unless you hit a modifier button (shift/mod/alt) to move left. Im pretty sure this is how all the abilities work when they proc and light up. The equivalent Steady Shot or Cobra Shot is as follows: #showtooltip Steady Shot (This line is replaced with Cobra Shot) /cast Pin Heres a quick explanation. Thanks for your reply Garwulf.. that website greatly helped!! alternative that allows you to heavily customize your scrolling combat text. /cast [@focus,help][@focustarget,help][@target,help][@targettarget,help][@pet,nodead,exists] Misdirection. Come visit my site, I made an attempt at performing a little bit of search engine optimisation but it didnt actually work though The downside of this is youll be spamming yourself and your party with the aspect emote constantly. 2- if i have a mouseover on another enemy, it should use the spell or ability or the mouseover enemy example, i have rebuke, i can interrupt the current enemy if i have no mouseover, however if i choose to interrupt the caster next to it, i should be able to do so without macro failing and using the ability on the current target. Below are examples of useful macros; you can adapt them for whatever spell you deem fit. Privacy Policy. I understand why you want to use KC if its available, its a kickass ability and is never affected by RNG, it hits the same sledgehammer blow every time. _____________________________________________________, #showtooltip Cobra Shot /cast Multi-Shot Therefore, when one German Shephard saw his owner appearing to be attacked by a vacuum cleaner, the pet of course decided to step in. It proced every time I tested it. So even if Stampede went off, and I pressed the macro 1.5 seconds later, it gets stuck trying to do Stampede again instead of the next one down the line? Also, I think you might enjoy /targetenemyplayer more as it will target a player and not his pet. Thanks! Another thing thats going to help your pet out a lot is resilience. First tap primes the launcher, 2nd tap launches the ground targeting Now the main target is the weapon. but i cant disengage is this a bug or something im doing wrong, these are the macros i use for assist and misdirection, /assist [target=focus,help,nodead] focus; [target=pet, exists] playerpet /cast [@target,exists] Rocket Barrage #yes, Im a Goblin! This macro will command your pet to use its Claw ability on its current target everytime you want to use Scourge Strike. Yeah it was wierd, because it worked maybe twice for me with shift pressed. By default, thats the one it will try to call. I make sure I have a way of quickly canceling out both of these spells if necessary, in the event that I need to cast a crucial ability against a target. /petfollow but so do addons, for which reason we recommend that you also read our Warlock Addons I think it was when you shot kill shot you can type in Auto Shot in it and it did shot a kill shot plus auta shot and it wasent on the Auto Shot cooldown.

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